Although the annual meeting of entrepreneurs starts at two o'clock, very few people arrive on time at two o'clock, and most of them will arrive more than half an hour earlier. At this time, I’m just chatting around, and it’s even better to be able to make big friends.

   Zhou Wenhua is no exception. Although he says that the business is okay, no one can think of too much money, right? Zhou Miaozhu and Li Juanxiu sat together, watching Zhou Wenhua drinking and chatting with some bosses.

   Zhou Miaozhu was a little fidgety. Her eyes scanned the hall from time to time. After looking for a long time, Zhou Miaozhu's thoughts fell slightly without Xu Bei's figure.

   Let's just say, where can Xu Bei be able to attend an annual meeting of entrepreneurs like this? Take a look at the people who come to the annual meeting of entrepreneurs. All of them are like Zhou Wenhua. Xu Bei is no better than Zhou Wenhua?

   Zhou Miaozhu, who had figured it out, relaxed her back and leaned on the sofa. She picked up a glass of juice and took a sip. Looking at Zhou Wenhua, who was chatting and laughing in the venue, Zhou Miaozhu's heart was filled with peace of mind. Why is she not Zhou Wenhua's biological daughter?

   If she were Zhou Wenhua's biological daughter, now she doesn't have to worry about gains and losses like this. Thinking of these and none, most of Zhou Miaozhu's thoughts were put on the venue.

   She always has to plan for her future. Taking advantage of her being Zhou Wenhua's daughter, it is best to find a beloved son-in-law as soon as possible, so that she will be able to rely on in the future.

   Just looking at the past, the youngest is almost forty years old or older. Of course, the big guys who can get here are definitely not young.

   Even if these people are successful, Zhou Miaozhu can't accept it. Unconsciously cast his gaze towards the entrance, there was a young talent there, who was just a few years older than him, and Zhou Miaozhu's heart suddenly jumped.

   Those who are able to come here are all the dragons and phoenixes among the people, why don't you go up and get close to them? Thinking of this, Zhou Miaozhu was about to stand up, but when he saw the girl walking behind the man, Zhou Miaozhu's expression changed drastically.

   Xu Bei! She really came! Zhou Miaozhu's heart suddenly felt unwilling. A young talent she was fond of but asked Xu Bei's warmth, and when he thought of Xu Bei's identity, Zhou Miaozhu suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

   If Zhou Wenhua and his wife knew that they were not their biological daughters, what would they do? I will definitely be abandoned! No, she shouldn't go back to live that kind of hard life!

   The emotions in Zhou Miaozhu's eyes were clearly extinguished, and he watched Jiang Chan wandering freely among a group of business leaders. With a spring-like smile on her face, she could chat with anyone. Those bigwigs were also polite when they faced Jiang Chan.

   When Jiang Chan and Yan Zhengrong sat down on the corner of the sofa, Jiang Chan's hand was already stuffed with a stack of business cards. How rare are these big names' business cards? Now Jiang Chan held it in his hand.

   stretched his calf, Jiang Chan leaned on the sofa, and Yan Zhengrong gave Jiang Chan a snack and juice with insight. This is a workaholic. In all likelihood, he comes over without lunch.

   Jiang Chan is not at all polite, she is not at all guilty of the service of the subordinate and beautiful man. Although the big guys gave their business cards, doesn’t this also introduce Yan Zhengrong to the contacts? Even if Yan Zhengrong wants to quit in the future, it is estimated that the big guys are rushing to ask for it, but it is estimated that his willingness to quit. Infinitely close to zero.

   The corner where Jiang Chan and Yan Zhengrong sat was just close to Zhou Miaozhu and Li Juanxiu. Li Juanxiu felt a sense of intimacy when she saw Jiang Chan. But as for the child's eyebrows, she felt particularly familiar, as if she had met each other day and night.

   But I can’t remember where I have seen it for a while, and Xu Bei’s ancestral home is in the southwest, and there is no one she knows in the southwest. Li Juanxiu is puzzled.

   Jiang Chan also did not pay attention to the two neighbors Zhou Miaozhu and Li Juanxiu. In the memory of the original owner Xu Bei, she had never seen Zhou Miaozhu and Zhou Wenhua, but Xu Guoqiang should know.

   Because Zhou Wenhua was already a well-known business tycoon at that time, Xu Guoqiang, who had done bad things, should have remembered Zhou Wenhua's looks at that time.

   So when Xu Guoqiang stopped the original owner from going to the Shanghai stock market, it can be explained, but I don't know how much Xu Guoqiang's biological daughter has mixed in the original owner's accidental death in his previous life?

   Jiang Chan squinted her eyes and tapped her fingers on the handrail. Naturally, she had never seen the original owner's biological parents. The original owner's wish was to find her own biological parents. She didn't know how to proceed for a while.

   But it’s okay. She has already started the investigation at the hospital. After all, there is a record of who has given birth in that hospital.

   Seeing Xu Bei sitting there motionless, Li Juanxiu still looked at Xu Bei frequently, Zhou Miaozhu's feeling of anxiety became greater and greater. She pulled Li Juanxiu's sleeve: "Mom, will you accompany me to the bathroom?"

Jiang Chan raised his and looked to his left hand. On the sofa there sat a 38-year-old lady and a young girl, clearly seeing the girl’s When he looked, Jiang Chan's pupils were enlarged.

   But what's the matter with this girl's eyes? How can she look frightened when she sees herself? Jiang Chan was very sure that she was not mistaken. She herself was very kind, and she had never seen them, unless this girl had a ghost in her heart!

   Watching this girl walking away with the lady, the back image shows someone chasing after him. Jiang Chan touched his chin: "Who are those two people? I want their information."

   Yan Zhengrong looked at Li Juanxiu and Zhou Miaozhu who had left. Although Jiang Chan did not know the intention of doing this, he still nodded in response as a good subordinate.

   If she didn't read it wrong just now, that girl is surprisingly picking the strengths of Zhang Cui and Xu Guoqiang. Zhang Cui has a pair of Danfeng eyes, while Xu Guoqiang has a small face. From the girl's eyebrows, you can see the shadows of Zhang Cui and Xu Guoqiang.

   Jiang Chan believes in her intuition very much. She dares to be sure that this girl and Xu Guoqiang are absolutely inseparable! Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected joy. I was still worried about how to start searching, but now it seems that I have already had a look.

   Yan Zhengrong sat around the venue and quickly told Jiang Chan the identity of the mother and daughter. After memorizing the names of Zhou Miaozhu, Li Juanxiu and Zhou Wenhua, Jiang Chan pressed his cheeks with his tongue, and the show was still to come.

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