Wu Xiuzhen's chest rises and falls angrily: "The smelly girl spreads rumors like this in school? She just can't see her at home like this, okay?"

Wu Jin sparred: "Is she a rumors? Isn't she telling the truth? Who of you treats her well? She doesn't even have a mobile phone, and the classmates said that you didn't hear me!"

Wu Xiuzhen is anxious: "This matter is not over, I will go to school to find her tomorrow!"

Jiang Chan didn't even know that a trouble was coming to her. With the first place being settled, Jiang Chan became more popular than the first group. When she first came to the classroom in the morning, she handed over a bottle of milk from the front desk.

"Qiaoqiao, here you are, seeing you are so short, you need to drink more milk to supplement calcium, so that you will grow taller in the future."

"Qiaoqiao, this is a little cake my mother made in the morning. You need to eat more while you are growing."


Most of the people who are close to Jiang Chan are girls. Who makes Jiang Chan look thin and small, doesn't it arouse the maternal love of these girls? Jiang Chan smiled and said, "Thank you, I'm not welcome."

"You're welcome, just tell us more about the topics in the future. Yesterday I went back to do my homework and did the questions according to your ideas. The efficiency was much higher."

A boy smiled, attracting the echo of the classmates next to him.

"Now I envy those of you who are staying. I can stay with Forsythia for two more classes. Thinking about it, I think I missed a lot." The boy who was studying on the day smiled, "Why don't I have a house too?"

Listening to the classmates gagging, Jiang Chan held the milk and drank his cheeks on the ground. After the early self-study, it was Tang’s Chinese class. Tang came to see Jiang Chan during class and said that her parents had come to the office.

Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows, couldn't hold his breath so quickly? She followed Lao Tang into the office unhurriedly. Just as she walked in, Jiang Chan noticed something was wrong, and keenly turned sideways, avoiding Wu Xiuzhen's slap.

Seeing Wu Xiuzhen's face flushed, Jiang Chan sank her face: "Seeing you are so excited, I have nothing to say with you. I will go back to the classroom for class first!"

Wu Xiuzhen screamed: "Dare you! Now that your wings are hard, you won't listen to us?"

Old Tang hurriedly pulled Jiang Chan and guarded Jiang Chan behind him: "Parent of Forsythia, I don't understand why you made such a big fire. Forsythia is a good student. There is nothing wrong with it, right?"

Even Shuguo pulled Wu Xiuzhen: "Well, what are you doing with such a big fire? When you came, didn't you just talk and talk? Why did you just hit her when you started?"

Forsythia was leaning on Lao Tang's desk: "Looking at your current situation, do you know that I skipped a grade? Wu Jin went back to talk about it?"

Hearing Wu Jin's name, Wu Xiuzhen was excited again: "Are you embarrassed to mention your sister? A Jin went back and cried for a night last night. Are you feeling guilty at all?"

Even Shu Guo looked at Jiang Chan with disapproval, as if Jiang Chan had done something unforgivable wrong.

Jiang Chan sneered: "Hey, what did I do? I skipped the grade to shut her up to Wu Jin? What does it matter to her when I got the first test? If smart is also a guilt, then I admit it, who made her skill Not as good as human?"

"You are still arguing. We are a family, can't you give it a little bit?" Even Shuguo was anxious. How did this kid talk so badly?

“It’s funny. I’ve never heard of small things that make big things happen? You have really made me insightful. We are independent and equal individuals. In the legal sense, I and her are equal. In my eyes, should I lower her Wu Jin?"

Jiang Chan's words resonated with many teachers, and the English teacher nodded: "I have only heard of older brothers and sisters who want to take care of their younger siblings before, and I have never heard of asking younger siblings to give way to older siblings."

"It just so happens that you are here today, and I have something to tell you. You want to love your own children. It has nothing to do with me, but don’t expect to rely on my concessions to satisfy your father’s love and mother’s love. This is what you gave me the day before yesterday. The tuition fee will be returned to you now."

Jiang Chan photographed a stack of money in front of Wu Xiuzhen: "The tuition, and the twenty yuan of pocket money you gave me before, will all be returned to you. If nothing happens, I will go back to the classroom first."

Wu Xiuzhen is crazy: "You stop, if you walk out of this door today, you will never come back! I will assume that you have never given birth to your daughter, and we will not be responsible for your tuition and living expenses in the future!"

Jiang Chan paused: "Do you think I am willing to go back? Do you think I am willing to be your daughter? Let me put my words here. From now on, my business has nothing to do with you. I will live a good life with you. There is no relationship. I will be responsible for my tuition and living expenses. I don't need your hypocritical concern."

Even Shuguo's voice became louder: "Forsythia, why are you talking to your mother, she cares about you too!"

Jiang Chan leaned against the office door: "No, your kind of cheap care is not rare for me at all. It doesn't make me feel sick. Since you are so true, let's break it down. Let me introduce it to you, Wu. Jin is the daughter of her and her ex-husband, Lian Yanbin is the son of you and your ex-wife, and I am the daughter of you and her."

As soon as this topic was brought up, the teachers in the office felt that the family relationship was really messy.

"You are really great. If you want to keep others' words, you have to do your best to treat each other's children, and I have to rank behind them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since childhood, you haven't given me anything. I bought a new dress, and I wore all that Wu Jin didn't want. Wu Jin would rather donate some of the clothes she didn't want to wear to me. I wore everything she didn't want and didn't like."

"Our family is not a wealthy family. It is already very hard to supply you to school. Who used to wear a piece of clothing?" Wu Xiuzhen said in a rather low tone.

"Okay, then I won't talk about this. Wu Jin is almost always picked up by you to go to school. I am three years younger than Wu Jin. I have to take the bus every day. It rains and snows. You will always remember Wu Jin. Jin, I have to walk an hour away by myself and go back by myself."

Jiang Chan's words were very calm, and some emotional female teachers in the office had red eyes.

"Wu Jin came back tonight, you make her a midnight snack, I don't have anything, Wu Jin uses the latest fruit machine, how many thousands of them, you bought it without blinking your eyes, I don't even have a mobile phone. "

"Wu Jin started school, you gave her tuition and you gave her one hundred pocket money. I was only twenty. When I went out, there were only two steamed buns left on the dinner table. Your eccentricity was too obvious. It looks like your own."

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