Mother Deer: "How did you meet? What does she do? How does she treat you? Will she bully you because of your gentle personality?"

Lu Ming was helpless: "Why do you call Gu Sheng like a scourge? She is a very smart girl, but she is also very gentle and patient in private."

Anyway, since dating, Lu Ming has never seen Gu Sheng angry. Even if the subordinates did not do well, Gu Sheng just pointed it out with a smile. Gu Sheng's temper is generally recognized as good in the company.

But precisely because of their good temper, those executives and shareholders who were able to suppress them had nothing to say. This also testified to Gu Sheng's ability and means from the side. Of course, Lu Ming did not say this.

Now that Gu Sheng is being said so badly, his parents should worry about him again. After all, he has always been a gentle person. What if he meets someone who is too powerful, and he will be oppressed for the rest of his life so that he can't hold his head up?

After hearing Lu Ming's introduction, Lu's father and mother were reluctant to relax, but when they saw Gu Sheng, Gu Mei and Su Yuning the next day, the Lu family couple were stunned,

No matter how ignorant and ignorant they are, they still know about Gu Sheng, okay?

Mother Lu: "You didn't say it was Gu Sheng? I always thought it was the same name and surname."

Lu Ming: "Just say Gao is not happy, right? Shengsheng and Auntie have very good personalities, and Uncle Su is also very gentle."

Mother Lu glanced at the enthusiastic Gu Mei: "They all have good personalities."

Although in Gu Mei's heart, Gu Sheng is a little fox. But in front of her future in-laws, Gu Mei would never flaunt Gu Sheng's point of view.

Just kidding, she looked at the young man with green eyes, and she was really interested. How could she hold back at this time?

So after a meal, the relationship between the two families suddenly became very close. Gu Sheng chuckled, so Gu Mei has a social critique after all, as long as it is someone she wants to have a good relationship with, they will not be able to escape her palm in the end.

As soon as the parents of both sides meet, the process is fast. Therefore, before Gu Mei gave birth, Gu Sheng and Lu Ming were already legal. Father Lu and Mother Lu have also read the prenuptial agreement signed by Lu Ming and Gu Sheng, and it can be said to be very broad.

Who said that rich people search for it? Of course, in Gu Sheng's view, Luming is much more important than money. Even if Lu Ming has other thoughts in the future, as long as she is there, what was lost will be earned back in the end. roundabout

This is also a kind of self-confidence.

When Jiang Chan came back, she saw Qing Yuan lying under the sea of ​​soul light in the mission hall, her eyes were very calm, it seemed that it was difficult for anything to cause her emotional fluctuations.

"Are you back? This time the small system has gained a lot." Qing Yuan raised his hand slightly, and 021, who was originally by Jiang Chan's side, was pinched into the palm of his hand by her. After taking another look at the small system, Qing Yuan raised his hand and threw it out. .

021 was scared out of his wits by Qing Yuan this time, as soon as he fled away from Qing Yuan's palms, he immediately hid himself, he definitely didn't want to see Qing Yuan again, it really scared the baby to death.

Jiang Chan: "It's mainly because of it. I'm not used to you like this. Suddenly I understand why everyone likes dolls. They look so delicate and cute."

Qing Yuan snorted: "Cute, right? My body is more beautiful."

Jiang Chan understood in seconds: "I just came back, and I have been doing several tasks in a row, so you can't let me rest? I have something to say first, I don't want to do the tasks in the world of cultivating immortals for the time being, and I want to relax again."

Qing Yuan was barely satisfied: "Okay, you can figure it out, anyway, the task has been given to you, it's up to you when to go."

Jiang Chan snorted: "You should have done this a long time ago."

Now she is not in a hurry to go out, but lies side by side with Qing Yuan in the mission hall. Looking at the soul light ball that was never missing on the sky, Jiang Chan suddenly asked.

"Have you ever seen a person without obsession?"

Qing Yuan: "Of course, very few. People who live in this world always have goals."

Jiang Chan thinks about it too: "That's right, whether it's muddling along or working hard, everyone has a goal, and the most basic thing is to live."

"Actually, the more worlds I travel through, the more I think, it's not easy to live well. Those who commit suicide may not really want to give up on themselves, but they can't hold on anymore." Lan

"Maybe to outsiders, their reasons for committing suicide are inconceivable, but to be able to live in peace and joy, no one wants to give up like this."

Qing Yuan glanced at her: "Why do you have such emotion? This is not like you."

Jiang Chan: "It's just that many of the clients I met over the years, several of them committed suicide and passed away. This ball of soul light is very interesting."

Seeing that Jiang Chan had summoned a ball of soul light, Qing Yuan pouted, but didn't say anything.

After seeing the soul light ball, Jiang Chan waved and disappeared into the mission hall with 021 in his arms. UU reading

"Xu Li, all the 60 yuan class fee that Wang Hong collected has been stolen. You are in charge of locking the door of the class. Recently, the girl in your dorm room said that you bought shampoo and snacks..."

Jiang Chan heard this passage just after she arrived, and she looked up at the middle-aged woman in front of her: "So what do you mean?"

Yang Lanzhu was stunned for a moment: "So you should explain clearly where the class fee of 60 yuan was spent. The teacher will not disclose it to the students."

Jiang Chan suddenly smiled: "The class was stolen, and I have money in my hand, so I got the class fee? Couldn't it be my parents?"

Yang Lanzhu was a little annoyed: "You are in charge of locking the doors in the class..."

Jiang Chan: "Yes, I'm in charge of locking the door, but the school doesn't stipulate that I stay in the classroom 24 hours a day. I saw it when Wang Hong was collecting class fees yesterday, and when I was doing self-study in the evening, I I checked the doors and windows, and they were all locked."

"But when I came the next day, the window glass of the last window by the corridor was smashed, and that's my fault? If I really took the money, why would I go in through the window?"

Yang Lanzhu was momentarily stunned by Jiang Chan's words, and Jiang Chan leaned against the door: "Catch the thief and seize the stolen goods. Since you suspect me, then call the police. I can't be framed like this for no reason."

"By the way, by the way, I also called the police. Our dormitory was also stolen. My mother gave me a hundred yuan last month, and I took it to the dormitory. Now there are only forty left. I spent nine yuan on shampoo. Seven yuan, and the remaining fifty is gone." Lan

As soon as Jiang Chan said that she wanted to call the police, Yang Lanzhu became anxious: "If you have something to say, why call the police? Should the school still..."

Jiang Chan: "Teacher, you have already suspected me, and you still don't allow me to prove my innocence? I just lost my money like this? Teacher, don't you care?"

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