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Gu Mei felt embarrassed about how she came back that day. Over the years, she thinks she has thick skin enough, but at this time she still feels that all kinds of social death.

But in the following week, by coincidence, she and Su Yuning met three times in a row, each time on different occasions.

Jiang Chan: "Fate."

Gu Mei: "Teacher, I don't want this kind of fate, mainly because I feel short of breath when I see his face."

Gu Meike has never had such an experience of talking small things behind someone's back and being caught straight.

Jiang Chan: "Fate is not so easy to avoid, I will not interfere in this matter."

Gu Mei sullenly said, "No, I'm going to meet him next time, right?"

Jiang Chan doesn't say anything. She has seen many people fall in love, but this kind of love between middle-aged people is very rare. What's more, Gu Mei and Su Yuning can be said to be official spouses, and if she hastily made a move to lose this relationship, it would also damage her merits in the final analysis.

Jiang Chan understands why it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage, but fate belongs to fate, whether the two can succeed or not depends on Gu Mei's attitude, she will not give Su Yuning an assist.

Knowing that Jiang Chan would not help her, Gu Mei also admitted it. She also wanted to understand that the key reason why she and Su Yuning always met was because she always went out to run.

If she worked hard in the office, Su Yuning wouldn't come to her company, would she?

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations. After two days of safe and sound days, Gu Mei just finished a meeting that day, and Gu Mei saw Su Yuning walking into the elevator.

Looking again, it was Gu Sheng who was watching him off, Gu Mei was shocked: "What does this mean?"

The secretary is conscientious: "Su Dong has an appointment with Xiao Gu Dong, and it's about the North City Mall."

Gu Mei: "No matter how important the North City project is, it shouldn't be enough for Su Yuning to go, right?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Sheng was also puzzled: "Teacher, Su Yuning is..."

Jiang Chan took pleasure in other's misfortune: "He wants to be your stepfather, so why don't he show his face in front of you?"

Gu Sheng: "Really?"

Jiang Chan: "What are you doing lying to you? But I quite appreciate his approach. Even if he wants to be your stepfather, he is quite clear about business matters. When it comes to the distribution of benefits, he will not give an inch."

Gu Sheng: "Public is public and private. If he doesn't distinguish between public and private and sells it to me directly, I won't appreciate it. Instead, it feels like a transaction. Why don't we keep each other clean like now."

Jiang Chan: "This is what I want, so I say that he is a qualified businessman. But becoming a businessman's wife is not so easy, and there are too many things to face."

Gu Sheng: "Of course, I never thought about finding a businessman. But if my mother likes it, I don't object. It's Brother Pingtou and Old Fox. This combination is very interesting."

Jiang Chan: "I also think it's very interesting. I guess it's a bit difficult. Being with an old fox will undoubtedly be very tiring, because the other party has a lot of thoughts hidden in his heart."

"You're also looking more and more like an old fox."

Gu Sheng was not happy: "How come, I am still a beautiful little girl, okay? But I want to find someone who is obedient and obedient. If you are not obedient and obedient, it is really boring to be together."

Besides, Gu Mei, she didn't ask Gu Sheng, and started to pack her things when she returned to the office. The secretary was a little confused: "Mr."

Gu Mei flicked her bag: "Tell Gu Sheng that I will take a vacation starting today. From the establishment of the company to now, I haven't taken a day off. I want to take a rest."

She didn't believe it anymore, she could still meet Su Yuning when she went out to play. When she walked out of the company with her bag, Gu Mei felt relaxed. Looking down at the capable business attire, Gu Mei went to the mall with a turn of her heels.

When she comes out again, she will have long curly hair and big red lips, which is eye-catching, not to mention eye-catching.

If you don't go outside the gate, you won't be able to meet anyone, and Gu Mei is happy to be at ease. The main reason is that I have never been so relaxed. I just lie down and watch dramas every day, and exercise in my spare time. I don’t have to worry about the company. My life is like poetry.

When Gu Mei was living leisurely, the relationship between Su Yuning and Gu Sheng was quite good. At least there is absolutely no problem with Gu Sheng. On the contrary, Gu Sheng is eager to marry Gu Mei off right now.

The main thing is, Gu Mei is a standard tiger mother, everyone is usually busy, even if there is something wrong, Gu Mei doesn't have the heart to say it. But if Gu Mei takes a rest, Gu Sheng feels as if no matter what he does when he goes home, he can be jumped into the wrong place.

Regardless of this, Sheng thought, if Gu Mei is married off and she can still have children at her age, then go worry about the second child and let her live a peaceful life?

Facing Pingtou brother all the time, even the little fox is a little embarrassed, let the old fox have a headache, now Gu Sheng is a typical dead friend who never dies.

However, Su Yuning, the tiger mother who can fall in love with her, is also a warrior, daring to face difficulties and go straight up.

Little did they know that Su Yuning's favorite thing was Gu Mei's vigor, which was always full of vitality, like a wild rose. Even if she puts on a restrained professional attire now, it can't cover up the small thorns all over her body.

If you are with such a person, life will definitely be very interesting, at least it will not be as stagnant as before.

Gu Sheng and Su Yuning get along well here, and Jiang Chan reminded Gu Mei at the right time: "If you don't go to the company, you will be stolen. Now Gu Sheng and Lao Su seem like comrades-in-arms."

Gu Mei raised eyebrows and raised eyebrows: "Okay, little white-eyed wolf, raising her for nothing! I have to ask her carefully!"

In the evening, when Gu Sheng came back from get off work, he saw Gu Mei sitting on the sofa with her arms folded, looking at her with dark eyes. Gu Sheng is not in pain or itching, Gu Mei is easy to understand, after so many years of getting along with her, she also has experience in facing Gu Mei.

On the contrary, the one who wants to be her stepfather, UU Reading really has deep thoughts. It can't always be her and Gu Mei's battle of wits and courage, but it also has to make others a headache.

Gu Sheng's expression didn't change for a moment, she put the bag in the entrance: "It's so late, mom, why don't you rest?"

Gu Mei snorted: "If I don't care about it like this, are you planning to sell me who weighs Jinlunliang? What benefits did Su Yuning give you? You guys are so hot?"

Gu Sheng smiled: "It's nothing, I think his attitude is quite sincere, I think it's time to investigate and see, Mom, you are not tempted? I heard that you were caught in person for speaking ill of people."

Gu Mei sighed: "I just said a few words, why do I feel like I'm a head shorter than him? Let me tell you, I'm your own mother, if I don't want to, Su Yuning won't do it even if I break the sky."

Gu Sheng spread his hands: "I know, I have long been paying attention to the freedom of marriage. The fruit of this twisting is not sweet, who doesn't understand?"

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(end of this chapter)

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