Gu Mei was helpless: "Why didn't I know you were so jealous before?"

Su Yuning smiled lowly: "Don't you know that you are my girlfriend and reveal your true nature?"

Although they have only just dated each other, Gu Mei feels very comfortable getting along with Su Yuning. Not everyone in this world can make her feel this way, except for her family, Su Yuning is the first one.

Although she hadn't cooked for so many years, Gu Mei got used to it very quickly when she stood in the kitchen. While Gu Mei was cooking, Su Yuning leaned against the kitchen cabinet and watched, as if she couldn't get enough of it.

Gu Mei: "Will you be able to eat enough just by looking at me?"

Su Yuning: "No, I just feel that the scene in front of me is too beautiful. I never thought that there would be such a life, and I never thought that you would cook at home. Suddenly, this place is no longer a house, but a home."

Gu Mei: "It's okay to do it once in a while, but I don't want to do it every day."

Su Yuning: "I also don't want you to cook for me every day. I'm with you not to ask you to cook for me. These things can be done by auntie, or I can learn to do them."

Gu Mei snorted, she was barely satisfied with the answer. When the two of them got bored, Gu Sheng, who was at the company, had already seen all of this.

She smiled: "It seems that I have to prepare a dowry for my mother, and I can't let others look down on her."

Jiang Chan: "Who dares to underestimate her? Gu Mei is worthy no matter who she is with. But regarding the company, it is better to explain it in advance. After all, the bigger the company, the more interests involved."

Gu Sheng: "Understood, she treats me well, and I can't lose her, lest others think she is easy to bully. Although Su Yunning looks pretty good at the moment, there is no guarantee that someone will trip her up in the future."

Jiang Chan: "Just make up your own mind, aren't you upset?"

Gu Sheng: "I'm not sad, I'm only happy for her. Really, she has worked hard for me before. How can it be so easy to be a single mother? It's too hard."

"I have grown up a long time ago, and she should also live a happy life instead of being alone."

Jiang Chan: "It's best if you think so. In this world, parents cannot accompany their children for the rest of their lives. Gu Mei is still young, and she should have a new life."

Gu Sheng: "On the first day of our relationship, I brought my mother home. Su Yuning moved too fast."

Jiang Chan: "If Gu Mei doesn't want to, no matter how scheming he is, he can't help it. I think Gu Mei is very straightforward and not procrastinating at all. Such a person who can afford it and let it go is undoubtedly more attractive."

Gu Sheng complained: "Looking at their progress, it seems that I will be able to drink their wedding wine soon."

As Gu Sheng said, in less than three months, Gu Mei and Su Yuning became legal. As for the wedding, it is naturally how grand it is. In Gu Mei's first marriage, there was no wedding at all, but the two families had a meal together.

Su Yuning felt sorry for Gu Mei and wanted to give her everything she never had. Which girl doesn't want to have a wedding of her own? No matter how strong a person is, he still has expectations for the wedding in his heart.

Seeing Su Yuning put the ring on Gu Mei above, Gu Sheng's face was always full of smiles. She won't cry, it should be happy at such a time, and the distance is not very far, it is still very easy to meet.

Liu Yichen sat beside Gu Sheng: "That's great, now you are my younger sister."

Seeing Gu Sheng staring at him, Liu Yichen stiffened his neck: "Although we are the same age, my birthday is older than yours, and a day older is also older."

Gu Sheng curled his lips: "Childish!"

Liu Yichen was proud: "Hey, I feel so happy when I think of having such a powerful cousin. Cousin, why don't you take me with you? I'm about to take over the company, I'm a little flustered."

Gu Sheng: "If you are interested, you can come to our company for an internship, and I will arrange someone to take you."

Liu Yichen was cheeky: "You take me alone, I also want to see the daily life of the domineering female president."

Gu Sheng had a headache: "If your mother doesn't object, I have no objection."

Su Yunyu: "I have no objection, I have no objection at all. If Yichen can learn a little bit from you, it is also his luck."

Gu Sheng clinked glasses with her: "Auntie praised me too much."

Su Yunyu smiled and said: "I never thought that Gu Mei would become my sister-in-law in the end, the fate is so wonderful."

Life after marriage is very different from before, but because there are more people around, Gu Mei feels warm in her heart. She has also become much gentler, not as explosive as before.

She wasn't a natural militant either, it was just because she had no shelter from the wind and rain before that she had to put on a suit of armor. But now that someone stood in front of her, Gu Mei's armor softened a lot.

A happy marriage can change a person. Just looking at the sweetness between Gu Mei's eyebrows now, one can tell that her second marriage is very happy and sweet.

Gu Sheng: "Seeing her like this, I'm happy for her. It's strange to say that since she got married, I suddenly feel empty at home, as if my heart is also empty."

Jiang Chan: "Normally, you have been living together for so many years, and if you suddenly separate, you will not get used to it."

Gu Sheng: "I also want to fall in love. UU Reading wants to find a man at home. If I go home every day, there will be someone at home. This feeling is not bad."

Jiang Chan doesn't say much about this, Gu Sheng is a very assertive person, and she will arrange her life well. Even if she wants to find a partner, she will do all kinds of considerations.

Gu Mei can't worry about Gu Sheng's affairs recently, she hasn't had enough rest recently. Before seeing Su Yuning working overtime all day long, she asked Jiang Chan for some prescriptions for Su Yuning to recuperate her body.

After all, it's going to be a lifetime, so she naturally hopes that the other party is healthy. But Su Yuning's body has recuperated, but she has suffered a lot, and she can't get up until the sun rises every day.

Efforts will naturally pay off, so in the third month after marriage, Gu Mei became pregnant. She also has a physique with severe pregnancy reactions, and it takes a lot of effort to take care of herself, let alone worry about Gu Sheng.

On the contrary, Gu Sheng came to the house to see her several times, and he was relieved to learn that she had a serious reaction some time ago, and it has gradually eased recently.

Gu Mei picked up a plum, and Gu Sheng felt a sour taste in his mouth.

Gu Mei: "Why are you here? I heard from the teacher that you plan to make friends? Have you met a suitable one?"

Gu Sheng hugged the pillow, another face suddenly flashed in his mind: "No, I want to find a cute one, but there are too few cute ones these days, and it doesn't suit my eyes."

Gu Mei: "How many big men are well-behaved? It's hard to meet your request."

Gu Sheng was not disappointed: "Then look for it slowly, it doesn't matter if you can't find it, it's good to be alone."

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