The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 402: Little Princess Thirty Six

The host who was waiting for Jiang Chan to pass in front of the poster couldn't stand anymore. They were already well informed, but they still don't know what the director Fang looks like.

   It's hard to come across. Why should I say a few words with Jiang Chan? For nothing else, it would be fine to mix a face. The hostess was more dignified and majestic. When Jiang Chan was five meters and six meters away from the poster, the hostess quickly walked over.

   "Director Fang is welcome to bring Interstellar Era to this year's awards ceremony. This is the first time that Director Fang has appeared in front of the public. Oh my God, I only discovered that Director Fang is really natural and beautiful after a closer look."

   The temperament that the host speaks is very similar to a female host that Jiang Chan often sees on stage in real society, like a spring breeze. She smiled a little: "It's my honor to participate in the awards ceremony as a new director. It's really an honor to participate in the awards ceremony. Of course, I also thank the audience and friends for their support, thank you!"

   Jiang Chan would still speak during the scene. While talking about Jiang Chan, he waved hello to the audience on the red carpet. There was another cheering on the red carpet, and the sound waves waved back and forth.

"Director Fang is too modest. As far as I know, Director Fang’s first movie has a box office of 2 billion. The first TV series is now being rebroadcasted by David TV. Fang leads the first. The variety show has become popular again. What are you really doing? What is the next step for Director Fang?"

The slow-moving male host finally found a chance to intervene. Jiang Chan nodded: "Everyone is so complimented. The small achievements I have achieved are inseparable from the efforts of all the staff. As for what I plan to do after the year, now I haven't figured it out yet."

   Looking at the host and hostess, I still have to ask, Jiang Chan is busy making troubles, saying: "The other members of the crew are here, so I won't waste too much time."

   The next step is to take pictures with the crew members in front of the poster, and then enter the venue with the large group. At this time, the award ceremony had not yet started, and there were people talking in twos and threes.

   This time is a good time to build relationships and expand contacts. Jiang Chan just entered, and Zhao Yi and Chen Yu stopped with both hands. The two men were firmly nailed to Jiang Chan's side as if they were two generals.

   also made other people who want to come over and get close to Jiang Chan look jealous. Zhao Yi and the others can't afford it, but look at Chen Yu next to Jiang Chan. This one's background is also very earthy, and they can't be offended.

  Chen Yu took Jiang Chan's arm: "Fuling, my hatred is so full tonight, you have to compensate me!"

   Jiang Chan smiled: "Yes, we will invite female guests in the next issue of Variety Show. You can come and play."

   Although it is a male drama, after so many episodes, it is always necessary for women to come and reconcile it. Chen Yu immediately nodded: "I have been greedy for a long time for your variety show, and I don't even watch one episode. Is it too fast for Zhao Yi to set it apart?"

   Zhao Yi was unhappy: "I did it for the program effect!"

   Chen Yu is very perfunctory: "Cut, don't talk about being so unselfish, you are essentially a teaser, okay?"

   Hearing the two people quarreling, Jiang Chan also felt relaxed. After all, he came as a crew, and everyone was rooted together. The crowd surrounded Jiang Chan by the stars and made sure not to let others come in front of Jiang Chan as an eyesore.

   They did it this way, but they couldn't bear to have thick-skinned people. The first five people who got up in the variety show came.

   Zhao Yi himself was sitting here, headed by Big Brother, and Chen Yu and Zhao Yi were squeezed aside by the five long legs, and they were like Jiang Chan.

   Sui Yu gave Chen Yu a hand, "Forget it, let them be proud of it for a while, anyway, the guide will be with us later, these are all men, and we can't squeeze in."

   Chen Yu thinks about it too, just watching Jiang Chan surrounded by these five people, acting as a crowd eating melon outside. Seeing Zhao Yi next to him, Chen Yu sneered: "Aren't you also one of the members? Why don't you go there?"

   Zhao Yi smiled bitterly: "Where can I squeeze in? Big brother stretches out his hand, and I'm here."

   It deserves to be someone who has practiced kung fu, Zhao Yi, who has been in the gym for a long time, was pushed aside with a single swipe, weakly like a little chicken.

   Chen Yu complained: "Weak chicken!"

   If her family Chu Ziqi came here, it would definitely not be like this!

   With the big brother taking the lead, the rest of the people are not afraid, all of them are rushing to Jiang Chan's side. After a while, Jiang Chan was all people here, and she introduced herself with your business card.

   Fortunately, Jiang Chan has a good memory, so she really knew her well. No matter what other people's purpose is, but remembering other people's names is the most basic courtesy.

   It was lively until eight o'clock before the award ceremony officially began. As a dark horse rushed out this year, the location of the crew is very well arranged. Jiang Chan is next door to a well-known domestic director.

   It's rare to meet someone in the same class, and the other party is a long-famous director. Jiang Chan simply changed positions with Zhao Yi and chatted with that director.

The director is older than the old one. Watching Jiang Chan is like watching a younger People don’t have a high ground to think that a film director to toss a TV series or a variety show is not going to be serious. .

   On the contrary, the director was very kind, and chatting with Jiang Chan about these things was a treasure.

   "It's not that I said the scenes. I watched your TV series and variety shows. The variety shows are really good. If my son is half of your talent, I will wake up from a dream."

  As soon as Old Qi said this, a young man with black-rimmed glasses next to him rolled his eyes. It is estimated that his father has said this many times.

   "You are too modest. The literary and artistic films directed by Qi are quite excellent. Didn't you win a prize abroad not long ago?"

   Jiang Chan naturally saw the man's eyes, and would not accept it so insightfully, no matter who it is, he always likes to hear others praise his children. As soon as Jiang Chan said this, the director's satisfaction immediately rose.

   "The brat did it by himself. I watched your TV series have to be done for a few seasons. If you do it well, it won't be lost."

   "This is all about the script, the director just shoots the script, and I don't plan to shoot the next few seasons by myself. I will shoot for other directors. I have other arrangements."

   The director's mind is more alive, and the director also has to eat. Although the award-winning literary and artistic films enhance the style, it is really not easy to make money from the literary films.

   The profiteering is still a commercial film. Now Jiang Chan revealed that the TV series will be looking for a director again for the next season. Why don't you just squeeze your son over?

  :. :

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