"Did Xu Guoqiang and his wife go back? If they didn't go back, they would receive it here together." Li Juanxiu thought for a while and said.

"Their husband and wife took their son back early, and Zhou Miaozhu now lives in a house near the school." Zhou Wenhua reluctantly suppressed the anger in his heart and answered his wife's questions softly.

"Then go to Zhou Miaozhu and ask for clarity. I want to see how Zhou Miaozhu justified her!" Li Juanxiu's face was coldly covered with a layer of ice, completely different from her past gentleness and kindness.

Jiang Chan twitched her lips playfully. This one really surprised her, and she looked like the mother beasts that Jiang Chan had seen before.

"No hurry, let's eat first, and then deal with it after the meal. Nothing is more important than the body." The food just ordered came up, and Jiang Chan moved some light and easy-to-digest dishes in front of Li Juanxiu. , Greet her softly.

"Yes, Beibei is right. Nothing is more important than your body. These things can be dealt with after dinner."

Zhou Wenhua also comforted Li Juanxiu, Jiang Chan's ears moved, Beibei, so close? She felt her scalp numb when she heard her. The main reason is that she is not a person who takes the warm line. The name Jiang Chan of such a little girl is indeed a bit incompetent.

But looking at the ardent couple opposite, Jiang Chan still took this weirdness into his heart. Dinner can also be said to be a joy for the guests and the host. Li Juanxiu was afraid that Jiang Chan would be restrained, so she was very eager to serve Jiang Chan.

Even Zhou Wenhua was the same. The couple called Jiang Chan cautiously. Jiang Chan touched his stomach: "I'm full, I can't digest it after eating so much at night."

"Then don't eat it. Do you have any plans for Beibei tonight?" Li Juanxiu heard Jiang Chan say that she was full, and put down her chopsticks. "If Beibei has nothing to do, why don't we go to see Zhou Miaozhu with us, and say You haven't met her officially yet."

Jiang Chan put down the cup: "Okay, I want to see her too."

Jiang Chan is also very curious about Zhou Miaozhu. She has met Zhou Miaozhu several times, but she has never said anything, but it is such a girl who has kept Zhou Wenhua and his wife in their bones for three or four years, which shows that she can't underestimate anyone.

To Jiang Chan, Li Juanxiu was gentle, and she was a cold face to Zhou Wenhua: "Go to see Zhou Miaozhu, I have to see what she will tell me!"

Zhou Wenhua touched his nose, his wife was angry with him, but he was obviously a victim, but he couldn't say anything, but he was really suffocated to death.

"I remember she should have started school a few days ago, and I don't know if she is at home at this point?" Zhou Wenhua looked at the busy traffic outside the car window, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

Li Juanxiu looked up: "She is the most squeamish person. I'm sure she must have done a day school and will definitely not stay at home. After this point, she must be in the community."

Jiang Chan was silent all the way, and soon the three of them arrived downstairs in the community where Zhou Miaozhu lived. This community is very popular among white-collar workers because of its quiet environment in the urban area.

Zhou Wenhua took out the key to open the door and saw a pile of takeaway boxes piled up in the hallway. He frowned without a trace. When he saw the messy living room again, Zhou Wenhua restrained and said nothing.

Li Juanxiu walked in with Jiang Chan, and barely packed up a seat for Jiang Chan on the sofa in the living room. A lot of clothes and bags are all messed up on it, and books are messy piled on the coffee table.

Li Juanxiu patted Jiang Chan's hand: "Sit down first, and I will see if Zhou Miaozhu has come back."

She wandered around in this house, but did not find Zhou Miaozhu's figure. Zhou Wenhua hesitated: "You won't go to school to study late at night, right? They seem to have to go to about ten o'clock in the evening to study at night."

Jiang Chan raised her wrist and looked at the time: "It's only half past nine. I'll rest for a while. There will be a morning meeting tomorrow morning."

Li Juanxiu hurriedly packed the things on the sofa aside: "Then Beibei, you squint for a while? Your father and I won't affect you?"

Jiang Chan cocked his lips and said, "Okay."

Seeing Jiang Chan closing her eyes and taking a nap, Li Juanxiu subconsciously slowed down the movements under her hands. Her gaze swept across Jiang Chan's face. After the young and old girl fell asleep, the maturity that surpassed her peers faded a lot before revealing the posture of a young girl.

Just looking at Jiang Chan's sleeping face, Li Juanxiu's mouth was pulled up with a smile. Zhou Wenhua took her shoulders and looked at Jiang Chan's eyes with pride.

It's not that he values ​​interests, but an excellent child like Jiang Chan, who is very happy to be. Especially after Zhou Miaozhu's true face was revealed, Zhou Wenhua looked at Jiang Chan as he liked it.

The balance in his heart was completely tilted towards Jiang Chan, and the means to achieve her character and appearance were all top-notch. She grew up so savagely, and she was so outstanding.

On the contrary, Zhou Miaozhu, they put in countless efforts for her growth, but she gave them such a big return, this is really the real version of the farmer and the snake.

Thinking of these and none, Zhou Wenhua opened his eyes keenly when he heard the movement from the hallway. Jiang Chan, who had been resting on the sofa, also opened his eyes. The two looked at each other and stared at the hallway.

When Zhou Miaozhu opened the door and came in, he saw three people sitting on the sofa. Jiang Chan was sitting on the sofa alone, looking at her darkly. As for Li Juanxiu and Zhou Wenhua, they were sitting in distress, and Zhou Miaozhu's eyes were unspeakable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She casually threw her schoolbag away and hugged Li Juanxiu's arm affectionately: "Mom and dad, have you come to see me?"

Li Juanxiu only felt like a poisonous snake was wrapped around her arm, making her panic. She couldn't figure out why Zhou Miaozhu could still get along with her without complaint after doing those things?

She almost pulled out her arm with great strength: "Your parents are Xu Guoqiang and Zhang Cui. We came to see you today because we wanted to ask you something."

Zhou Miaozhu was eager to cry. Li Juanxiu was so distressed that she used to look like this, and she was relying on her in everything, but now Li Juanxiu looked at her in a daze.

Not to mention that there was Jiang Chan watching the show next to him, and Zhou Miaozhu felt bored after crying for a few seconds. She wiped away tears indiscriminately: "Is there anything wrong with that uncle and aunt who came to see me today?"

Zhou Wenhua remained silent and handed the report Jiang Chan had given him to Zhou Miaozhu. Zhou Miaozhu disapproved of it. After receiving the report and taking a look, he immediately stopped in place, his complexion suddenly turning white.

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