"Okay, let's go, go shopping first, and then go to the store." Jiang Chan reached out and took Shu Xin's bag. Pregnant women, if you can take care of them, take care of them.

When the door was opened, Wu Zhipeng was still standing outside. Shu Xin didn't even look at Wu Zhipeng, she just stood beside Jiang Chan. Jiang Chan smiled faintly, "Shu Xin lives with me during this period, and I have already said about her mother's side. As for you..."

Wu Zhipeng responded quickly, "Then I live here too?"

Jiang Chan sneered, "How big is your face? I take care of your daughter-in-law, but also to take care of you? Shu Xin, let's go."

Looking at Shu Xin in the back seat, Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows, "Don't you feel uncomfortable for me to be so to Wu Zhipeng?"

Shu Xin looked out the window, "I didn't feel uncomfortable if I didn't see him. Besides, he should learn a little bit more. I think he has been a bit drifting during this period. He used to know his feet on the ground, but now he is a little overwhelmed."

"You’re right. He used to be down-to-earth, not because of his own qualities, but at that time, if he didn’t rely on himself, no one would give him anything. Now he has money on hand, and he doesn’t want to work hard anymore. The inferiority of men."

Jiang Chan said faintly, and Shu Xin shook her fingers, "Mom, did you say I misunderstood the wrong person? Why did you say that he became like this? It was not that he was joking with others, but It was he who deceived me and left me alone when I was pregnant, and was at ease outside."

Jiang Chan silently ordered a piece of wax for Wu Zhipeng. "Xinxin, I absolutely don't have any thoughts about persuading or not, just looking at yourself. If you think you still want to live with him, then you have to discipline him. Men who are submissive are trained step by step."

"If you are willing to have your emotions for so many years, it is easy to get away. You are still young, there is really no need to hang him on a tree by Wu Zhipeng." Jiang Chan is so rational that he is almost ruthless. This world is unfair to women. She was naturally on Shu Xin's side.

What she didn't expect was that Jiang Yun's emotions actually agreed with what she said, which also made Jiang Chan's perception of Jiang Yun much better.

"I thought about it for a long time last night," Shu Xin took Jiang Chan's hand, "I thought about whether to divorce him Wu Zhipeng, how much love he had before, how disappointed he is now, he killed my love."

Jiang Chan pondered the last sentence and curled his lips playfully, "This sentence is pretty good, what do you think today?"

"I want to try it first, after all, after so many years, I am reluctant to give up like this. If I can break through, then continue. If I can't break through, I can only stop the loss in time."

Shu Xin looked down at her feet. There will always be various ups and downs in marriage. Your first reaction to it should not be to give up your marriage, but to see if you can overcome them.

"It's fine if you have success in your heart. Seriously, Wu Zhipeng is really good for you."

"Actually, there is one of the most important reasons," Shu Xin was a little embarrassed. "It's that you have been defending me and standing on my side. If I fail to become Wu Zhipeng, who can guarantee that I will meet a mother-in-law like you in the future? ?"

Jiang Chan felt that Wu Zhipeng was really pitiful at this time, and his wife liked her mother-in-law better than him, but she really liked what Shu Xin said. Jiang Chan was in a good mood, "wrap all these things."

Seeing Jiang Chan who was spending a lot of money for her, Shu Xin's eyes were red, and she smiled again in a blink of an eye. The mother-in-law was right, a creature like a man must be taught well!

When the two came out of the mall, Jiang Chan had big and small bags on hand.

"Go to the store. If you are bored in the store, you can also go to the back kitchen and learn how to make desserts with the cake master. You can also learn to make pottery and find something to do for yourself. I thought about it."

So Shu Xin settled in Fairview City, went back with Jiang Chan in the morning, had dinner in the store at noon, and returned to the community with Jiang Chan in the evening.

In order to better take care of Shu Xin, Jiang Chan also deliberately set up a small kitchen for Shu Xin all day long. She is a Chinese medicine doctor anyway, and she still knows how to care for pregnant women.

After just two weeks, Shu Xin's complexion was ruddy when Jiang Chan took care of her. Shu Ma came over and looked at it a few times.

After leaving the depressed home, Shu Xin felt much better. Jiang Chan didn't tell her any great truths, but told her subtly that there are many things worth doing in life, and don't always be limited to one world.

Shu Xin usually follows the cake master Xiaojin in the store on weekdays. She is still more interested in dim sum. Xiaojin is not a privateer either, and she can often see two girls touching their heads and discussing the appearance of the cake, and so on.

When she is free, Shu Xin also goes to Jiang Chan to do pottery. She is still ingenious, at least it's okay to teach others to come over to DIY pottery.

As soon as people have something to do, their spirits and spirits are immediately different. Wu Zhipeng now also runs to the store whenever he has time. If he doesn't care anymore, his wife should really not want him.

Shu Xin did not save his face in front of outsiders, but it was purely a dream to want her to take the initiative to Wu Zhipeng. Nowadays, Shu's father and Shu's mother still don't know that Shu Xin and Wu Zhipeng are having a conflict, these Shu Xin are secretly stunned.

No matter how loving she is in front of outsiders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shu Xin is always indifferent to Wu Zhipeng. Seeing Wu Zhipeng's sluggishness, she was not unwilling, but she remembered Jiang Chan's words.

That is, once you don’t clean him up, you are afraid of the serious consequences.

Time is like flowing water, and in a blink of an eye it is the beginning of the September school season. Shu Xin has been pregnant for more than five months, and she is already pregnant. Jiang Chan sends Shu Xin to school every morning, and will pick her up to the store when she is out of class.

Fortunately, she was not a teacher, but after a few classes a day, she was a little overwhelmed, and her calves inevitably swelled. Therefore, Jiang Chan has one more task at night, she needs to massage Shu Xin.

"Your belly is getting bigger day by day. It's very hard all day. I'll pinch it for you." Jiang Chan massaged Shu Xin after washing her hands. Shu Xin was embarrassed at first, after enjoying Jiang Chan's massage. , Immediately lay flat.

"Mom, you are so kind to me, why can't you say that Wu Zhipeng can't do it?" The pregnant woman's emotions came very suddenly, Shu Xin put her arms on her face, and her tears suddenly came down without warning.


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