Chapter 2847 Ling Lin 22

Ling Lin smiled: "Looking at you like this, I'm happy for you. It's really good to have someone take care of you. I said at the beginning that if a person doesn't care about you or take care of you because you are strong, then he is not qualified Walk by your side."

Zhao Yanan: "I know, he proposed to me, and we plan to get married after the filming of this film is finished."

Ling Lin: "Then I will work hard, I hope this movie is a very good wedding gift."

Zhao Yanan's eyes were red: "You have taken care of me a lot. If it weren't for your help in the past few years, how could I walk so smoothly? Thinking about it now, the scene of playing tricks is still vivid in my memory."

Ling Lin: "Don't cry, there are so many tears at the moment, what should I do if the emotions are not well prepared during filming? The filming of this film will be very hard, I hope you will give more things."

Friendship is friendship, and works are works. Ling Lin will not lower her requirements for works just because she and Zhao Yanan are good friends. On the contrary, her requirements will be stricter.

Zhao Yanan: "I will definitely perform well, I am absolutely not afraid!"

It's a pity how ruthless the words are now, and how slapped the face was on the set. It's not that her acting skills are bad, but that there is a big difference between Ling Lin's script and Jiang Chan's script.

Jiang Chan herself also has a literary side, but compared to Ling Lin, Ling Lin is undoubtedly more sensitive and delicate. Therefore, this play requires the actors to give a lot of emotions, and they all have to dig deep into their hearts.

Seeing Zhao Yanan crying or making noise on the set, Chu Zhuoyun felt distressed: "This is too hard."

Jiang Chan sat in front of the monitor: "Which job is not hard to do? She has ambition and ability, so why not go for it if she can go up? It's just that she needs to rest for a long time after the filming of this film. Play is enough."

Chu Zhuoyun: "I can't bear her like this."

Jiang Chan glanced at him: "It's heartache, but if you stop the other person from working hard because of heartache, sooner or later there will be a gap."

Chu Zhuoyun had no choice but to say, "I know, I'm just worried about her."

Ling Lin smiled: "That's what good love is, right? Love each other, love each other, take care of each other, right? Seeing Zhao Yanan like this, I'm happy for her."

Jiang Chan's filming has always been very fast, but it took a long time for Ling Lin to toss about the script in the early stage. Until the annual award ceremony, Ling Lin's first film has not been finished yet.

This year, because Ling Lin didn't have any work released, Feng Hua won the trophy in the end. Feng Hua shook his head: "After two years, it's not easy to win this trophy again."

Ling Lin was embarrassed: "Director Feng likes to make fun of me, how could it be as exaggerated as you said?"

Feng Hua: "I'm not exaggerating at all. When you made movies before, those directors gritted their teeth with hatred. This year you released an album, and those singers were going to die of anger."

Ling Lin shrugged: "That's not my fault."

She won the Best Singer of the Year and was also shortlisted for the Golden Song of the Year. Is it her fault? She was an amateur, and finally killed all those professionals?

Feng Hua shook his head: "You, you are good at any line of work. Is there anything you are not good at?"

Ling Lin thought for a while: "Yes, I'm not good at interpersonal communication."

Feng Hua shook his head: "At your level, you don't need to socialize anymore, others will take the initiative to join in. Seriously, when will your new movie be released?"

Ling Lin shook her head: "It's only been about half of the filming, and it's estimated that it won't be finished until February."

Feng Hua nodded at her: "What kind of big move is this holding back? You have delayed for a long time this time."

Ling Lin: "The main reason is that the script has been changed for a long time, but the filming was really fast."

Feng Hua: "This time I have to see what's so special about the book you've been working on for so long."

For Ling Lin's script, Jiang Chan undoubtedly appreciates it very much.

"To participate in a foreign film festival? Is it true or not? I have this ability? Teacher, why didn't you send it before?" Ling Lin was surprised when she heard Jiang Chan's idea.

Jiang Chan: "The previous script was not very good, and it is not shameful to use it to participate in the competition. Now the foreign environment is good, I think your script is very good, coupled with my shooting technique, I still have the strength to fight Yes, it depends on whether you want to or not."

Ling Lin clenched her fists: "That's it! But teacher, you are too modest, you don't even think such a good script is good?"

She is also ambitious, and since Jiang Chan stamped her, of course she also wants to venture into it. Someday she will step out there with a work that is entirely hers, and now is to test the waters.

Jiang Chan is very frank: "In my eyes, those scripts are only 80 points at most. If it is not a script with a score of 95 or more, I will not send it to the exhibition. It is undoubtedly a blow to my brand."

"I have good scripts on hand, but they are not suitable for this era, so I won't show them."

Ling Lin was amused: "The teacher thinks so highly of me? My script has a score of over 95?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course, UU Reading I once met a talented screenwriter, you are all very spiritual people. Your script is really very good."

Ling Lin: "Hey, without your careful teaching, how would I be where I am today? Teacher, you are the best to me in this world."

Jiang Chan: "Stop being coquettish, you haven't finished your directing course, your camera language is good, but you still need to learn how to connect them completely."

Ling Lin immediately seemed to be beaten up: "I'm going to study now, I can't lose face for the teacher!"

Near the end of April, Ling Lin, who had been silent in the circle for more than a year, exploded again. Her new movie was released quietly. Compared with the previous combination of commercial and literary, this time it is a pure literary film.

Of course, the box office was really not high at the beginning. However, after being nominated for several awards at the International Film Festival, the number of films for this "Green Xiu" has increased rapidly. Everyone wants to see a film that can capture foreigners. What is it like?

At the moment, Ling Lin doesn't care about domestic affairs. She and Han Ru have already flown abroad, and her daily schedule is to watch various shortlisted films. As soon as she came out of the screening hall that day, Ling Lin received a call from Feng Hua.

Feng Hua over there was silent for a long time before sighing: "How did you make such a film? The script is also good."

Ling Lin leaned against the wall: "Slow work and meticulous work. I have been thinking about this script for a long time. Every word and every word is a painstaking effort."

Feng Hua suddenly smiled: "I don't ask too much, so give me a script like this?"

Ling Lin sighed: "I'll try my best. Inspiration is uncertain. I don't know if I can write such a script again."

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