Jiang Chan smiled slightly: "Mom, this is my friend Liu Xingyun. The last time he went to the Shanghai stock market on a business trip, he specially visited me and brought me some specialties from here. When I came back this time, I specially invited him to have a meal at home. , Also express my gratitude."

   Feng Yuan didn't say anything, just stared at Liu Xingyun in a daze. Liu Xingyun's expression remained the same, as if he hadn't noticed Feng Yuan's abnormality.

   He has a lovely smile. Strangers will almost let go of their guard when they see his smile: "Auntie, when we first met, I am Qiu Xin's friend. You can call me Nebula."

   "You sit with my mother for a while, and I will make you tea."

   Jiang Chan exchanged glances with Ling Xingyun, and went to the kitchen to boil water. After ten minutes came out with a cup of brewed Longjing tea, Liu Xingyun was talking to Feng Yuan, but Liu Xingyun said ten sentences and Feng Yuan occasionally responded.

   With this sentence, Jiang Chan thought it was incredible. From yesterday to now, Feng Yuan said two sentences when they first met, and then remained silent, as if he were a wooden person.

   You deserve to be a well-known doctor. Jiang Chan smiled, as if he was seeing an old friend.

   "Drink some hot tea to warm up your body. It's been a long time since we've seen you. Let's eat at home at noon. I just bought some vegetables in the morning."

"Okay, I'll bother you, I'll just give you a hand." Liu Xingyun promised to be refreshed. He happened to take advantage of this opportunity to observe Feng Yuan a lot. According to his professionalism, Feng Yuan's depression is already very serious. NS.

   "I'll go to the kitchen for work first, let's watch TV with my mother." After a few words of greeting, Jiang Chan went to the kitchen to be busy.

   Liu Xingyun was sitting on the concubine couch in the living room. From his position, he could see Jiang Chan washing the rice and vegetables. Although he was busy, he didn't seem to be flustered at all.

   Looking at Feng Yuan who was sitting next to him, Liu Xingyun sighed secretly. Depression has reached this point. In addition to the close care of family members, the patient's own cooperation is also necessary.

   But now Feng Yuan has closed herself up. She doesn't open her heart, and others can't walk in, which is more difficult.

   "Auntie, I will help Qiu Xin."

   Liu Xingyun stood up and went to the kitchen. Feng Yuan, who had been silent, turned his head and glanced at the kitchen. He saw the man and Jiang Chan side by side, choosing dishes and washing rice, his eyes fluctuated for a moment.

   In the kitchen, Liu Xingyun's expression is serious: "Auntie's depression is already very serious. I suggest that I should let her take some medicine to control it first, and then continue to observe later."

Jiang Chan nodded, and kept choosing vegetables in her hand: "I also just learned that she has depression, but I actually blamed me for being bad. She is my daughter. My dad passed away early and often stays alone after retirement. No wonder she will get this disease."

   "To put it bluntly, it's because I am a daughter who is not dedicated."

"Auntie is already like this, it's better not to be short of people in the future, otherwise the consequences..." Liu Xingyun said tactfully, Jiang Chan nodded: "I know, I have already resigned from my job in the Shanghai stock market. Worked at home."

"Success, it's fine if you have success in your heart. Depression patients have mainly lost the ability to give love. They can't afford to do anything. They feel that no one in the world loves and cares about themselves, and their family members should always give They feel safe and tell them you will always be with her."

   "I see, pass me the salt." Jiang Chan was cooking while discussing Feng Yuan's affairs with Liu Xingyun, and ordered Liu Xingyun to pass himself the salt he had on hand.

   The two cooperated quite tacitly, and Feng Yuan in the living room turned his head again when he saw this scene, his eyes were empty again.

   "I'm going to take her back to the old house in the country for a while. It's too boring. There is no open country. When you get to the country, you can relax. This should be better."

   "This is also good. If you have any questions, please call me directly."

   "Thank you Dr. Liu, to be honest, when I contacted you yesterday, I didn't expect you to agree so readily."

"Special events, my home and you are not far from the ground. It's convenient to come here. It just happened to have a meal." Liu Xingyun joked: "I still think I earned it. Miss Qiu's craftsmanship is really good. , You can be a chef."

   Jiang Chan smiled and pulled the broken hair behind his ears: "It's too exaggerated. They are all home-cooked dishes."

   The two are always quicker to get started. When Jiang Chan and Liu Xingyun go out with food, Feng Yuan is already waiting at the dinner table. When he saw Liu Xingyun, Feng Yuan's gaze stayed on Liu Xingyun for a while.

   Jiang Chan didn't pay attention to this look, but Feng Yuan's look was caught by Liu Xingyun. He was stunned, and looked at Jiang Chan's back. Then thinking of Feng Yuan's eyes just now, Liu Xingyun suddenly had a conjecture in his heart.

   Does this old lady think he is a suitor of Qiu Xin? This is really...

   When Jiang Chan came out with the bowls and chopsticks, he saw Liu Xingyun's expression with indescribable expression. She sat down opposite Liu Xingyun: "What's the matter?"

   "It's nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to eat and eat." Liu Xingyun concealed a light cough. This was just a guess in his heart or don't say it. Everyone was embarrassed to say it.

"Mom, drink some pig brain and medlar soup, which will nourish the kidneys and brain, strengthen the muscles and bones." Jiang Chan filled Feng Yuan with a bowl of clear soup, and looked at Liu Xingyun on the opposite side: "I will also give you a bowl? You? Do you eat pig brain flowers?"

   Liu Xingyun's expression remained unchanged, "Then trouble Qiuxin."

   While Jiang Chan was serving the soup for himself, he paid attention to Feng Yuan's changes secretly, and indeed Feng Yuan's eyes fluctuated for a moment. My conjecture was confirmed, and Liu Xingyun didn't know what to say.

   He came to see someone, but he didn't even think about putting himself in. Even if he currently has no girlfriend, he didn't think about developing other emotional relationships with the patient's family, right?

   Seeing that the face of Miss Qiu on the opposite side is normal, she probably didn't think of this one, right? Poorly the parents of the world, Liu Xingyun sighed secretly, this old lady was so sick that she still missed her daughters.

   It's just that she can't do anything she wants to do, she's powerless.

   "Let's eat. It's cold, everyone eat while it's hot." As they greeted the two to eat, Jiang Chan basically couldn't take care of himself, and basically took care of the old lady for a meal.

   She took Feng Yuan's pulse last night. In addition to depression, the old lady also has a lot of physical problems. She plans to treat her well during this period, so how can she be treated to be healthy and healthy.

   Wonderful Book House

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