Just like what Jiang Chan said, when the final test papers were handed out, the results were indeed good. It's just that it's not bad, it's in this school, if it's placed in an outside school, it's definitely not enough to see.

After all, compared to other high schools, L Middle School is already at the end of the crane. As for the last few who can be admitted to the second or the first heavy copy, it depends on their luck in the end.

Anyway, Jiang Chan knew that there were only about twenty high school seniors who had just graduated and were admitted to the second university. At this time, the gold content of the secondary schools was still very high, unlike later, the secondary schools were also included in the secondary schools.

As for Xu Li's name, everyone has heard it before, and it's all from the students in the junior high school in the headquarters, but they didn't have an intuitive impression at that time.

But after all the results were counted, the students realized how terrifying Jiang Chan was. A perfect score is two points away. Is this a result that a human being can get out of the test?

Cao Jin stared at her test paper for a long time before returning it to Jiang Chan: "How did you come up with it? I also read high school textbooks during the summer vacation, but I couldn't think of using this method."

Jiang Chan: "It is necessary to understand the basic questions. Don't always focus on difficult questions. If the foundation is not solid, it is useless to do more difficult problems. The example questions in the textbook are very targeted."

Jiang Qiuli: "You're right. I also plan to rip through the textbooks. I haven't laid the foundation well, so I won't think about those problems."

The test passed just like that, and Jiang Chan's results were just a little bit envied by everyone at the beginning, but they fell silent when they came. After all, Xiaojia was very busy at that time, and it was even more difficult to have doubts in junior high school than in the eighth day of junior high school.

Each of the four subjects must be taken into account, which is also to let Xiaojia know himself better, so that he can divide into arts and sciences. Before the division of arts and sciences, Xiaojia's burden will be more.

You picked up a piece of chalk and spread it out under the whiteboard, and the students on the bottom still took it for granted when it was over, and they gradually retreated when they came. Until the outside of the classroom became quieter and quieter, and there were a few math teachers missing in the front seat, all of whom were called by Lao Shi, and they were all staring at Xu Li at that moment.

Lao Shi resigned at that time: "They all did a bad job. In the past, let Xiao Tang step down for your evening self-study. You have also benefited a lot."

In addition to coming to the general exam, the students will only have eight main subjects at the end, and the two elective courses will be added at the end.

Now coupled with the teaching quality of the township middle schools, this is a step backward step by step. Even if the teachers try their best to catch up, they must also consider whether the students can accept it.

Before the first monthly exam in the first year of junior high school, Datang had finished organizing Xu Li's competition. Although that poor student signed up for two courses of mathematics and physics, as the head teacher, I have to withdraw from your competition no matter what.

Usually Xu Li also goes to other schools to finish her classes. You are purely self-study, at least not when the exam time comes up to take the exam. For other competition students, maybe that is easy, after all, there is no teacher to teach.

Xu Li: "Okay, as long as the students can accept it, you can't."

It is one thing to learn badly, but quite another to be able to teach bad students. Anyway, from our point of view, the typhoon that Xu Li got out of class was generally bad. Did you concentrate on listening to these thorns?

Lao Shi started the car: "Go back, the results will come out in two days, and then we will see how many exams he has taken."

Teacher Shi: "Since you can understand the physics side, you can also fall in the mathematics side. It's not a math class tonight, so he will explain it to Xiaojia? The math monthly exam was really good."

After two math classes, Xu Li thought about it and asked a question under the whiteboard, seeing the students still had a lot to say, "Try it, Xiaojia, it's all the knowledge points you just talked about."

Datang and Teacher Shi are waiting inside. After all, you are the only one in L. We also want to see how far Xiaotang can go. After hearing Jia Nan say that the subject was complicated, Datang wondered: "Is there no subject that is easy for him? It seems that he has never been able to do it before."

Datang curled his lips in the front row, knowing that Teacher Shi has always been the most thieves. I just thought that tomorrow is not my physics evening self-study, and I am also disappointed. Mathematics can be so bad, if physics is bad, it is. Perhaps it was because Xu Li spoke too thoroughly. Seven-eighths of the students outside the class have done that question, which would be easy in normal times. Obviously, we did not listen to what Xu Li said just now. I also understand.

Now Datang has no confidence in Xu Li, but Geli, and the competition questions you did later, Datang also showed the competition teachers you know. In the words of the other party, no, such a student is like a junior seventh student who has studied for two years, and his competitive thinking is not very good.

Datang: "The person who knows how to count points is really amazing. By the way, why don't you discuss something with him?"

Before sitting next to Teacher Shi, Old Shi poked your arm: "The knowledge points are generally sorted out in detail, can they all be sorted out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You go to the printing room to make a copy, and then everyone will have a copy? "

Datang closed his eyes: "Let your wife make him two boxes of big cakes?"

In the evening, it wasn't mathematics evening self-study. Before leaving the classroom with the textbook, Teacher Shi didn't get off the podium, but sat directly under the empty seat next to Xu Li.

Xu Li: "No, you will send it to you tomorrow morning."

Only then was Xu Li satisfied: "Okay, Master's wife's big cake is really bad, you are just being polite to you."

Jia Nan: "Where are you so omnipotent? You don't understand. The world is not like that. The less he knows, the more he knows what he lacks."

In the seventh week before the monthly exam, the preliminary rounds of the mathematics and physics competitions were over. Xu Li walked out of the exam room calmly, and then came out calmly. For you, those are very complicated.

Xu Li, on the other hand, walked off the podium empty-handed. You are also stage frightened, "It's been a month since school started, and Teacher Shi asked you to explain Xiaojia's knowledge of mathematics and make a mind map..."

Xu Li looked at me and suddenly smiled: "I want you to sort out the knowledge of the students tonight? What harm is he going to do to you?"

In fact, those teachers are also unmotivated and want to teach excellent students. Do we want to compete with these key middle schools? Of course we also want to, but the students who can come there, our starting point is not much shorter than the students of these key middle schools.

Jia Nan propped his chin: "You think the deduction should be more than eight points, it's not because you know how the marking teacher corrects it."

But for Jia Nan, you think it is generally suitable for you. What you need most now is not your own time. If you really let you go to the competition class, you are also willing, after all, you are not at your own level.

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