The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2809: Golden Harvest Fourteen

"That's what you think. Chen Yuanyuan is now a small secretary in Fang Qin's secretary's office. To be honest, she has very limited work to do. She serves tea, water, and prints documents every day. No one dares to entrust her with important tasks."

"I have opened my eyes to the fact that a person can be so mediocre. Mediocrity is never a mistake, but it is not right to work hard without knowing your own inadequacy."

Qi Jiahe: "That's true. Chen Yuanyuan's goal is to become a rich wife, but not everyone can be a rich wife. Those rich wives who can be brought out, which one has no ability?"

"She can either be a helper for her husband in his career, or help him handle interpersonal relationships, or have a strong support from her natal family behind her. What does Chen Yuanyuan have?"

"Actually, looking at it like this, I think Fang Qin seems to have given up on Chen Haojie. Now he is looking for a wife that he can control, and he will not be afraid of others in the future."

Jiang Chan: "What time is it? They still engage in arranged marriages. Fang Qin's plan is not for Chen Haojie, but for herself."

"Besides, she has a new family now, and Chen Haojie has a criminal record. He is still the eldest grandson of the Chen family. Even if she is disciplined, she won't be able to do it. Chen Boyuan is still there."

Qi Jiahe's eyes sparkled brightly: "Is the Chen family particularly lively? Without Fang Qin, will Chen Boyuan be kicked out by Chen Zhongda and Li Xinghu?"

"That's natural. Not long after their divorce, Chen Boyuan was forced to step down. Now the Chen family is in charge of Chen Zhongda. Compared with Chen Boyuan, Chen Zhongda is undoubtedly more capable."

"Of course, Chen Zhongda's reputation in the business world is not very good. Although Chen Boyuan is mediocre, he is kind. Chen Zhongda is different. This person is a bit unscrupulous in his actions."

Qi Jiahe: "You don't seem to be optimistic about him?"

Jiang Chan: "Chen Zhongda has made a lot of enemies in the past two years. Unless he maintains the current momentum, once the Chen family has twists and turns, there will be many people who will fall into trouble."

"Of course I don't like Chen Boyuan, but at least Chen Boyuan has no problem keeping things in order. As for Chen Boyuan, although he is narrow-minded towards his wife, he still has a bottom line in major matters."

"Before, with Fang Qin's help, Chen Boyuan was able to suppress Chen Zhongda and Li Xinghu. Now that Chen Boyuan has stepped down, the behavior of these two people is even more rampant. Just wait and see, the Chen family will not be proud for long."

Qi Jiahe: "Then I'll just wait and see the result. I'm going to go to City T tomorrow. For the company, why don't you go and help me, Comrade Old Qi?"

Qi Hongbo quickly waved his hands: "I'm not going, I've been retired for more than two years, and I'm not familiar with company affairs for a long time. Isn't online office very popular now? As long as there is a computer, where can't I work?"

Qi Jiahe sighed pretendingly: "Okay, another day of failed abduction. Comrade Qi, you are only 47, and Fang Qin already has a baby from her second marriage, so you didn't think about finding another one?"

"Old Qi of our family, if you want to have good looks, good temperament, everything is top-notch. It's a pity to be alone like this."

Qi Hongbo was silent for a while: "Your mother is a very important existence in my heart. I have given her all the love in my life. I am used to living alone for so many years, and I am worried that if I have a new family, I will forget about **. *What about the face?"...

Jiang Chan didn't interrupt her family affairs, but she also felt that it was a pity that Qi Hongbo was so single. Those who have passed away have left, and those who remain will continue to live.

Jiang Chan agrees with Qi Jiahe's opinion, that is to let Qi Hongbo form another family. Instead of letting others take care of Qi Hongbo, the two of them keep each other company, which saves Qi Hongbo from being alone.

No matter how much children do, they will not be able to catch up with their partners.

Qi Jiahe: "Aren't there still many photos of my mother at home? If we miss her, we can just look at the photos. Mom has passed away for 20 years, and you should have your own life. I believe that if Mom sees you It must be unbearable for such a person to be alone."

Qi Hongbo scolded with a smile: "Are you still worrying about my affairs? You should take care of yourself first. This time

Go to T city, I can't follow you, you have to face everything by yourself. "

Qi Jiahe knew that Qi Hongbo was changing the subject, so she sighed helplessly: "Okay, I won't talk about this anymore. You see, you usually go out for a walk and relax more, and you always hang out with a group of seventy or so in the community. Isn’t it too pitiful for old men who are 10 years old to go fishing?”

Qi Hongbo proudly said, "You don't understand this, do you? I can live a good life before I reach seventy. Those old men don't know how much they envy me. What's more important is my daughter's future. .”

Qi Jiahe felt uncomfortable: "That's what the teacher did, not me."

Qi Hongbo: "So you have to work harder, don't ask you to be like your teacher, half of it must be there, right? Don't let your teacher make such a big fortune and finally fall into your hands."

Qi Jiahe immediately said as if he had been beaten with chicken blood: "I will definitely work hard!"

Jiang Chan just watched Qi Hongbo beat Qi Jiahe, UU Reading How else can I say that **** is still old and spicy? Although Qi Jiahe has experienced a lifetime, but compared to an old fox like Qi Hongbo, his experience is really too shallow.

After a few words, Qi Hongbo diverted them to other topics. He forgot what he wanted to say at first, but now he was thinking about working hard.

As he wished to change the topic, Qi Hongbo smiled slightly. The daughter is still the same girl, although she is usually very smart, he still has a way to deal with it. After she learns from Jiang Chan for a while, it will not be so easy.

Qi Hongbo's hard work is still useful, at least Qi Jiahe studied hard in the space the night before, and that hard work is comparable to a senior high school student.

Because he was going to T City today, Qi Jiahe never went to the company. At this moment, special assistant Lin Lan was already waiting in the living room.

"Director Qi, the business over there in city t actually doesn't require you to go there in person."

While driving, Lin Lan suddenly said this. Yesterday, Qi Jiahe's news was notified very suddenly, and she was still feeling a little bit gooey at the moment, the list over there in T city is not too big, so why should Qi Jiahe go there in person?

Qi Jiahe: "I have other things to do in city t this time. After meeting the client, we will stay in city t for one more day. I want to meet old friends."

Lin Lan responded: "Okay! Do you want me to go with you?"

Qi Jiahe: "No, you've worked hard these past few years, take advantage of this trip to relax a bit. When we return to City G, we'll have to work overtime every day.".

Zi Yue and Shi Yun

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