The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2863: Ling Lin thirty-eight

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"Ling Lin? Are you... am I bothering you?" Just when there was tension and ambiguity in the air, a loud voice rang out, and Ning Jia immediately relaxed.

Ling Lin wrote her signature, and she felt a little regretful: "This figure is absolutely perfect."

She looked back at Feng Hua and smiled slightly: "Director Feng is here? I'm glad to see you today. I have an appointment with Director Feng, so I'm leaving first."

She went over to support Feng Hua's right hand, and the two sat down in the original box.

Ning Jia, who stayed where he was, lowered his head and straightened his clothes, but when he saw the signature on his chest, his hands paused, and a slight smile appeared on his face the next second.

On his left chest is the word "Lin" written squarely and squarely, with a small hook at the tail of the word Lin. After staring at this word for a long time, Ning Jia packed her clothes and went back to the box again.

In Ling Lin's box, Feng Hua was extremely curious: "What's going on with you and that young man?"

Seeing that Ling Lin opened her mouth to speak, Feng Hua smiled: "You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. You look at him with unusual eyes. The way you just looked like a female bandit."

Ling Lin was not happy: "Is there a beautiful female bandit like me? I know I can't hide it from you."

Feng Hua sighed: "Be careful to play with fire and set yourself on fire in the end. The more forbearing you are in the early stage, the more violent the counterattack will be later."

Ling Lin clinked glasses with him: "I know, I have a measure."

Feng Hua: "That young man looks very good-looking, and he should be an elite among the people. Your vision has always been good. It's a pity that some people have bad vision."

Of course he was talking about Gu Chen.

Ling Lin didn't care: "He was just a chance encounter, and it doesn't have much to do with my life. This kind of thing pays attention to mutual affection, we are not suitable, he is not a person who can give full love."

Feng Hua: "That young man is right?"

Seeing that Ling Lin just smiled, Feng Hua also hooked his lips: "It seems that there will be a good show in the future. If it is really confirmed, you must bring it to me."

Ling Lin: "That's natural."

While the two were chatting, the rest of Feng Hua's crew also arrived, and the originally quiet box immediately became lively. Ling Lin rested her chin on her left hand, and she inevitably had expectations for her future life.

She has given enough signals, what will Ning Jia do in the future?

When Ling Lin was full of expectations, the gathering of Ning Jia and her friends also came to an end. Xie Jingchen was a little surprised: "You look in a good mood today, and you smile a lot more than before. Did something good happen?"

Ning Jia played with the cup: "A good thing happened indeed."

He didn't intend to say more, Xie Jingchen didn't ask, it's like this among friends, when he doesn't want to talk, he keeps silent, when he wants to talk, just listen.

At this moment, there were several people sitting in the box, besides Xie Jingchen, there were Chu Zhuoyun and two other men.

Chu Zhuoyun looked at the time: "Is it time to leave? I'm still rushing back to play with my son."

Qi Mingyun: "Since Xiao Chu got married, she has been talking about her family all day long. After she has a son, she never leaves his son in a few words. Come on, go back and be a baby daddy."

Chu Zhuoyun was complacent: "You are just jealous of my happy marriage. How good is our Yanan? My son is so handsome, you can't envy him."

Ning Jia suddenly said, "I plan to get married soon."

Yan Sheng was surprised: "You don't even have a girlfriend, who do you plan to marry?"

Chu Zhuoyun was not in a hurry to leave this time: "Brother Ning, what does your marriage partner look like? What's your personality? When will you introduce us?"

Ning Jia smiled: "She is a very gentle girl, and also very talented. She has a nice smile and is usually very modest. She is just a little narrow-minded, and she can be killed or buried..."

Ling Lin coughed twice: "Smelly shameless, who wants to marry him?"

She and Feng Hua had a good time drinking tea, Jiang Chan showed her this passage, Ling Lin knew that Ning Jia was talking about her without using her brain. By the way, isn't she Ning Jia's girlfriend? Ning Jia is already thinking about getting married?

As someone who has experienced it, Chu Zhuoyun made the final decision: "Brother Ning, you are finished, you are dead."

Ning Jia: "I've recognized it a long time ago, the time is almost up, let's break up."

He reckoned that Ling Lin's side was coming to an end soon, and since she had given the signal, he naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot, so she would not take the initiative to come over while waiting passively.

As soon as Ning Jia went out, Chu Zhuoyun immediately followed, and Qi Mingyun and Yan Sheng shrugged and followed. It was rare to see a good thing about Ning Jia, how could they miss it?

It was a coincidence that Ning Jia went out at this time, as Ling Lin, Feng Hua and others came out. Facing so many actors and crew members, Ning Jia didn't even frown.

He nodded slightly at Feng Hua, then looked at Ling Lin: "Shall I take you back?"

Ling Lin knew that he would say this: "I drove here by myself."

Ning Jia didn't even blink her eyes: "I'm not driving, so can I rub the car?"

Feng Hua pursed his lips playfully, and the rest of the crew also opened their eyes wide, watching Ling Lin and Ning Jia fight.

Ling Lin smiled: "I'm short of a driver, and I'm a little far away, if you don't mind..."

Ning Jia quickly interfaced: "Of course I don't mind."

Ling Lin smiled at Feng Hua: "Director Feng, I'm leaving first, shall we contact you later?"

Feng Hua just nodded, he was still a little bit scratching his head at the moment, he was having a good time watching, these two are leaving?

The gentleman helped Ling Lin down the steps. After finding Ling Lin's car, Ning Jia sat in the driver's seat unceremoniously. Looking at a luxury car parked next to her, Ling Lin suddenly smiled: "The car next to it is pretty good."

Ning's face remained unchanged: "It's really good."

Ling Lin narrowed her eyes slightly, and spoke as if this was not his car. However, what Ning Jia did was somewhat beyond her expectations. She was looking forward to Ning Jia's follow-up actions, but she never expected him to be so powerful.

Ling Lin and Ning Jia left quickly, but UU Reading dropped a bomb on Chu Zhuoyun. Pointing to the car going away, Chu Zhuoyun jumped: "No, when did the two of them get together? I've never heard Yanan mention it."

Xie Jingchen: "I haven't heard the news in the circle, so could it be that Ning Jia is talking about her?"

Chu Zhuoyun struggled: "Do you want to tell Yanan about this?"

Feng Hua patted him on the shoulder: "You don't care about other people's affairs."

Chu Zhuoyun was shocked, the smile on his face was uglier than crying: "Director Feng, are you here?"

Feng Hua snorted: "I've been here a long time ago, tell me, what's going on with this young man?"

Lu Yong: "It's really time to talk about it. You are not an ordinary person. What do you do?"

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(end of this chapter)

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