The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2852: Ling Lin Twenty Seven

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Ling Lin: "Forget it. In fact, it's not good to think about love. A wise man doesn't fall in love. I have the time to fall in love. I might as well think about my script. At least my career can bring me satisfaction, but love is not necessarily .”

The producer, Lao Li, smiled: "Director Ling has one set of principles after another, no matter how much he talks about now, when you really meet someone you like, then it won't be certain."

Ling Lin: "Perhaps, it's hard to think about it these days? The more you live alone, the more enjoyable it is. You don't have to worry about anything, you don't have to deal with all kinds of complicated and trivial matters, how good is it? "

Lu Yong thought for a while: "Indeed, married life is indeed very warm, but there will inevitably be troubles. It depends on how the two get along. However, a person with both political integrity and ability like our director naturally has no shortage of suitors. "

"If the guide speaks out, suitors will be able to line up at the gate of the guide's house from here."

Everyone in the small corner laughed for a while, Feng Hua stared at Ling Lin's face several times: "Actually, your bones are very beautiful, if you are filming..."

Ling Lin hurriedly waved her hands: "Forget about filming, of course I know I'm beautiful, otherwise Kaneki wouldn't have signed me as an actor, would he?"

Everyone thought about the name Jinmu for a while before they remembered: "According to the time, they have been in prison for four years, and I heard that they will be released from prison soon."

Ling Lin: "It's cheap for them, and the past is wiped out, but if they don't know the good and the bad, they can't blame me."

Lu Yong: "How can they reach you at this moment? You are a great leader in the sky, and they are released from prison who are out of touch with society. They are completely different from each other."

While Ling Lin was busy with Feng Hua's crew, Jin Mu was released from prison. As for his former boss, Yang Yuanming, he is still serving his sentence at the moment, and it is not so easy to get out.

Although the news in prison is not as well-informed as before, he knows what he should know. For example, Ling Lin is really in full swing now. A little girl, who has only been in the industry for four years, has become a leading director, and countless people want to cooperate with her.

Now the more angry Ling Lin is, the more uncomfortable Jin Mu feels. If he had tightly hugged Ling Lin's thigh back then, he would be the most enviable manager in the circle now, why did he end up in this situation?

In today's huge world, what kind of work should he be engaged in?

Ling Lin naturally didn't pay attention to how Jin Mu was. The first fall in her life was planted in Jin Mu's hands, and later because of Jin Mu, Yang Yuanming, Ren Xuehua and others, her life was ruined into a mess.

Now that they have finally been pushed down, how can she pay attention to these people again? Besides, she is usually so busy, how can she have time to think about other things?

When people are busy, time flies by very quickly. The end of the year is coming soon. Feng Hua also worked hard this time, the crew did not have holidays during the New Year, just to work overtime to get the movie out.

It wasn't until the Lantern Festival that "Fate" was officially finished, and it didn't mean that Ling Lin's work was over. She will also follow up on the subsequent editing and soundtrack, etc.

Although she is named as a screenwriter, Ling Lin is doing the work of an assistant director. After all, Feng Hua is not young.

"I don't think it's okay here..."

"Then what do you say?"

Listening to the debate coming from the darkroom, everyone was surprised. Ling Lin and Feng Hua bumped into each other for their own reasons. At first they were worried and wanted to smooth things over, but later they argued so fiercely, and turned around and laughed very harmoniously.

They are fools because of their feelings?

Feng Hua was in a hurry, Ling Lin was very cooperative, and Jiang Chan couldn't bear it anymore. With such cooperation, the film was sent abroad for exhibition as scheduled.

As for the follow-up operation and so on, Ling Lin can't get involved, and Feng Hua's team will naturally follow up. She was also flustered with exhaustion at the moment, wishing she could fall asleep right away.

Seeing that Ling Lin seemed to be walking with her eyes closed, Feng Hua was a little worried: "I'll have someone take you back? It's also my fault for making you suffer so hard these past few months."

Old Li is such a shrewd person: "I'll take it off. We don't have to worry about her driving back by herself if Director Ling is like this."

Ling Lin waved her hand: "No, I don't dare to drive right now. Isn't there a hotel nearby? I'll go to the hotel to deal with it for the night, and I'll go back when I recover."

Lao Li insisted: "Then I will take you to the hotel, and I will always watch you enter the hotel to feel at ease."

Ling Lin didn't refuse their kindness either: "Then I'll trouble Producer Li."

Old Li: "Where is that, Director Ling, this way?"

After successfully helping Ling Lin to check in, Producer Li left the hotel. He still has a lot of things to do, so where can he really be free? He couldn't help before, he could only watch Ling Lin and Feng Hua busy, now it's time for them to contribute.

Ling Lin checked in at two o'clock in the afternoon, and slept until ten o'clock in the evening. If it wasn't for the hunger in her belly, maybe she would have been sleeping forever.

Getting up unsteadily, she went to the bathroom to wash her face, looking at her haggard face in the mirror, Ling Lin rubbed her belly: "I'm hungry."

Jiang Chan suddenly appeared: "If you're hungry, order food, and there's still food in the small refrigerator."

Ling Lin shook her head: "I don't want to eat the food in the hotel, I want to eat something with smoke and fire. I heard that there is a barbecue restaurant nearby, so I want to eat some hot food right now. I have eaten box lunch for several months. I urgently need it." Add heat."

Jiang Chan didn't say much, just gave a route. It was late at night, and Ling Lin didn't deliberately hide it, she just wore a peaked cap. After all, she never regarded herself as a star, but as a behind-the-scenes worker.

After leaving the the navigation given by Jiang Chan, Ling Lin quickly found this barbecue stand. The barbecue stand is extremely lively, where you can see all kinds of life.

There are office workers who just got off work, homeless people, and friends gathering, etc. The waiters shuttle back and forth in the middle, serving all kinds of skewers and beer.

Ling Lin seldom drank outside, she just ordered some skewers, and ate slowly by herself. It's just that when she was eating, she would look around from time to time, accumulating various materials.

If you want to say that what is more common at barbecue stalls is that the two sides quarrel with each other after drinking too much wine, and even serious fights will occur. Unfortunately, Ling Lin met right now.

She was already sitting in a far corner, how could those two groups of people who were so red-eyed at the moment care about others? However, Ling Lin was sitting there with her back facing each other, her eyes were impatient, and she threw away whatever she picked up.

Unfortunately, Ling Lin became the fish in the pond who got hurt. Even if Jiang Chan reminded her in time, Ling Lin only had time to turn her body sideways, but her right shoulder was still hit by the roaring beer bottle.

(end of this chapter)

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