Wu Xiuzhen helplessly: "How could she call us? She is the strongest. If she doesn't contact us, she won't contact us. We don't even have her number."

"Let me say that the one million she gave us back then shouldn't be collected, and now I don't have a stand to talk to her." Lian Shuguo sighed, and suddenly thought of what happened two years ago.

At that time Jiang Chan was only eighteen years old and had just grown up. It happened that that year Lian Yanbin was twenty-six years old, worked for more than two years, and also talked with a girlfriend. The day he brought his girlfriend back happened to catch up with Jiang Chan.

Even Shuguo remembers very clearly, including what clothes Jiang Chan wore that day, what accessories he wore, and so on. At that time, she was only eighteen, and she was just in her sophomore year.

Dressing and dressing are very capable, at least that body is very strong, Lian Shuguo and Wu Xiuzhen have a little chest tightness and shortness of breath when facing her.

Originally, the atmosphere of Lian's home was very harmonious. Lian Yanbin's girlfriend Tan Xiao and Wu Xiuzhen were talking while Lian Shuguo and Wu Jin were chatting together.

Jiang Chan's arrival broke this harmony. It is said that after staying for a while on the day she came, she never returned to Lian's house for more than two years.

When the doorbell rang, Wu Jin stood up and said, "Who, is it possible that my express has arrived? I'll open the door!"

She jumped up to open the door, looked at her jumping figure, Lian Shuguo smiled and said: "This girl is still so frizzy, Xiao Tan, you are here for the first time, don't mind!"

Tan Xiao smiled and said, "No, my sister is a cute character! It's better for girls to be more lively!"

Seeing Wu Jin staying at the door and not moving, Wu Xiuzhen groaned: "Why does this kid take so long to open the door? Let me see what's going on? Yanbin, you accompany Xiao Tan!"

Lian Yanbin made a gesture and sat down beside Tan Xiao, "Look at my parents, it's better to you than to me!"

Tan Xiao punched Lian Yanbin with his backhand. When Forsythia and the lawyer walked in, they just saw the scene of the two arguing. Seeing Forsythia coming in, the smile on Lian Yanbin's face stopped.

Jiang Chan glanced at the people around Lian Yanbin, as if this was her sister-in-law in Forsythia's memory? She nodded at Tan Xiao, and sat down on the sofa of Lian's house with the lawyer.

The living room of Lian's house was originally small. When Jiang Chan and the lawyer sat down, Wu Jin and Wu Xiuzhen could only pull two chairs and sit down.

"Forsythia, are you back?" Seeing Jiang Chan, Lian Shuguo was overjoyed: "Xiuzhen, go to buy some food. Forsythia hasn't returned in a few years. It just so happened that Xiaotan is here today, everyone Have a lively meal."

Forsythia raised his hand: "Mr. Lian, you don't need to eat. I have something to do today. I can eat later."

Lian Shuguo immediately stared: "Who is your name, Mr. Lian? I'm your father!"

Tan Xiao sat on the side and blinked. Did she see a scene of family ethics on the spot?

Forsythia is very perfunctory, "Lawyer Wang, take out my agreement, and let's talk about it in Cairo Bu Gongdi."

Lian Yanbin couldn't hold back his anger: "Forsythia, you have to talk about it today? The first time Tan Xiao came back to see my parents with me, what can't you say later?"

Jiang Chan raised his lips: "I'm sorry, my time is much more precious than you. This is one million. Since I was fifteen years old, I haven't spent a penny from you. This million should be enough to deduct you. I have paid for the first fifteen years."

Lian Shuguo roared: "Forsythia, what do you mean? Do you want to sever relationship with me?"

Forsythia raised Erlang’s legs: “I’m thinking about it, but there’s no way. The law doesn’t allow it. It’s fine for everyone to live in the future. When you are old and lose your ability to live, I will pay alimony again. It depends on how much your good son and good daughter paid."

Looking at Tan Xiao in the mist, Jiang Chan smiled extremely badly.

"Let me introduce you. This Mr. Lian Shuguo is my biological father, and this Ms. Wu Xiuzhen is my biological mother. This Lian Yanbin is my half-brother, and Wu Jin is my half-sister, do you understand how I explain it?"

Seeing Tan Xiao nodded blankly, Jiang Chan stretched out his hand. Lawyer Wang handed the agreement to Jiang Chan with insight. Jiang Chan turned to the last page, where he had already signed the name.

"I have signed the agreement, and I have basically returned your nurturing grace to you ten times. I am here today to explain this matter. If there is nothing to do, I will leave first."

After all, Lian Yanbin has been working for two years, and at this time he feels complacent.

"Wait a minute, where did you get so much money? Shouldn't you be in your sophomore year?"

When talking about her sophomore year, Wu Jin suddenly shuddered. She is just now in her freshman year, and she is still a lesser-known undergraduate college.

Jiang Chan smiled nonchalantly: "How much do you know about me? Two years ago, I was better than you. Two years later, I can still look down on you. Of course, considering that you brought your girlfriend back today, I won't be with you. Whatever you say, capable people can live well anywhere, and I will stand at a height that you can't reach even in the splits, and let you look up from now on."

Wu Xiuzhen wiped her hands and wanted to teach Jiang Chan something. Jiang Chan looked at her precisely, "What do you want to say? I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to tell you about these messy things about your family. Aren’t you doing well now? Who wouldn’t say you’re a good stepmother when you go out?"

"The agreement is here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you guys sign it. I'll go back after signing it. I'm very busy."

Lian Shuguo was so furious that he tore up the agreement in one fell swoop. Jiang Chan's expression did not fluctuate: "Tear it. If you tear it, I will lose 100,000. Even Yanbin is 26 this year, right? I see what you can buy for him to buy a house for the wedding. Too much."

The lawyer cooperatively took out a dozen agreements from the briefcase. Seeing Lian Shuguo, his eyes were distraught. Wu Xiuzhen and Wu Jin had already shrunk aside like quails and did not dare to speak.

Especially Wu Jin, when she saw Jiang Chan, she seemed to see the shadow of high school again. She finally got out of Jiang Chan's shadow, and now when she saw Jiang Chan, Wu Jin thought about her unhappy high school career.

Jiang Chan knows the economic conditions of Lian Shuguo. Lian Shuguo is an ordinary worker in a factory, while Wu Xiuzhen is a housewife. The whole family depends on Lian Shuguo's salary.

Even Yanbin is so old, and he has brought his girlfriend back. It is estimated that the marriage will also be on the agenda. So many people in Lian's family have been squeezed into a three-bedroom apartment for so many years, which shows that Lian's family is still relatively struggling.

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