"I'm afraid that before you find out the evidence, you will grab a lot of your own braids. Do you think I don't know what you have done all these years?"

Taking a sideways glance at Ren Xuehua, Jiang Chan summoned a taxi and drove away. Now she also has to worry about Linglin's career, the client is an actor and she has met quite a few.

For example, Zhu Li and Yan Yan, but they are all sober and able to fight for their careers by themselves. Where does she look like Ling Lin? Ling Lin has fallen into a deep sleep right now, and she won't be able to wake up in three to five years.

Speaking of this, I have to sigh with emotion, the girl Ling Lin is indeed too ill-fated. He grew up in an orphanage since he was a child, and he came out to work and study when he was very young. At the age of eighteen, he was coaxed by Jin Mu to sign into an entertainment company.

Thinking of what happened to Ling Lin later, Jiang Chan's fist hardened. Ren Xuehua's place is far from over now, those people who have hurt Ling Lin before, don't expect any good results.

Although she was signed to an entertainment company, Ling Lin hadn't received a single scene in half a year. One is because the company is small, Jin Mu and Yang Yuanming have limited resources.

The other is that these two people are also deliberately suppressing Ling Lin, so that they can better handle Ling Lin in the future, so that she can be more obedient and become a tool in their hands.

At this moment, Jiang Chan is a little lucky. Fortunately, Ling Lin doesn't have any scenes to film, otherwise, what would she do? She is not afraid of anyone when it comes to directing, but Jiang Chan is a little numb when it comes to acting.

Thinking about this, Jiang Chan went to her new rented house, and she moved all the things in the company dormitory to the new house. As for the personal items left in the company, there was really nothing, and she didn't bother to go to that company again.

Looking at the smog, she could see clearly what is called a temple little monster with a lot of wind, big water and shallow kings. Anyway, it was a certainty for Yang Yuanming and others to go in, so those contracts could no longer restrain her.

The evidence Jiang Chan gave was too detailed, and Yang Yuanming couldn't please him just in terms of taxation. Not to mention all the oppression of artists under his banner over the years, after knowing the results of Yang Yuanming and Jin Mu's handling, Jiang Chan felt relaxed.

To terminate the contract, Jiang Chan still needs to go to the company to sign. When she steps into the company again, everyone looks at her with evasive eyes, with fear, fear, and resentment.

After all, someone did a good job filming this time, but the company collapsed and the boss came in. What should she do as an artist? Therefore, she looked at Jiang Chan with unfriendly eyes, and turned a blind eye to these Jiang Chan.

Seeing the former contract turned into a ball of waste paper, Jiang Chan was in a great mood. When she went out again, her steps were extraordinarily brisk. As for those people looking overtly and secretly, what did that have to do with her?

She is rushing back to get her script right now, and she has already figured it out this week. Since you can't act, then rely on the director. Even if Ling Lin wakes up in the future, even if she wants to be an actress, Jiang Chan can bring her out.

The script is now in its rudimentary form. As for investing in filming and so on, Jiang Chan is really stretched right now. How about she go around the stock market? After all, City G was later famous as a financial center, and it is already extremely lively at the moment.

After calculating the original owner's savings, Jiang Chan turned his heels and didn't go back to the nest, but went directly to the stock exchange.

For the next month, Jiang Chan came early every day and never left until the market closed. When she saw the numbers on the book, Jiang Chan pursed her lips in satisfaction. After checking a few stocks, her gold rush journey was considered to be paused.

While busy making money, Jiang Chan also finished her first script in this world. If you want to say what makes the fastest money, it must be a movie. As for who to cooperate with, Jiang Chan really has to think carefully.

She didn't need to think about it to know that Ren Xuehua and Wu Ming behind him must be waiting to make trouble for her, and she didn't want the movie to be released in the end.

So it was necessary to find someone who could bear Wu Ming, Jiang Chan looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a name.

Xu Shu was working that day, and the secretary came in and said that someone was looking for him. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Chan standing by the door. When he saw Ling Lin's face, Xu Shu didn't move his expression.

After all, he also runs an entertainment company, and he has seen countless beauties. Although Ling Lin's face can be punched, it is not enough to touch his heartstrings.

Being in the entertainment industry, being well-informed is indispensable. He naturally knew the news that Yang Yuanming and Jin Mu had entered, and he also knew that it was the girl in front of him who did it. But why did she come to find herself?

You don't want to sign into your company, do you? Xu Shu thought playfully, if this is the case, he really has to think about it, after all, she is too capable, what if one day he follows in Yang Yuanming's footsteps?

Jiang Chan didn't procrastinate, pushed the script over, and directly stated her request.

"I understand your request, but I need someone to read the script." Xu Shu made a phone call, and soon two came in. There are two people, one is Su Yun, a well-known screenwriter, and the other is You Jing, a well-known director.

Jiang Chan didn't panic, anyone else could watch it if they wanted to. All she gave was a simplified script. If you want to ask for help from others, how can you reflect your own value, right?

You Jing and Su Yun didn't say much after getting the script, they were fascinated by it. Just looking at the performance of these two people, Xu Shu knew that the script Jiang Chan brought would not be bad.

Immediately he poured a cup of tea for Jiang Chan, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows slightly, this one was very arrogant before, but since she sat down until now, she hasn't seen a cup of tea.

"Wonderful!" You Jing slapped his thigh suddenly, his eyes suddenly burst into light: "Mr. Xu, who sent this notebook? Great! The company must follow!"

Su Yun also put down the script at this moment: "I also think it is very good. Although it is a simplified version, the reversal of the script and the foreshadowing are beyond criticism. I feel ashamed."

Seeing Xu Shu's surprised expression, Su Yun was very frank: "If ten years later, maybe I will write such a script, but now I can't do it, I can't do it. Mr. Xu, can I know this screenwriter?" ?”

Xu Shu was in a very complicated mood at the moment, he pointed to Jiang Chan who was opposite: "This is Ling Lin, she sent the script."

Jiang Chan put down her glass: "It's an honor that Screenwriter Su appreciates my script."

Su Yun rarely lost her composure: "You wrote the script?"

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "Of course, I have already registered with the Screen Actors Union. Regarding my proposal, what is Mr. Xu's intention?"

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