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Ling Lin rolled on the bed: "I knew it. When I think of the compatibility between us, I feel like there are pink bubbles in my heart. There really is a person in this world who is so complementary to me."

Maybe it's because of love, Ling Lin's filming went very smoothly for the next week, and she just announced that the crew had finished filming, when Ning Jia's call came.

"Finished? Do you have time to have dinner together at night?"

Ling Lin thought for a while: "It's not enough to eat alone. The production team will have a wrap-up banquet tonight. You can come if you want."

Ning Jia laughed on the phone: "Okay, I will be there on time, does this count as introducing me to everyone?"

Ling Lin wrinkled her nose: "Of course, we are so frank, why should we cover it up?"

Ning Jia was in a great mood when she was coaxed by her: "What snack do you want to eat? I happened to buy it when I passed by."

Ling Lin: "I can do it, it would be even better if there is chocolate mousse."

During this week, she and Ning Jia never lost contact. Sometimes it's just like this on the phone, and the two of them do their own things without feeling bored.

Because of this, Ling Lin knew Ning Jia better, and the more she got in touch with her, the more she felt that Ning Jia had good points. Of course, after confirming that Ling Lin could accept this side of him, Ning Jia's emotions became more and more open.

The production team's wrap-up banquet was naturally extremely lively, Ling Lin had a very gentle temper, and everyone got very close to her after the show. Especially when they saw Ning Jia coming over with snacks, some people booed.

"Director, this is..."

"Hug as soon as we meet... 噫..."

Han Ru watched this scene with a smile. Naturally, she had never kept Ling Lin's love story from her, but it was indeed the first time she had seen Ning Jia. Looking at it now, I think the other party is not bad.

Although he looked very cold, the affection in his eyes could not deceive others. When he came in, he just greeted them, and for the rest of the time, his eyes were on Ling Lin.

Ling Lin said generously, "This is Ning Jia, my boyfriend. I will send you invitations when we get married."

"Married? Didn't Daoer just have a boyfriend? Is it time to get married?"

Ling Lin smiled: "Since we have chosen to be together, we must be rushing to get married. I said at the beginning that if I want to talk about a relationship that will not break up, it will last forever."

Ning Jia's eyes darkened a lot, he pinched Ling Lin's fingers and played with them over and over again. Ling Lin knew at a glance that he was very excited at the moment, and immediately scratched Ning Jia's palm with her fingers.

Ning Jia whispered: "Don't make trouble."

He knew deeply that his girlfriend, who is a typical control and death, has always known how to tease him best. After the phone call a week ago, he was very aware of this.

By the way, it's finished today, so she should have time to be with me, right?

Ling Lin smiled: "I'm not making trouble, let's eat quickly, don't drink him, we have to drive back in a while."

Ling Lin defended Ning Jia, and everyone would not be so blank. After a meal, everyone was in harmony. It's just that when we parted, everyone was reluctant: "Director, when will the filming of your next film start?"

Ling Lin: "The script hasn't come out yet, let's talk about it, you should go try it with other directors, I'm not the only director in the circle. I can't be free for at least three months. I still have to produce TV dramas in the later stage, so I'm busy. very."

Everyone understood what she said. Thinking of Ling Lin's usual work habits, he could only regret that his fate with Ling Lin had come to an end.

After parting from everyone, Ning Jia took Ling Lin's hand: "I'll take you home? The secretary sent me here today."

Ling Lin scratched his chin: "It's been planned for a long time, then you can send me back, Sister Ru, let's go first."

Ning Jia didn't dodge or avoid: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much."

Ling Lin looked into his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Well, I miss you too, only when I'm by your side can I feel that gushing emotion, it's so warm, it makes me feel extremely warm in the cold winter. "

Ning Jia: "It's great, my affection can be accepted by you, I never thought of it before."

Ling Lin: "Actually, I'm also very happy. Someone can give me so much love."

Han Ru was two steps behind, listening to the two whispering, she felt her teeth hurt for some reason. I never knew that Ling Lin had this side. Although she is gentle on weekdays, her alienation can still be seen.

But in front of Ning Jia, there was a smile in her eyes, much softer than usual. Is this good love? Can make such a big change in a person?

Taking Ning Jia back to her home, Ling Lin stretched her waist: "You can sit down wherever you want. I'll send these to the darkroom first. Fortunately, Sister Ru had someone clean the house before."

Ning Jia: "I'll go to the kitchen to boil water, aren't you busy now?"

Ling Lin's voice came from the darkroom: "I'm currently busy with post-production, and basically stay at home."

Ning Jia leaned against the door: "Then can I come to you for dinner every day?"

Ling Lin tidied things up: "Is it enough just to eat? This is not like you in my impression."

Ning Jia approached her: "In your eyes, what do I look like?"

Ling Lin tapped his chest: "Insatiable, greedy, and especially good at hitting snakes with sticks."

Holding Ling Lin in his arms as she wished, Ning Jia looked down at her: "Are you praising me? I do want a lot, but I don't want to be so hasty. I want to give you beautiful love, not short-term happiness Happy."

Ling Lin grabbed his shirt collar: "I know, so if you want to come, come here. Before the post-production is completed, I will most likely be at home."

Ning Jia: "Okay, I will take good care of you. UU Reading"

When Ling Lin and Ning Jia were sweet, Jiang Chan basically didn't show up. Although she talked with Ling Lin all the time, Jiang Chan still had the sense of boundaries that she should have.

That is, you don't meddle in other people's lives, as long as they live well, what do you care so much about? The main purpose of her stay here now is to digest the knowledge. As for Ling Lin's life, she just needs to witness it as a bystander.

For the first time in her life, the TV series independently produced by herself has achieved great response. Coupled with the fact that she is proud of her love, it is not an exaggeration to describe Ling Lin as vigorous and vigorous.

"You never said that you and Gu Chen are still friends." After seeing Gu Chen at the party that day, Ling Lin was still a little puzzled. She asked why the teacher jokingly said that there will be a good show to watch in a while, and the feelings fell on Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was not surprised, after all, after the relationship between Ling Lin and Ning Jia was exposed, everyone knew what they should know, and he was naturally no exception.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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