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Jiang Chan: "They are like mice in the gutter who dare not show their heads, because once they show their heads, what awaits them may be a fatal blow. Speaking of which, you got the Tianshu system last time, what system will it be this time?"

021: "It should be a top-ranked system, right? The higher the better."

Jiang Chan: "Yes, the closer you are to the front, the more you will earn. Keep an eye on Fang Hua. She is not someone who gives up so easily. This woman is too paranoid."

021 stopped talking and just stared at Fang Hua. It is also a monster, and it doesn't use any skills when staring at Fang Hua. If the prey finds out, if it really wants to escape, it may not be able to find it.

Regarding Fang Hua's nervousness, Lin Weiqi was exhausted: "We can only wait for the matching. This is already the most authoritative hospital for treating leukemia in the whole province. If the matching fails here, is it possible to go to another place?"

To be honest, Lin Weiqi finds it inconceivable that Gu Mei let go so easily and let Gu Sheng do the matching? She hated herself so much that she gritted her teeth, why was she so straightforward this time?

He thought about it and shook his head again, this is a hospital, could it be that Gu Mei has other means? Little did he know that precisely because this was a hospital, Jiang Chan could change so many things.

In her eyes, 021 is a small waste, but in this world, 021 is definitely more powerful than top hackers, it is too easy to tamper with a matching report.

As for Lin Zheng who was waiting for help, what did that have to do with her? In the final analysis, she was on Gu Mei's side, and she would never stand on Gu Mei's opposite, Fang Hua's side.

No matter how unwilling Fang Hua was, they had to wait for news from the bone marrow bank. It's a pity that I waited and waited, but there was no result, and I was disappointed every day.

Jiang Chan watched Fang Hua hysterically from the sidelines, and did not forget to help Gu Sheng with her homework: "Here, I was wrong! It seems that you learned for nothing in the learning space."

Gu Sheng shrank his neck: "Teacher... I forgot for a moment..."

Jiang Chan: "When you get to the college entrance examination room, you will tell the teacher the same? For this type of question, add ten more questions."

Gu Sheng said, "Okay."

Gu Mei sat on the side, not daring to say anything. She just suffered from being uneducated, so she thought that her daughter could have a better future. What other way out for the children of the poor these days besides studying?

As the person who fell in love with Gu Mei the most, Jiang Chan naturally couldn't hide it from Gu Sheng, and of course Jiang Chan didn't deliberately hide it. During this period of time, no matter whether Gu Sheng accepts it or not, she will keep her company.

[In view of the general environment,

After finally passing the test under Jiang Chan's hands, it was 10:30 o'clock, and Gu Sheng had to go to get the book, Jiang Chan said: "Don't compress the sleep time, you will be refreshed the next day after resting."

Gu Sheng stood up immediately: "Okay, I'm going to sleep with my mother tonight."

Jiang Chan didn't care: "You think I want to sleep with you? Who snores and grinds their teeth in the middle of the night?"

Gu Sheng shyly said, "It was just that one time, wasn't I too tired?"

Jiang Chan: "Okay, don't get in the way of my eyes, get up and go for a run tomorrow morning, look at this thin and small body, the wind can blow you away."

Seeing Jiang Chan return to Gu Mei's room, Gu Sheng leaned closer to Gu Mei: "Mom, tell me about Teacher, how did you meet?"

The pain in Gu Mei's eyes flashed: "It's nothing, it's just a coincidence. You should listen to your teacher and go to rest. I'll watch over you."

Seeing that nothing came out of Gu Mei's mouth, Gu Sheng said, "Mom and teacher are getting more and more mysterious."

Jiang Chan's cool voice sounded: "I can hear you."

Gu Sheng stood up: "I'm going back to my room, good night teacher!"

Gu Sheng adapted to the new school very well, and Jiang Chan helped her focus on the key points. Gu Sheng's grades in the city's No. 2 Middle School were only in the middle, but after arriving at the new school, his grades became better every time.

Until the last simulation before the college entrance examination, Gu Sheng won the first place directly. The principal in the city is beautiful at the moment

No way, when he accepted Gu Sheng's transfer procedures, there was no objection from the school.

But what should I say now? Just look at it now, who has any objections?

Gu Mei couldn't be happier: "Teacher, I didn't even know that Gu Sheng would have such good grades. If it weren't for you, she would have struggled to pass the exam."

Jiang Chan: "With learning space, isn't it standard to be good at studying? Gu Sheng still has tenacity and hard work. I am very confident in her exam this time. I can see the spirit in her."

Gu Mei didn't understand: "Wenqi?"

Jiang Chan: "Not everyone has literary spirit. I guess Gu Sheng's top five in this exam should be similar."

Gu Mei was already overjoyed: "Top five? Really? I can't tell her right now, lest she be complacent when the time comes."

Jiang Chan: "She will not be complacent. I think she is very similar to you in this respect, but she is easy to break. The two of you have very similar ideas. Sometimes, don't be in the mood for the moment."

Gu Mei: "Okay, I know what the teacher means."

Jiang Chan: "You are only forty years old now, do you want to be a cashier for the rest of your life? Don't you want to start your own career?"

Gu Mei was a little embarrassed: "I didn't think about what to do."

Jiang Chan: "It's always more difficult for girls these days. Have you ever thought about saving some money for Gu Sheng? It doesn't make sense that Lin Weiqi can start a business. You can try it too."

Gu Mei was very straightforward: "Then try it! Teacher, you have to guide me, I don't know anything."

Jiang Chan slowly hooked her lips: "Of course."

Gu Mei's scalp felt numb for some reason, UU reading www. Sure enough, after seeing the bibliography Jiang Chan gave her, Gu Mei, who has always been sharp-tongued, couldn't help but kneel down to Jiang Chan: "Teacher, isn't this too much?"

Jiang Chan: "A lot? Of course not many. Do you want to make a small fuss and get rich? Or do you want to work hard so that others dare not look down on you? These are all things you must learn. If your company becomes bigger and stronger , some capital has entered the game, and someone set up a trap, what will you do?"

"Capital cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. If you don't learn this, it will be easy to make wedding dresses for others in the future."

Gu Mei: "I'll learn, I must study hard! But teacher, you have to explain to me, I really don't understand these things. It's not a problem for you to ask me to do the accounting, but I really don't understand these things about management."

Jiang Chan: "Don't worry, I will definitely teach you well. Your open-minded personality is just right for you to venture into the mall."

Gu Sheng interrupted: "I want to go into business in the future, and I want to make a lot of money. Lin Zheng is so proud, isn't it because of Lin Weiqi's bad money? How is she doing now? Waiting for the right bone marrow?"

Gu Mei lowered her face slightly, Jiang Chan said calmly, "You care about her so much?"

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