Chapter 2844 Ling Lin 19

Chu Zhuoyun couldn't care about Ling Lin at the moment, he scratched his head: "Hello, I heard what you and Director Ling said just now, I... I am your fan, I really like you!"

Zhao Yanan was a little confused: "Ah? Thank you...thank you for your liking? heard our conversation just now?"

Chu Zhuoyun pulled his hair: "I didn't eavesdrop on purpose, we came first. The point is not this..."

Xie Jingchen also came down now: "Miss Zhao, we really didn't eavesdrop on purpose, and we're not gossips, we don't gossip everywhere. Chu Zhuoyun is indeed your fan, and he has a lot of poster movies about you at home. "

Ling Lin smiled: "I believe he won't talk nonsense. If you have something to say, why not go out and say it? Don't delay other people's business? I see that your friend seems to have a lot to say to Yanan."

Chu Zhuoyun nodded again and again: "I do have a lot to say to Yanan."

Zhao Yanan stared at Chu Zhuoyun for two seconds, then suddenly smiled: "Okay, let's go out and talk."

She is not blind either, Chu Zhuoyun's liking is hidden in her eyes and movements, can she not see it? However, this kind of fiery affection made Zhao Yanan feel very warm.

Seeing Zhao Yanan and Chu Zhuoyun walking in front, Ling Lin tactfully slowed down and fell behind. As for Xie Jingchen who followed, she basically never got another look from Ling Lin.

At the moment, she puts all her thoughts on Zhao Yanan and is on the front line of candy making. Isn't that too happy?

Chu Zhuoyun scratched his head: "I heard you said that you want to find someone outside the circle? I am an outsider, what do you think of me?"

Zhao Yanan smiled: "If you want to pursue someone, you must introduce yourself? How old do you seem to be younger than me?"

Chu Zhuoyun: "My fault, I am 26, two years younger than you, but my mental age is not young at all. I am working in my brother's company now, and I usually have free working hours."

"I am warm and generous, thoughtful and considerate, and I am good at taking care of others. I am also lively and outgoing, and I am very good at finding topics. Of course, I am also very specific. I will only associate with one girl at a time, and I will never make the girl I like sad."

Zhao Yanan smiled lightly: "I believe you have heard everything we said, and this is completely according to the opposite of Zhou Yiheng."

Chu Zhuoyun: "I just processed it a little bit, but I am really like this, beautiful sister, can you give me a chance? It's not that you promise me from the beginning, but give each other a chance to understand each other?"

Zhao Yanan: "You said just now that you only date one girl at a time, did you have many girlfriends before?"

Chu Zhuoyun's eyes faltered: "Three or four?"

Zhao Yanan raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

Chu Zhuoyun closed his eyes: "Five or six, but I'm all clean, and I definitely haven't got involved with others. And I've been single for a year, and I never messed around during that time."

Zhao Yanan: "Speaking of it, I'm at a disadvantage. I'm not in a relationship, it's just an affair. You're still too young, and you have so much experience. It's hard to say when you'll lose interest."

Chu Zhuoyun gritted her teeth: "But I haven't experienced much, and I don't know what I like in the end. You just have to watch me walk towards you, and don't shrink back. It's your freedom to like me or not. , but pursuing you is also my freedom."

Ling Lin smiled, so this little wolf dog is quite good at talking.

Maybe it's because the moonlight is too beautiful tonight, or maybe it's because he wants to let go of Zhou Yiheng completely, Zhao Yanan nodded like a ghost: "Then I'll just keep looking at you, and if you say you want to pursue me, you have to have an attitude, don't you?"

Chu Zhuoyun was happy: "Okay, let's exchange contact information? I happen to be free recently, can I visit your crew tomorrow? I want to know more about you."

Zhao Yanan was a little hesitant, but Ling Lin had already agreed to her one step earlier: "Okay, just let you know about her daily life."

Zhao Yanan shook her head, could she not know what Ling Lin was thinking? This is to let Chu Zhuoyun make a face in front of everyone, and let Zhou Yiheng know that she, Zhao Yanan, is also very sought-after.

I got Zhao Yanan's personal contact information as I wished, and made an appointment to visit the class tomorrow. Chu Zhuoyun's walking steps became much lighter. The corners of Zhao Yanan's lips curled up slightly: "Are you so happy?"

Chu Zhuoyun said without hesitation, "Of course, I never thought that I would be so close to you."

Zhao Yanan smiled, although she can't say she likes it now, but seeing Chu Zhuoyun like this, she is in a strange mood.

These two people talked in a low voice in the front, while the two behind were extremely silent. From the time they met to now, Xie Jingchen had never introduced himself, and Ling Lin didn't ask him either. How could she care about others right now?

"Teacher, do you think Chu Zhuoyun can succeed?" Looking at the backs of the two, Ling Lin began to gossip with Jiang Chan on this topic.

Jiang Chan: "The probability of these two being together is very high. If you don't believe me, read on. If a man has only actions but no words, he will be easily missed."

"But there are only words but no actions. UU reading is even more contemptible. But I look at Chu Zhuoyun, he has both actions and words. Look at Zhao Yanan, when she is with Chu Zhuoyun, Undoubtedly happy."

Ling Lin nodded: "Indeed, we have arrived at the hotel, and I will trouble you today."

Chu Zhuoyun shook his head again and again: "No trouble, no trouble at all, I will be there at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, is it too early?"

Zhao Yanan: "You can come here anytime, just give me a call, and the assistant will pick you up. We'll go first, goodbye."

Watching the two enter the hotel, Chu Zhuoyun's brows and eyes were about to fly with joy: "Brother Chen, did you see that? I just got the chance to meet the goddess face to face. It's not easy."

Xie Jingchen had a headache: "I see, you are very proud of yourself right now."

He walked with Chu Zhuoyun for more than half an hour, but he didn't remember it at all, and kept talking about Zhao Yanan. Love really makes people blind, especially this kind of unrequited love.

"You think it's her?" Don't look at Chu Zhuoyun's usual bluster, in fact, he is usually very cautious, just judging from his performance today, Xie Jingchen knew that he was in trouble.

Chu Zhuoyun was a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect Brother Chen to see it."

Xie Jingchen sneered: "I'm not the only one who can see it, I think that Ling Lin can also see it. That girl is not a good person, if you dare to do something out of line, she is not a vegetarian."

Chu Zhuoyun: "Isn't that just right? Yanan has such a good friend who cares about her, and I can only be happy for her."

"Loyalty and love for a partner is what a man should do. I don't need others to watch me all the time, so I will do my best naturally." Bookmark the previous chapterNext chapter

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