The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 398: Little Princess Thirty Two

Lao Fang put on a tie and gave him a meal: "Daughter, are you finally going to join the company to help your dad share the burden?"

  Jiang Chan raised his hand: "I just went to see and saw, it's boring to be bored at home all the time."

   It's been three or four days since she came back. She stays at home like a salted fish all day long. If this keeps going on, Jiang Chan feels that she is going to be decadent. Now that I am opening my eyes to Lao Fang's company, she will always take over Lao Fang's class in the future, so she simply takes advantage of this time to get acquainted.

   "You accompany dad to the company. Of course, I have no opinion at all, but you weren't too tired from filming TV before. I want you to rest at home for a few more days. Why, don't you need to rest anymore?"

   "Where can I feel tired doing what I like? Unfortunately, I don't have any good scripts lately, so I just relax."

   Jiang Chan shrugged. She wanted to stay busy all the time. To be honest, sitting behind the monitor watching everyone acting, it felt really unusual.

   "Take it, you clean up, and you will leave in five minutes. It's time for everyone to see you, Mr. Fang. From now on, you will be taking my class. It is better to get acquainted with the company as soon as possible."

   The old Fang said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, Jiang Chan suspiciously: "Why are you so happy?"

   "Of course I am happy. I have someone to succeed. Seeing that the descendants of other shareholders are not successful, of course I am happy to see you again."

Jiang Chan twitched her mouth. It seemed that Lao Fang gave her a lot of hatred in the company, but Jiang Chan is not shocked. Not being jealous is mediocre. Being the pride of parents is what makes children the happiest thing. !

   At nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chan walked into the company side by side with Lao Fang in a smart little suit. Outsiders don't know Jiang Chan, but why don't the people at Star Entertainment recognize Jiang Chan's face?

   Seeing Jiang Chan and Lao Fang entered the elevator, the little girl at the front desk quietly threw a message in the group, and the company was blown up.

   "Xiao Fang always came to the company, and the old Fang always came together."

   "Really? Isn't this drama being on the air? How come there is time to come to the company?"

   "Maybe, this drama is finished?"

   "Possibly, what do you say that Director Fang came to the company? Wouldn't it be the company to select actors?"

   "My God, if we choose actors, doesn't it mean that we can fly to the sky?"

   "It's still unclear, maybe it's just wandering around the company."

   The crowd is not lively, the front desk girl is watching the screen at the front desk, and it is not good to be happy, so it is good to be the front desk. If there is any gossip, they will know the first time.

   Jiang Chan followed Lao Fang into the office. As soon as Lao Fang sat down, the secretary sent a lot of documents, and Jiang Chan went to rest. Saying hello to Lao Fang, Jiang Chan simply went to the company to visit.

   Jiang Chan has made a lot of commercial achievements in several lifetimes, but she has not really touched on the entertainment industry. Even in the previous interviews, most of them are serious financial magazines, and they are basically not compatible with entertainment.

   Now there is an unfamiliar field, Jiang Chan naturally has to take a good look, there is always no harm in seeing more. Xingyao Entertainment is really rich and rich, and there is an office building in the city center, which is very rich in land and money.

  Walking down layer by layer, Jiang Chan has gained a lot. There are guidelines on every floor, and the eighth floor of the company is where the trainees are trained. As a mature entertainment company, it is essential to train your own trainees.

   Jiang Chan walked all the way, through the big glass wall, watching everyone training hard. Constantly correct your actions and strive to be perfect.

   There are dancing and vocal music. Everyone is very involved. Watching those 17 or 18-year-olds or even younger children sweating their sweat, Jiang Chan feels that youth is so good, and works hard for his dreams.

   Just about to leave, Jiang Chan's cell phone rang, and the ringtone was extremely loud in the empty corridor. Of course the trainees in the room had seen it.

   Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Jiang Chan's face. Not because of Jiang Chan's beauty, but because of Jiang Chan's status.

   What if you can get on line with this director? Everyone's breath took a mess, and they all stared at Jiang Chan scorchingly. Jiang Chan raised his eyes, as if he had seen many dogs that had seen fleshy bones.

   She trembles with her fingers, what's the situation? Because he had affected their training, Jiang Chan nodded apologetically, picked up the phone and hurried away.

   Jiang Chan left, but the discussion in the training room had just begun.

   "Is that the guide Fang? It's really incredible, I actually saw the live guide!"

   "Go, how do you say it, I didn't expect that Director Fang actually came to the company and came to see us for training. What do you say this means?"


   "Director Fang has another new work? Want to choose a role?"

Listening to the trainees whispering, the dance teacher smiled and shook his head, and he clapped his hands: "Okay, the opportunity will always come when the time comes. Training first. If there is any news, the company will definitely inform you. ."

   He saw it when Jiang Chan came, but he was not as simple as the trainees thought. At first glance, this one came here by accident. Where does it seem to be a casting?

   But the teacher won’t say this, so it’s not bad to let the children hold a little At least there is hope that they can train more vigorously.

   Besides, Jiang Chan was hurriedly handed over to the top floor by a call from the old party.

   "What's the matter? Don't you have so many files to deal with?"

   She hasn't watched enough of the excitement, so what's the matter with the Lao Fang summoning her?

   "There will be a meeting later, you go and listen." Lao Fang leaned on the boss's chair and confessed, Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows: "It's not appropriate for me to participate in this, and I don't have any positions in the company."

   Lao Fang stared: "You are my daughter, and mine will be yours in the future. What's not appropriate? If you let you go, you will go! Let those people see how good my daughter is!

   Jiang Chan understands in seconds, this is obviously asking her to attend the meeting, but in fact, what she wants to do most is to take her out to show off, right? OK, she just cooperates!

   "Anyway, you have nothing to do recently, or you will come to work in the company from tomorrow? I will get you a position?"

   Lao Fang made such a suggestion as he walked, Jiang Chan smiled: "It's okay, but I won't do it if I'm below the general manager."

   The old Fang almost slipped his feet: "The greedy little thing, if I really give you a general manager, can you convince the public? Let's start with my secretary first."

Jiang Chan just said casually, the Lao Fang's refusal was also in her expectation: "The secretary is a secretary, Lao Fang, you are really worthy, and a director with a box office of 2 billion will come to serve you as a secretary. Is there a way to go? Feeling at the pinnacle of life?"

  :. :

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