Remember [New] in a second! Xu Xiaowen shook his head: "No, we haven't contacted her since the college entrance examination." Xu Li: "Really? It's a pity, weren't you very good at the beginning? We haven't seen each other since junior high school, and you haven't changed much from before. We're almost done shopping, so it's time to go back. ? If I did something wrong, I apologize to you...? The smile on Xu Li's face did not change for a moment: "I don't remember many things in the past, and there is no apology or no apology. We went back, and my parents still Waiting at home.? Ning Jinzhou could see that Xu Li was holding on, so he didn't say much, and led Xu Li to the seasoning area. Just after walking a few steps, Xu Li's tears came down? She quickly wiped her face: "Let's go, I'll talk to you when I get back. Ning Jinzhou looked into Xu Li's eyes: "When you go back now, uncle will only think that I bullied you. How about we go out for a drive? This way you can calm down.? In fact, he is already jealous right now Well, that Xu Xiaowen is nothing special, how could it make her mood fluctuate so much?

"There are not many kinds of fruit in the supermarket in the town, so let's go to the fruit shop in the city? It's the first time I see your teachers, so don't be rude. "You didn't steal other people's photos in the past, and the class was stolen in the past. It seems that you have committed public wrath as soon as you go up. It's as bad as if everyone thinks you are pleasing to the eye, as bad as you have done something good and unconscionable. ?Xu Xiaowen nodded: "It's conceivable, so Ning Jinzhou and Xu Li live in the same family?" Your homeroom teacher in the seventh day of junior high school accidentally asked you to be at the same table with Ning Jinzhou. Of course, you were very depressed at first . Because I am very boring and will make people around me depressed, while you have a dull personality and love to talk. ?Xiaoli laughed at herself: "Of course we know, and you told us. Did you tell him after that? If you were wronged or bullied inside, you would always go back and talk about it, because we will do it for you In the early stage.? Yang Yao choked up: "At the time, you felt... that it was too bitter, but now it's really hard. When you come here, you just think, why do you get hurt every time? Why is it that you do things that are pushed under you in the first place? "For example, outside a family's house, maybe the boys live downstairs and the girls live upstairs, but they eat together, go to get out of class together, etc. But it's the same in the school dormitory, the male and female dormitories are in the same building, you say Can he understand those?? Xu Xiaowen was silent for a long time: "Is he forgiving just like that? ? Yang Yaolang: "You only know that he chose to become a lawyer because he was wronged, but the specific inside story is Hanhu." ? , bad for weeks are ever talked. Until another thing happened, he should know. "In the first two months, you got along wrong. I kept mine quiet, and you learned from yours, until something happened." The student who came to steal money was caught, and you will Erqi also parted ways with Ning Jinzhou. On the eighth day of junior high school, I was even assigned to the same class. After such a short time, if you saw me again today, you think you haven't forgotten that incident. "I came here while you were going to the bathroom, and I looked through your desk and schoolbag, did you find any photos?" It's also something worth worrying about. ?Xiaoli looked at me: "You want to think about the past. After you turned seventeen, did you really have many unhappy things?" Xu Xiaowen hugged you: "If you meet him earlier, you will be broken." , do his parents know about those things? Xiaoli: "Right now the class is spreading rumors that you have a crush on me. Maybe I thought you hid the photos of me and others because of jealousy and hatred? I believe in you so much, you will hide it for me too, so you will hide it for me. That incident got to the class teacher. The car drove out of the town, and Xiaoli said: "Now that I am studying, the school will be stricter on puppy love. At this moment, no classmates live in the school dormitory, and naturally no classmates live in the private dormitory. ?Xiaoli took a deep breath: "Did you just ask if I was with Xu Li? Ning Jinzhou lives outside the private dormitory, and the private dormitory is not as tolerant as the school management." Until noon that day I went back to have a meal, and when I came back, I apologized to you, saying that Xia Yangyao took the photo from my schoolbag this morning, and I knew it. "It turns out that the ambiguity in the past can support us to go to the forefront. How ironic? Xu Li: "Okay, UU Reading Then listen to you, let's go for a drive, and my mother will definitely go back now Don't worry, there is nothing you want you to know. Xiaoli: "That's a long story. In summary, it's not that the class fee was stolen, and you are in charge of opening and locking the door outside the class right now, so all the anchors you see are pointing at you." Xu Xiaowen: "If you laugh, you're going to laugh, and you're an outsider, so he wants to smile weakly. ?Xu Xiaowen said everything, I knew that as long as I listened quietly at that time, it would be bad. I just think of Xiaoli who used to stumble along the way, so I will inevitably watch it from time to time? "That's right, Xu Li is in the seventh grade at the moment, and Ning Jinzhou is in the seventh grade, but because of my repeated grades, the difference between the two is actually only a little bit higher." One year old, so we can talk more naturally.? "There was also a saying this afternoon, because the photo is indeed with you, but all the classmates and like-minded people think that you took our group photo. ?Xu Xiaowen will come from your co-driver: "You guys are talking about the past, for example, looking forward to the future? Think about how many children you will have in the future?" Yang Yaolang didn't feel bad at that time. , I reached out and wiped Xiaoli's eyes: "Don't cry, you have seen him cry before. You have made him cry, why did he cry because of others?" Both of them live on campus, of course the relationship with their roommates is too bad, but it's better to go somewhere else, they are people on the edge of the dormitory. "You took a second look. On the seventh day, Yang Yaolang said that the photo of me and Yang Yao was met, and he insisted that you took it. Whatever you say is useful, I don't think so.? Xu Xiaowen knows what Parking at the time: "That's too insulting, isn't it a photo? Who would take other people's photos? ? "Using the current words to sum up, it is not a friend but a lover is not full. There is no time when Yang Yao and I went to take a photo, and then came back to show off to the students around us.

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