The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2814: Golden Harvest Nineteen

When the two were talking, Mr. Wu also came back to his senses at this moment: "Okay, that's great! A few strokes have outlined the scene of the tree wanting to be quiet but the wind is not stopping, okay!"

"Which artist's work is this? Ling Ling? Where have you heard this name?"

Ling Ling walked to Elder Wu: "It's my honor to be praised by Elder Wu so much."

Mr. Wu glanced at her: "It's you, little girl. At the beginning, I said that you have spirituality, but now you have really made a name for yourself. Do you know Xiao Qi?"

Ling Ling is generous: "I met him once, but I don't know his name. Hello, I'm Ling Ling."

Qi Hongbo could hold back on his face: "I'm Qi Hongbo, nice to meet you. So you are a participating artist?"

Ling Ling: "That's right, but I'm not a painter right now. I still have a lot to learn."

Mr. Wu: "Jing is modest, I remember you came to my class back then, are you an independent painter now?"

Ling Ling: "I'm a teacher at school now, Mr. Wu, you've been retired for a long time, do you still remember me?"

Mr. Wu smiled: "Of course, I remember all the works you submitted, and they are very spiritual. Of course, your current works are also very good. As you get older, the spirituality has never disappeared. This is not easy."

Ling Ling: "Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about those trivial things in life. I just need to be myself. Many times, when people worry about too many things, it will affect their pursuit."

Mr. Wu looked at Ling Ling: "That's true. Once an artist gets caught up in trivial matters, his artistic creativity will be affected. Don't you feel regretful that you haven't had a family so far?"

Ling Ling shook her head: "Of course not. I think this kind of life is very good. After a long time alone, I will become addicted. If it doesn't work, I will keep a dog as a companion."

Thinking of Ling Ling's little Pomeranian, Qi Hongbo couldn't help feeling amused.

Mr. Wu: "Now that you are successful and famous, don't you think about living a different life?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Qi Hongbo beside him. This kid usually looked gentle, but he was actually quite a loner. Now that he actually had something to say with Ling Ling, Mr. Wu still thought it was something new.

Ling Ling thought about it: "Actually, it's okay. The current life is what I like. This state is also what I like very much. I don't want to change the current state rashly."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain this passion to create when my life has changed."

Her words were not as harsh as she said, but both Qi Hongbo and Mr. Wu understood. Elder Wu didn't say any more: "This is my first time to participate in your art exhibition, Ling Ling, you should give me a good introduction."

As soon as Ling Ling joined, Qi Hongbo immediately had nothing to do, but followed behind and listened to the two talking about these paintings from time to time. He really doesn't understand, since he can't understand, let's see people. It is also interesting to observe these people who come to participate in the art exhibition.

"Xiao Qi, what are you thinking?" After wandering around, Mr. Wu was a little tired, so he sat down in the rest area. Seeing that Qi Hongbo had been meditating, he found a topic.

Qi Hongbo came back to his senses and saw that the water glass in front of Mr. Wu was a bit empty. He poured a cup of tea for Mr. Wu: "I was thinking, do the people who come to the art exhibition understand art? Can they all understand what the artist wants to express? "

Elder Wu glanced at Ling Ling: "What do you think?"

Ling Ling is very frank: "In fact, many people may not understand these things, and I never expect others to understand my works. The greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment. The person who understands you best must be yourself. .”

Mr. Wu nodded: "You have a very good mentality. Many artists are determined to find a soulmate. But it is too difficult. Art creation is a lonely journey. The only one who can accompany you is always yourself."

Ling Ling: "It doesn't matter if others don't understand my works, as long as my works can bring them some happiness. And many people come to participate in the art exhibition, more as a way to expand their network."

"What I said is a bit realistic, but you can't deny that these are real. If a painter can't sell his paintings, then his commercial value will be greatly reduced, and it will be very difficult to hold exhibitions again."

Mr. Wu sighed: "So, I think it's a bit ironic to judge art by its commercial value."

Ling Ling: "Everyone needs to eat. I seldom think about it, because the more I think about it, the more realistic it becomes. Mr. Wu, sit down first, the gallery manager is looking for me."

Seeing the gallery agent waving at her, Ling Ling walked over there quickly, guessing that someone had taken a fancy to her work.

Qi Hongbo: "She sees clearly."

Mr. Wu: "The market is like this now. In fact, she is already a very pure person. You don't feel anything about such a good girl? If you like it, I will definitely match you up for you!"

Qi Hongbo sighed: "Mr. Wu, this is not like your style of doing things. I haven't thought about it yet."

Mr. Wu: "You, you have to act quickly when you meet the right one. I heard what Jiahe said, I hope you can find another one. Good girls don't wait for others. If you miss it now, you may not be able to do it again in the future." Met."

"Look at that, do you see it? A handsome talent, about the same age as Ling Ling. You see, he still has something to talk about..."

Qi Hongbo had a headache: "Mr. Wu, UU Reading, shall we go to the art exhibition?"

He has convinced the old man, didn't he say that being a matchmaker is the interest of the aunts? Why is Mr. Wu also interested now? But to be honest, seeing Ling Ling having a happy conversation with each other, Qi Hongbo felt a bit intrusive.

Qi Jiahe rubbed his hands excitedly: "Old Qi is jealous! Such a famous scene, Lao Qi is actually jealous!"

"I just said that if there is a destiny, we will meet naturally. Do you think I should give an assist?"

Jiang Chan: "Stop meddling. People have their own pace. It's not a good thing for others to intervene rashly."

Qi Jiahe rested his chin: "Okay, I just don't get involved. By the way, count the time, did Chen Wenting and Qin Yiheng meet? It's also my fault that I was busy and didn't pay attention to these things."

Jiang Chan: "Of course, they just met now, Chen Wenting has not yet deeply rooted in love with Qin Yiheng."

Qi Jiahe snapped his fingers: "Then, before Chen Wenting is caught in the trap, expose Qin Yiheng's true colors! This man is really a scumbag!"

Jiang Chan: "If you want to do it, then do it. Chen Wenting is at this address right now. Such a gentle girl shouldn't meet such a scumbag."

Qi Jiahe suddenly smiled at Jiang Chan with a flattering face: "Teacher, give me a copy of Qin Yiheng's evidence. He pursued Chen Wenting with bad intentions. If I want to persuade Chen Wenting, I must have a reason, right?"

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