Education, looks, achievements, everything is outstanding, still a girl under the age of twenty, basically set off a frenzy named Xu Bei in China.


   In the room, a small white hand suddenly swept all the cosmetics on the dressing table to the ground. A girl's face was reflected in the mirror, her face is hideous: "Xu Bei, Xu Bei! How could she come to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"


   This girl is surprisingly Zhou Miaozhu. She is also eighteen years old this year. If it weren't for Xu Guoqiang to change children, she should have grown up with Xu Guoqiang and Zhang Cui, not Xu Bei.


   She knew early on that she was not Zhou Wenhua’s biological daughter, and that was three years ago. Three years ago, she was about to go to high school. There was a physical examination at the school. When her blood type was tested, she discovered that she had blood type A, and Zhou Wenhua and his wife were both blood type O.


  What does this prove? This proves that she is not the daughter of Zhou Wenhua's wife at all! When he first learned the news, Zhou Miaozhu felt that his sky was about to fall.


   has been treasured by Zhou's husband and wife for more than ten years, how can she accept that she is not Zhou Wenhua's daughter? If Zhou Wenhua and his wife knew about this, what should she do?


   She still resembles Xu Guoqiang in her bones. After learning about this, she is tight-lipped and has never shown any clues in front of Zhou Wenhua and his wife.


   But secretly, Zhou Miaozhu is asking whose child she is? What reason did she follow Zhou Wenhua and his wife?


   How much do Zhou Wenhua and his wife love her? Because she was not easy to come by and was born weak, so almost all good things were held in front of her, so Zhou Miaozhu was not short of money.


   After tossing and turning, Jiang Chan walked into her sight. After all, there were only two of them who were born in the same hospital that day. What's more, when he saw the faces of Xu Guoqiang and Zhang Cui, Zhou Miaozhu knew that she was a child of the Xu family.


   This discovery made her feel as if she fell into an ice cave, and the Xu family was so poor, so she should not go back to suffer and suffer.


   Zhou Miaozhu comforted himself so comfortably. Anyway, Xu's family is so far away from the Shanghai stock market. It is estimated that people who eat in the ravines will never come to a big city like the Shanghai stock market in their lifetime.


   Therefore, Zhou Miaozhu did not pay attention to this anymore. She felt that she should not have any intersection with Xu Jia and Xu Bei. Where did you know that something happened so unexpectedly?


   Xu Bei became famous and suddenly became an idol of young people. Even Zhou Wenhua praised Xu Bei. In words, she seemed to become an idol of a new generation of young people.


   Even if Zhou Miaozhu wants to take any action against Jiang Chan, it is too late. Xu Bei has reached the height it is now. Where can she be reached by a high school student?


   She wanted to ask Xu Guoqiang why she didn't let Xu Bei stay in that ravine, but she didn't dare. The poverty of the Xu family was still in front of her. She was afraid that she would be entangled by the Xu Guoqiang family.


   This kind of entangled emotion has been tormenting her. Just when I got up and went downstairs, I saw the newspaper my aunt brought in. Zhou Miaozhu's jealousy could no longer stand.


   She has always done superficial skills, she barely squeezed out a smile and said a few words with her aunt before she became angry in the room. Xu Bei! Xu Bei! Why is she so lingering, she just wants to destroy her beautiful life?


   Zhou Miaozhu's eyes were scarlet, full of paranoia, Li Juanxiu, who opened the door, saw this look, and a hint of coolness appeared on her back. She grabbed the weirdness in her heart, "Miaozhu, it's time to go down for breakfast."


She walked in and saw the skin care products scattered all over the place, and then looked at the crumpled newspaper, her eyes were full of disapproval: "If you have something to say, how uncomfortable it is to hold it in your heart? It's not good for you to be small, don't Exasperated."


   Zhou Miaozhu's eyes were clearly out, and he suddenly smiled and said: "I see, Mom, let's go down here. I'll clean up these by myself after dinner."


   Hearing Zhou Miaozhu's tone, which was the same as in the past, Li Juanxiu was relieved. She touched Zhou Miaozhu's ponytail: "That's right, don't ruin your body for irrelevant popularity."


   Zhou Miaozhu curled up his lips mockingly, irrelevant? Hope you will say that again in the future!


   At the dining table, Zhou Wenhua wore home clothes. The years seemed to treat him very preferentially, leaving him only with a steady maturity after accumulation. He was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper.


   For big guys like them, the newspapers and magazines ordered at home are not old or young. Zhou Miaozhu can take one copy, but he cannot isolate all of them.


   Just in front of Zhou Wenhua, there was an interview about Jiang Chan. The cover was Jiang Chan wearing a small suit, who was exceptionally capable. In addition to Jiang Chan's commercial achievements, her dressing is also increasingly favored by various fashion magazines.


   Jiang Chan has mixed up so many worlds, he has already had his own dressing philosophy. Regardless of whether it is an OL dress or a regular dress, she can wear it to make people shine.


   Of course, like Zhou Wenhua, he must be paying attention to serious financial magazines. Watching Zhou Miaozhu and his wife walk down the stairs hand in hand, Zhou Wenhua closed the magazine: "Come on? Have breakfast."


   "Miaozhu, you have winter vacation now, do you have any plans?" Li Juanxiu poured a glass of milk for Zhou Miaozhu, "Don't stay at home and study all the time. Go out and take a look if you have time."


   Zhou Miaozhu pulled out a smiling face: "I want to learn more so that I can help Dad in the future. Dad has worked so hard."


Zhou Wenhua laughed and said, "I am very happy if you have this kind of A child like Xu Bei has given birth to such a child for so many years. I don't know what kind of parents gave birth to this kind of child. child."


   "I just read a magazine, this kid is only 18 years old and has graduated from university."


   "Really? That's amazing!"


   Li Juanxiu also raised her eyebrows. She always heard the name Xu Bei during this period, but she didn't understand the specifics. Now that Zhou Wenhua said this, she also echoed it.


   Zhou Miaozhu only felt that he couldn't eat it. Hearing that the Zhou family and his wife praised Xu Bei as being rare in the sky, her heart became more uncomfortable. However, he couldn't show it on the face, so he could only bow his head and remain silent.


   After all, Li Juanxiu has to be more careful. Seeing Zhou Miaozhu's silence for a long time, she also guessed that Zhou Miaozhu was in a bad mood. So she simply changed the subject: "Do you have any arrangements for today?"


   Zhou Wenhua wiped his mouth: "It is true that there is an annual entrepreneurial meeting in the afternoon. You can bring your family members to participate. Miaozhu has been staying at home during winter vacation and is tired. Why not go to relax?"



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