The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2921: Xu Li Thirty-Three

Latest website: Xu Li: "I understand, I'll go first."

Less than five minutes after leaving the prison, the boss called. Xu Li pursed her lips amusedly: "Mr. Zhao, you are very well informed."

Mr. Zhao's tone was very serious: "Xu Li, this case is quite involved, you must be careful."

Xu Li: "Be careful, be careful, I am careful, you are far away in the capital, you know the news from me here?"

Mr. Zhao: "Are you still talking? You little girl can go wherever the danger is. I follow you with a lot of worries. If you need anything, please tell the office at any time, or I will send two capable A lawyer to help you? I am really worried that you are fighting alone. "

After thinking about it, Xu Li still refused: "No, I've almost done the preparation work, don't worry, I've got my own measure."

After repeatedly dispelling Mr. Zhao's thoughts, Xu Li hung up the phone. Mr. Zhao is fine with everything, but he likes to worry. But this is also very good. It is really not easy to meet a caring and considerate boss.

Wang Qi: "Ban Zhu, is it dangerous? How about I hire some bodyguards?"

Xu Li: "No, soldiers are precious and fast. We came here unexpectedly. This time, we have to cut through the mess before the other party reacts. I made an appointment with Zheng Ju to talk about the matter. You can come too. After all, you are also the party involved. .”

After walking here and there with Xu Li for two days, Wang Qi felt that her legs were going to be thinner from walking. In the past two days, he met many leaders, prepared evidence materials, etc., which were sent up one after another.

Where had he seen these people before? And even if you see him, what can you use to convince others? Where does she look like Xu Li? A shot is all kinds of evidence, and these people behind the hammer can't stand up at all.

The higher authorities also attached great importance to these evidences after receiving them. In fact, they have been staring at Wang Jing. It's just that last time Wang Jing and the umbrellas behind him did too cleanly. Even if they knew that there was something wrong with Wang Changhui's case, they could only shelve it without evidence.

Now it's all good, all the evidence has been sent to the door, and they have a reason to attack Wang Jing and his umbrellas.

"This Xu Lu really deserves his reputation."

"Who says no? There are rumors now, but in any lawsuit she takes over, the other party must be wronged."

"Looking at it this way, it seems that we are just doing nothing, and we are not doing our duty at all."

"Where do you think she has so much energy? Can you find such hidden evidence?"

"I heard that besides being a law major, Xu Li also seems to have taught herself computer science, and her level is very high."

"No wonder."

"This time, they have already sent all the evidence to the door. This case must be handled properly."


Seeing the movement inside the public security system, Xu Li pursed her lips in satisfaction. She knew that there are still many responsible people in this world.

"Hello? Dad? I'm fine, nothing happened." It seemed that the caller was Xu Qin, and Xu Li answered the phone helplessly. Ever since she took the case, Xu Qin called her four times a day, trying to get in touch with her, worrying about what might happen to her.

Although Xu Li was bold, she cherished her life too much. After handing in all the evidence, she stayed in the hotel behind closed doors. She was stupid to go out.

Didn't you even look at her to order food?

Xu Qin felt relieved: "That's good, how many days do you have to come back?"

Xu Li estimated the time: "It will take two more days, the dust will soon settle, I have been staying in the hotel these days."

Xu Qin: "Okay, it's too dangerous for you, why don't we stop doing this business? Are you going to write your own?"

Xu Li: "This is a profession I love, and I will pay attention to my own safety. After all, such cases are only a small number. I have been in the industry for so many years, and this is the only one I have encountered. In the end, this is still a bright future."

Xu Qin sighed: "If you do it again, I don't know if my heart can take it. Come back as soon as it's over. I didn't dare to tell your mother and sister, lest they worry."

Xu Li: "Don't worry, I have also practiced fighting in recent years, ordinary people are not my opponents, I have the ability to protect myself."

After hanging up Xu Qin's phone call, Xu Li was helpless, and she also understood her family's worries. It's just that dangerous things always have to be done by someone, and besides, she has Jiang Chan's trick, which is much easier for her than others.

Seeing that it was evening and it was time to deliver food, there was a knock on the door soon. Just as Xu Li was about to open the door, Jiang Chan suddenly said in a deep voice, "Attention, the person outside is not a delivery man."

Xu Li was shocked: "Who is it?"

Jiang Chan moved her finger, and the situation outside the corridor appeared in front of her. The man was wearing a uniform of a hotel kitchen. He looked plain and ordinary, and his height was only about 1.75 meters.

Xu Li shook her head: "I don't know him, he's still knocking on the door."

Jiang Chan: "I found the information, and I'm still a famous killer. Someone put a bounty on your life on the dark web before, and I obviously withdrew the bounty, but I didn't expect someone else to accept the bounty."

Xu Li licked the corner of her lips: "Is he better than me?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course, the self-protection you practice is fine. If you really meet these people, you will be no match for them."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chan took over the control of Xu Li's body, and Xu Li could only stand aside and watch. Jiang Chan pushed open the door with a relaxed expression, and the killer disguised as a delivery man walked in pushing a dining cart.

When passing by Jiang Chan, he seemed to raise his hand inadvertently, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chan reacted quickly, and went around to the other side with just two wrong steps.

Black Snake's brows and eyes moved slightly, and he immediately knew that the other party had discovered the clue. He pushed the dining car away, wiped his right hand on the back of his waist, and a cold triangular thorn appeared in his hand.

Xu Li stood aside without daring to take a breath, for fear of disturbing Jiang Chan's mood. It's a pity that this killer has a high force In the end, he still couldn't please Jiang Chan, and was soon bound tightly by Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan did not force a confession, but returned control of her body to Xu Li. Xu Li's heart is still pounding right now, purely from all kinds of fear.

She was so angry that she stomped on the man's wrist. When she heard the man's muffled groan, Xu Li finally let out a little bit of anger. If there is danger, go to the police, this is her creed.

In less than twenty minutes, Xu Li and Black Snake sat down at the police station. Wang Qi also rushed over at this moment: "Ban Zhu, are you okay?"

Xu Li: "What's the big deal? He's a good cook, and he's still a top-ranked killer, and that's all in the end?"

Now that she regained her senses, Xu Li dared to sneer at Black Snake. I don't know who the one whose legs were weak from the fright just now is.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)


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