Gu's mother thought about it and worried about him: "I can't control you. If Huahua accepts you, we won't say anything. If you are afraid, you are afraid..."

Gu Jianchen followed her words: "Afraid that my bamboo basket will be empty? She also told me this today, and she really doesn't have this intention at the moment. I just take a good position by her side first, and wait until she changes her mind." I hope she sees me first."

Gu's mother clicked her tongue twice: "Old Gu, I didn't expect your son to be a lover."

Gu's father came over and said a few words: "You have a good vision, such a good girl. Since you have made up your mind, your mother and I will not say anything. This is your own choice. Even if you can't succeed in the future, you will We have to accept the result."

Gu Jianchen: "Of course, I understand what you mean. Even if we don't get together in the end, it's my own choice and has nothing to do with her."

Gu's mother shook her head: "Poor son, I guess your love life is bumpy, and there is basically no hope for this."

But let her say give up, she can't do it, after all, she also likes Jiang Chan, okay?

Papa Gu: "Where is the ups and downs? He just has hot hair, but it's normal for a girl as good as Jiang Chan to be liked. I heard that there are many young people of the right age in the compound, and you are very competitive. "

Gu Jianchen pursed his lips and was extremely confident: "Those are not problems, Xiao Chan doesn't like that. People who are not clean and self-conscious, how can she give him a chance?"

Papa Gu paused: "Okay, you are the one who decides the major events in your life, it's getting late, you should go to bed early."

Jiang Chan naturally didn't know that Gu Jianchen had already had a showdown with his parents. She was leaning against the car window and fell asleep. Of course, the nap was fake, and her mind was still running at high speed.

As for what Gu Jianchen said to her today, she had long forgotten about it. Her attitude is already very clear, if Gu Jianchen still insists on liking her, it's Gu Jianchen's own business, at least for now she won't give any response.

Although it was a rest, Jiang Chan was not idle at home. I have to go out for morning exercises every morning, and when I come back from morning exercises, I hold those big tomes and chew on them. From time to time, I tapped on my notebook again.

Every time she sat in front of the notebook, Jiang Jingyuan and Li Shu would take a detour wisely, and really didn't want to experience this kind of IQ dimensionality reduction blow again.

Jiang Jingyuan: "At any rate, I also graduated heavily, but every time I see her, I feel that all these years of reading have been wasted. Really, seeing her makes me feel a lot shorter."

Li Shu also smiled: "I feel the same way, that is to say, Rong Yu has a big heart, so he just leans towards Huahua's side without hesitation."

The sister-in-law was biting their ears, and Qin Wen'an was sitting on the side holding a cup of tea, raising his eyes to look at Jiang Chan from time to time, with a warm smile in his eyes.

Although Jiang Chan was facing these books at home, as long as he saw her, he felt satisfied. Sometimes he wonders, is the life in front of him real?

In fact, over the past ten years or so, he and Jiang Jingyuan have been tortured to the point of fear that it will be a sweet dream when they wake up.

"Dad is still dreaming recently? It's been almost two years since I came back, and you and Mom still don't have a sense of reality?"

Jiang Chan can still tell what Qin Wen'an is thinking, is this her own father? Of course, she prefers getting along with Qin Wen'an compared to her own mother, because Qin Wen'an can see her heart better.

Sometimes it's hard to meet someone who understands you well. Qing Yuan was one, and so is Qin Wen'an now.

Qin Wen'an: "This kind of life is so happy, I feel a little unreal about being happy. But every time we see you, we know that you are really by our side."

Jiang Chan: "It seems that I'm always away. Dad misses me. Don't worry, I will stay at home more this time. I'm sure you and Mom will get tired of seeing it."

Jiang Jingyuan sat down behind her and stroked her hair affectionately: "That's not true, no matter how you look at it, you won't get tired of it. How can you get tired of facing such a face?"

Jiang Chan: "I don't only have a face, can't mom see my inner self?"

Jiang Jingyuan smiled and leaned on her shoulder: "Of course, we, Huahua, are both internal and external. We have both splendid talent, fairy looks, and a soft heart."

Jiang Chan nodded her head: "I don't know who it was at the beginning, but said I was cruel."

Jiang Jingyuan acted like a baby to her: "I was wrong, please forgive me... Huahua..."

Jiang Chan trembled: "You are still acting like a spoiled child to me, where is the person you are acting like a spoiled child?"

Jiang Jingyuan was confident: "My daughter is not a coquettish, I can only change course. Didn't you realize that you have no resistance to other people's coquettishness?"

Jiang Chan: "That's not necessarily the case. If it's not someone who cares, who cares if she's crying or fussing?"

This is her own mother. If someone else is so close and coquettish with her, let's see if Jiang Chan doesn't beat him up.

Qin Wen'an came to rescue Jiang Chan: "By the way, your grandfather has already written all the invitations for your birthday party, and you need to send them to those friends you have made. It just so happens that you also take this opportunity to go out for a walk." .”

"I, your mother, and your aunt worry about the interpersonal relationships of other families. You just need to wait for the birthday party with peace of mind."

Jiang Chan flicked the invitation: "I haven't seen Aunt Mo's family for almost a year, UU Reading I don't know if they have time to come this time."

Jiang Jingyuan: "Your Aunt Mo called me in the morning, knowing that your birthday is approaching, she and your Uncle Mo will fly over with their children. Lao and Lao Shi and his wife came together."

Jiang Chan was surprised: "Really? Aunt Mo didn't even call me."

Jiang Jingyuan: "Isn't she worried that you are busy? Who made you stay away from home for a few months when you were doing research? It is not easy for others to find you."

Jiang Chan: "Blame me. When people are working hard, it is inevitable that they can't take care of the people around them. And we are far away, unlike in the past, Yiang can meet at any time."

Qin Wen'an: "If you want, you can settle them down in the capital. They will be closer to you in the future."

Jiang Chan was very moved, but still hesitated: "They have been operating in their hometown for so many years, and it is not fair to them to let them come to the capital now."

"Sometimes, life is like this. No one will accompany anyone to the end, and everyone will leave after walking."

Jiang Chan sighed, and Jiang Jingyuan rubbed her head, knowing that she was reluctant to part with those relatives and friends in her hometown. This is not bad for her, at least she will stay in the capital after a few quiet days, and she can still have a few close friends by her side.

It seems that many people have left their hometowns and are unaccompanied in a huge city. The feeling of loneliness and wandering is even more uncomfortable.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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