The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2859: Ling Lin Thirty Four

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Ling Lin suddenly smiled: "It's like a blind date, obviously I just want to thank him."

The office immediately relaxed, and everyone could see Ling Lin's thoughts. The initial impression of Gu Chen was really good, as for whether it will succeed in the future, it depends on the development of the two of them.

Although Ling Lin's gossip was good-looking, it was obvious that the script was more attractive to them at the moment, so they talked and laughed for less than five minutes, and the three directors each buried their heads in their respective scripts. As for Ling Lin and Feng Hua, they were talking about their recent experiences.

Seeing that it was already mid-afternoon, Ling Lin got up: "I'll take Feifei back first, and I still have an appointment at night, so it's inconvenient to take the dog with me."

The directors just waved at her at the moment, so why would they want to talk about the scene? Ling Lin didn't feel neglected, and left Feng Hua's company briskly, carrying a backpack and leading the big dog.

After returning home, she filled up the dog food for Feifei, and cuddled and kissed him for a long time before Ling Lin packed up and went out. She didn't deliberately dress up, it was just a very ordinary date, so treat her normally.

Because it was she who wanted to thank Gu Chen, the location was chosen by Ling Lin herself. When she arrived at the restaurant, Gu Chen hadn't arrived yet. After all, the appointment was at six o'clock, and it was only half past five.

While waiting, Ling Lin was not idle, she took out the script from her bag and began to draw the sub-shots one by one. The script has been produced, but there is also a lot of follow-up work, and she likes to do everything by herself, so she is quite busy.

At 5:45, Gu Chen entered the box under the guidance of the waiter. He sat in the box for two minutes without looking up from the other side. He kept his head down to write and draw, without even noticing that there was someone else beside him.

Ling Lin didn't look up until she finished drawing a storyboard, and when she saw Gu Chen beside her, Ling Lin opened her eyes in surprise: "Sorry, I was too engrossed just now."

Gu Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, we had a hasty farewell last time, and then we never met with Director Ling again. I didn't expect that we would get to know each other again after going around."

Ling Lin received the manuscript paper and others in the bag: "I wanted to find you later, but the hospital said you only gave your surname Gu. Later, I had a lot of work at hand. If I hadn't met Director Chen this time, I wouldn't have known about it." You are Director Chen's friend."

Gu Chen: "It's just a trivial matter, why should Director Ling always worry about it?"

Ling Lin is very serious: "I never like to owe others. When others help me, I will try my best to repay it later. Today I just want to thank you, thank you for lending a helping hand last time."

Gu Chen thought about Ling Lin's words: "Director Ling means that we still have a chance to meet in the future?"

Ling Lin smiled: "Of course, you can just call me by my name. I have a good initial impression of you. If you also have a good impression of me, we can get to know each other."

"Even if there is no fate in the end, it's not bad for us to be friends."

Gu Chen showed a smile: "I'm very honored, I think you are a very good girl. But if you are because I helped you..."

Ling Lin raised her hand: "I had a good initial impression of you. Of course there is a reason why you helped me, but that was not enough for me to put my emotions and the rest of my life on hold."

"I never thought about what I like before, but now I know that I like you very much. Of course, I'm talking about appearance. As for personality, I will only know after getting in touch with it."

Ling Lin's attitude was unbelievably frank, and Gu Chen didn't expect Ling Lin to have such a personality.

"You are a very attractive girl. No man will reject you, and I am no exception. I also think you are very good. It is my honor to know you."

Ling Lin raised her glass to him: "Is it? Actually, I'm easy to get along with, but I'm not very detail-oriented. You may need to bear with me about this in the future."

Gu Chen was curious: "How did Director Chen introduce me to you?"

Ling Lin suddenly smiled: "Producer Liu said you are stingy, Director Chen said you are rigorous and meticulous, and have a good investment vision. He also said that you are more serious, you are thorough in everything, and you are very disciplined in your private life."

Gu Chen: "I don't admit to being stingy, I just cherish every penny I have, and I want to use every penny to the extreme."

Ling Lin nodded: "I don't think this is a shortcoming. If you don't cherish money, the money will leave you in the end. Although I can't be as meticulous as you, we have the same attitude on this point."

Gu Chen: "Is this what we have in common?"

Ling Lin smiled: "Of course, I like to get along with serious people, maybe it will be less interesting, but only by following the rules, there will be no more problems later."

Gu Chen refilled Ling Lin's cup of tea: "Did Director Chen tell you about my family situation?"

Ling Lin shook her head: "He just said that you used to be very miserable."

Gu Chen: "Didn't you suffer in the past? Everyone used to come from hard times, but thinking about it now, it seems like it was just yesterday."

Ling Lin: "Before entering the industry, it was hard to be honest, but in the first year of entering the industry, I realized that compared to living in poverty, the more painful thing is that I can't see hope and I don't have the slightest freedom."

"If it weren't for my own bottom line, I would have been sold by Jin Mu long ago. At that time, I felt that there was no good person in the circle. It seemed that all your efforts were in vain. You can only get what you want. Change it yourself."

Gu Chen: "That's why I admire you so much. You are a very tenacious girl."

Ling Lin: "It's just that life forces me to live, and I have to live well, so that I don't waste other people's calculations. Before I entered the circle, my life was very lacklustre. It was all kinds of part-time jobs and studies. As for the experience after entering the circle, everyone basically knows it, let me tell you about you."

Gu Chen: "Actually, there's nothing to say. UU Reading My parents passed away unexpectedly when I was 14 years old. I have to learn to live on my own since I was 14 years old. I did suffer a lot before, but I made up for it later. .”

Ling Lin sighed: "When you talk about your parents, there seems to be light in your eyes. It seems that you were very happy before."

Gu Chen clenched his fists: "How happy I was once, how painful it was later. If I never had it, maybe I wouldn't be so sad."

Ling Lin thought for a while: "You can think about it from another angle. It is precisely because you have had it before that you know how precious it is. Life is like this, always intertwined between gain and loss."

Gu Chen: "You are really good at comforting people."

Ling Lin said with a smile: "I can only talk about the truth, the key is that you can listen to it, but not everyone listens to advice."

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(end of this chapter)

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