"Xiao Chan, this is my dad. Didn't I always have insomnia before? You cured me with a needle like this, and my dad also had insomnia. I'll take him over to try."

Seeing Jiang Chan, Xiaoqin smiled happily, "They didn't believe me when I went back, right now?"

Xiaoqin's dad said slyly, "I didn't expect this. It turns out that your classmates are still Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons."

He listened to his girl's return and said that Jiang Chan's methods would have become a **** by her. Such exaggerated words were false, and it was strange that he could believe it.

Jiang Chan's gaze swept across the man's bright forehead, "Come in, I'll take a look first."

Zhou Zhenwei sat down opposite Jiang Chan. Jiang Chan took the pulse for him. After making an accurate judgment of his body, he grabbed his left **** and took acupuncture and bloodletting therapy. The process was very rapid.

"Okay, you can go back to sleep at night. I think you have a long insomnia. It's much more serious than her. You don't eat less nutrition and health products, right?"

"If you don't eat those, your energy will be difficult to keep up." Jiang Chan summed up lightly, Zhou Zhenwei opened his mouth: "You are too godly."

Jiang Chan's gaze swept across his forehead: "Your hair loss is very serious, you don't have much hair anymore."

Zhou Xiaoqin smiled unceremoniously and said, "My dad cares about his hair now. When he washes his hair every day, he sighs, why does his hair fall again? These are the last stubborn ones."

"By the way, Xiao Chan, you are a Chinese medicine doctor, do you have any hair growth medicine? My dad is a computer, and most of them are bald!"

Dad Zhou, who was confronted by the girl and said he was bald, covered his chest and whispered to himself that this was his own, his own, but he was still very angry. What should I do?

Jiang Chan groaned: "I will give you a course of treatment first, orally and externally. You should see the effect within a week at most. You go back and try it?"

Dad Zhou hasn't said anything yet, Xiaoqin has already agreed: "Little Cicada, I know you must have a way, Dad, wait for you to heal, and see if you go out in the future, who else would dare to say you are bald!"

Dad Zhou stared, that's enough, you are bald on the left and the other bald in front of me, you really think your dad can't get angry?

Seeing these two people amused, Jiang Chan's expression became much more relaxed. Now there is a dedicated clinic for her in the hospital, and all the medicine cabinets on the four sides are against the wall, and the medicinal materials are all bought by her little by little during the summer vacation.

Jiang Chan usually learns to write here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and feels more peaceful in the fragrance of medicine. She has almost all the medicinal materials on the market now, but she has picked things out of Zheng Lao's hands.

Of course, the old man is not a vegetarian either. He knocked a few bottles of Jiang Chan and left. It took Jiang Chan a long time to make it.

The internal use is Jiang Chan's traditional Chinese medicine, as for the external use is Jiang Chan's ointment made on the spot. After washing his hair, Zhou Dad will apply it on the scalp until it is absorbed by the massage.

Dad Zhou is not as disapproving as he was at the beginning, but this is a good thing to save him in the future, and he must use it well when he returns!

When I went back that night, Dad Zhou had a rare good night's sleep, until dawn. That snoring sound made Zhou's mother so loud that she couldn't sleep at all at night, so she ran over to squeeze with Zhou Xiaoqin in the middle of the night.

"Your dad is snoring, really!" Zhou's mother complained to the girl, Xiaoqin thought of the scene when she was snoring in the dormitory at the beginning, and suddenly became a little ashamed, as if it was annoying to the people?

During the few days when Dad Zhou came back, he was trembling. After washing his hair every night, he applied a delicate Chinese medicinal ointment as Jiang Chan said. After all the massage was absorbed, Dad Zhou went to bed.

Now he doesn't have insomnia anymore. What Jiang Chan said that the single shot that worked was really effective. This also made Dad Zhou even higher hopes for this hair-growth cream. He looked left and right in the mirror every day, but unfortunately he didn't find any effect for a few days.

On the sixth day, Xiaoqin suddenly pointed to the center of Zhou's forehead: "Old Zhou, there is a black spot on your forehead. Is it a new hair that has just grown out?"

As soon as Dad Zhou heard it, he immediately became energetic. Zhou’s mother contributed a small mirror for her makeup in a timely manner. Lao Zhou stared at the dark scalp, and suddenly sighed: "Your classmate, it’s really true. It's amazing! You know your father has no hair on my forehead since I was 30 years old, and I want to cry!"

"That's, do you know how awesome she is? There was a boy who was doing well in physical education class. Suddenly there was no heartbeat. You just pierced people to life with a golden needle. You can imagine how awesome she is, right?"

When it comes to Jiang Chan's medical skills, Xiaoqin has something to say, even with gestures.

"Lao Zhou, you saw the thin gold bracelet on her wrist last time. It was a gold needle. She saved people by relying on that gold needle. There is a video on our forum. Woolen cloth."

Xiaoqin took out her phone and found the video of Jiang Chan. Lao Zhou and Zhou's mother held the video and watched it for a long time. Zhou's mother laughed and said, "Now it seems that your father and daughter have met a noble person. They are such a great doctor. Isn’t it a trivial thing to treat your baldness?"

Dad Zhou doesn't care now that people say he is bald. Didn't he see that he has new hair growing out? It is not certain who is bald in the future!

"Why don't you go and shave your head, Lao Zhou, so that the hair that grows out will be uneven." Zhou Ma made a suggestion, and Lao Zhou pondered: "Ok~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Go now, I I hope that after all shaved, black and thick hair will grow out!"

On the way back from the haircut, Dad Zhou also bought a hat specially, after all, the image is still needed. He didn't plan to take off the hat until his hair grew out.

Before going to bed at night, Dad Zhou was in front of the mirror. He was careful to make sure that the ointment was applied to every part of his head before he rested.

When he was washing the next day, Dad Zhou also looked in the mirror specially, the black scalp on his forehead was still there, and the other places were also faintly green. It is estimated that it will not be long before the new hair grows out.

I don't have insomnia now, and I won't be bald anymore. Dad Zhou is in a good mood. He is wearing a baseball cap, humming a little song and carrying a computer, and he is happy on the way to the company.

There was a cold head suddenly, not knowing who took off his hat from behind, Lao Zhou turned around, it was his work partner Lao Wang. This is also a typical baldness. Unlike Lao Zhou's former baldness, Lao Wang is in the Mediterranean, and only a circle of hair around is still holding his ground.

Wonderful book house

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