Since it was a company arrangement, Jiang Chan accepted it, and she would always bring greater benefits to the company in the future. The dress Jiang Chan has also been checked online. It is the latest model of a certain light luxury brand this year, and the price is affordable.

   Standing behind the microphone in the center of the stage, Jiang Chan nodded slightly at both sides of the stage, and then gently held the microphone with his palm. At this time, there was silence in the studio, with no accompaniment at all.

   Zhao Qi, who returned to the lounge, sat up straight, "Come on!"

   Lin Qixin also stared at the big screen, neither of them spoke. They are all very concerned about Jiang Chan’s performance. Last time Jiang Chan’s performance surprised them.

   Although he won seventh place, to be honest, Jiang Chan suffers from lack of fame. But from the negative side, as a new singer, he won a seventh, which seems to prove that Jiang Chan's strength is very good.

   In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Chan lightly lifted his lips, and a sound of clear ling like spring water flowed in the quiet hall.

   "I'm going, this voice is too good to hear?" It was just a voice, and everyone squinted their eyes with enjoyment. Zhao Qi waved his hand: "Little girl is stable this time!"

   Lin Qixin shook his head repeatedly: "The younger generation is terrifying!"

   They have all heard this song, after all, it is a world-renowned classic. But for such a little girl to sing directly on such a big stage, I have to say that she is still courageous.

On the stage of   , Jiang Chan's first performance was entirely a cappella, and the advantages of the mermaid's voice were undoubtedly revealed. From the initial period as if whispering in the ear, to the short brilliance at the end of the first paragraph, Jiang Chan's advantage is vividly displayed.

   After the first measure, the melodious violin sounded gradually, Jiang Chan opened his eyes, and the waves of his eyes took away the minds of many people.

   After a high-pitched note, Jiang Chan lightly opened his lips again. If the first section is to show Jiang Chan's singing voice, then the following is Jiang Chan's personal show-off moment.

   The audience only felt that the pitch they heard was gradually rising, but it didn't feel harsh at all. Everyone felt like waves rushing through their hearts, and each wave was more surging than the previous one.

   Every time the key rises, everyone is thinking, can it be higher? But Jiang Chan used his strength to tell everyone that he could be even higher! Jiang Chan's expression is very relaxed, it seems that these high notes are not difficult for her at all, she is completely at ease.

   Zhao Qi sighed: "She is like an elf in the clouds, floating above the notes. What an enviable talent."

   Lin Qixin echoed: "She is a monster rookie, so surprising."

   Jiang Chan's singing on stage soon came to an end, and the accompaniment gradually became low and silent. At the end of the last sentence, Jiang Chan almost made a sound of breath, with endless etherealness, as if floating from the sky.

   Zhao Qi and Lin Qixin in the lounge applauded, "It's great, it's not easy for a little girl to do this!"

   The sky was about to turn over in the studio. When Jiang Chan bowed to thank him, almost everyone stood up and gave Jiang Chan the warmest applause. Regardless of whether their applause was directed at Ren Jiao's face value or at his own singing, Jiang Chan was very happy.

   saluted the audience again and again before Jiang Chan walked off the stage. As soon as she stepped off the stage, Liu Shana put Jiang Chan's down jacket on her, and the assistant Xiao Wu stood on the side at a loss and could only hold Jiang Chan's thermos cup.

   She glanced at Liu Shana bitterly, and said that after Jiaojiao had a new agent, her little assistant was going to hide and eat ashes, she really fell out of favor.

   After entering the singer's lounge, Zhao Qi praised him greatly: "Yes, pretty good, and the arrangement is also very good."

   Jiang Chan puts on a down jacket: "Ms. Xu helped me arrange the music, and Mr. Xu helped me pick this song these days."

   Lin Qixin raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Xu? Xu Qiubai?"

   "Yes, I am currently following him to learn to write lyrics and music, but unfortunately, I have only learned a little bit."

   Zhao Qi smiled: "Your Twilight poem is very good, but Qiubai's fur can't write these, the little girl is humble."

   Jiang Chan smiled politely, "Ms. Xu taught well."

   Zhao Qi smiled. He felt happy when he saw Ren Jiao, this little girl. Perhaps the girl’s eyes were too clean. Sitting with her, it seemed that there were no worries outside.

   "In fact, if you take the road of singers, it is better to have creative ability." Lin Qixin also laughed. He is also a senior in the music scene. Almost all his songs are written by himself.

"I think so too, so I'm studying hard." Jiang Chan curled her lips. She insisted on taking the path of an original singer. If a singer can't create by herself, it will be difficult for a long-term singer, unless she knows top-notch artists. Lyricist and producer.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively." A few people chatted, and the singers who finished singing all came back one by one. Wen Wen sat down next to Jiang Chan and squeezed Jiang Chan's cheeks honestly~www Then he leaned back on the sofa contentedly.

   "We are talking about writing words." Lin Qixin said bluntly.

  "Speaking of writing lyrics," Wen Wen sat up straight, "Jiaojiao's twilight poem has been circling in my mind these days. The poem is really good, the little girl is very talented."

   Jiang Chan turned his head slightly: "It's time for Teacher Hong to be on stage."

   She is really uncomfortable with others complimenting her face to face, so she quickly changed the subject. Zhao Qi, Lin Qixin, Wen Wen and others exchanged glances, and they all felt a little funny between each other.

   It's understandable that the child has a thin skin. Isn't it more lovable than those who are the best in the world, my second child?

   The competition soon ended, and it was time to announce the results again. The chief director is very bad, and deliberately sneaked out the last three of the last scene, Lin Qixin, Jiang Chan and Hong Zheti, and asked them what they thought.

The first person to lay the gun was Jiang Chan. Jiang Chan wanted to die, but his face was still calm: "I am very happy to be on this stage. All the teachers present are all teachers who can admire and admire me. It’s already an honor for the teachers to be on the same stage, and grades are not important."

   Wen Wen sat next to Zhao Qi and stabbed Zhao Qi with her elbow: "Listen, how many people do little girls talk?"

   Zhao Qi raised his eyebrows and said nothing, but the smile on his face was thicker.

   Hong Zhe, who fell behind Jiang Chan's answer, is much simpler: "I don't want to lose, but it doesn't matter if I get eliminated, don't we still have a wild card?"

   Lin Qixin is very buddhist: "I will do whatever it takes. I can sing as many times as possible."



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