"Jiaojiao, don't go too far, the sea is dangerous!" Hong Zhe opened his throat and shouted, Jiang Chan just waved his hand from a distance, and the person disappeared into the sea.

For a shark man, the sea is their home. I have never heard of shark drowning.

Chang Lei wiped his face: "Let's look for it too, don't write about it when catching fish, and see if we can find some shellfish."

Yao Li refused to admit defeat, holding a tree trunk in her hand, which she made for her by grinding Jiang Chan in the afternoon. This is the weapon she used to catch fish. Now Yao Li is standing in the sea that is close to her thigh, squinting at the fish under the sea.

Gu Jundong, Chang Lei, and Wu Ji are not far away from Yao Li, so it is convenient to take care of her so that Yao Li will not be swept into the sea by a big wave. Seeing Yao Li standing steadily, Gu Jundong and Chang Lei were half-hearted.

Wu Ji can also swim, a standard dog plane. He went a little further, and it didn't take long before he harvested a sea mussel with a big mouth. When he found the sea mussel, Wu Ji didn't spend much time in the sea.

Chang Lei and Gu Jundong also had gains. Both of them basically stared at the sea mussels to find them. They couldn't catch live fish even when they saw live fish. However, Yao Li still stood there holding the harpoon motionless, and she really admired her patience.

Hong Zhe did not sit idle by the sea. After low tide, there were many seafood products on the seaside. Hong Zhe was lucky and found two sea crabs and a dozen pipi shrimps.

At present, it seems that his harvest is the most abundant.

"We're going to catch the sea!" Stretching out, Hong Zhe picked up a seashell and threw it into the back basket next to it.

"Caught it!" Yao Li suddenly screamed, and a big fish as long as one foot was struck on the simple harpoon.

"I went, did I really catch it?" Hong Zhe had good eyesight and naturally saw the big fish. After Gu Jundong and Chang Lei had sent the spoils to the shore, they had long been guarding them not far from Yao Li.

Seeing Yao Li's bright smile, Gu Jundong's face also showed a smile, this kind of bright smile is easy to infect others.

There are one or two, Yao Li has continued to work hard, and only stopped after a total of three fish.

Besides Jiang Chan, she wasn't so out of the ordinary. After catching seven or eight big fish, she stopped. The fishes were all strung together by the vines she used to make up the basket in the afternoon.

While passing a large reef on the bottom of the sea, Jiang Chan also harvested three big crabs. As for small things like sea mussels and conch, she didn't take them. She just had two hands. How could she hold so many things?

When we get to the shore, we will count everyone's harvest. After deducting the sea fish and coconuts for the director, it will be enough for everyone to have breakfast tonight and tomorrow morning.

Yao Li held the pot: "We have a pot now, and finally we can eat something warm."

When they went out to explore in the afternoon, Wu Ji and Hong Zhe found fresh water, which has now been filtered and can be used for cooking at night.

For dinner, Chang Lei was the chef of course. A boiled conch was just added with a little salt. Everyone ate it very sweet. After all, this was the fruit of his own labor.

Five fishes were grilled, and the sea crabs were also boiled. Yao Li was holding the grilled fish, sweating from the tip of her nose.

Watching Wu Ji and others eating grilled fish and drinking coconut juice, the director looked at the sea fish and coconut in front of him: "Should we also grilled fish?"

The staff timidly said: "Director, we don't know how to grill fish!"

"What's the use of you? I have to eat instant noodles!"

After eating and drinking, everyone was tired and got into the tent. Yao Li and Jiang Chan are in the room, looking at the two sleeping bags standing side by side, Yao Li smiled: "Jiaojiao, we are going to talk tonight!"

Jiang Chan smiled slightly: "Aren't you tired? Come down this day?"

"Tired, but it's rare for me to meet a friend to my heart!" Yao Li opened her mouth and yawned. Today, she was really tired and panicked.

"Let’s rest early. I don’t know what the program team will arrange tomorrow. I guess they see us having an easy time today. If we want to come to the director team, we have to prepare to cause problems for us. Let’s rest early and recharge our energy. "

Jiang Chan got into the sleeping bag. Seeing that they are so relaxed today, it is estimated that the director will be troubled to sleep tonight, and he must come up with an idea to toss them.

Jiang Chan's material is not bad at all, and the director is calling the producers in the tent with a sad face.

"I want to see that their lives are difficult, not how they live this life into a poem, we have to figure it out for ourselves, and we can't let them pass so easily."

The producer is also worried: "I'm thinking about it too, but I saw it coldly. The biggest change here is Ren Jiao. I didn't expect this little girl to show off this time."

"Who said no? This little girl is wicked, how can everything? Hong Zhe fell into the water, she also caught a dozen big fish, no one else can climb a tree, but she will, and will make a basket. Why didn't she go to heaven?"

The director is also bald. On the one hand, Ren Jiao is too powerful to bring up the topic of the show. On the other hand, she is too powerful, and it seems that it is very easy to survive on this desert island. The predicament of the stars that everyone wants to see is particularly small.

"In fact, Yao Li is also very unexpected. This season, two girls are amazing!" The producer lit the cigarette in a leisurely tone.

"Now it seems that Ren Jiao and Yao Li have a very high level of conversation, and the four big men have been suppressed."

"Ren Jiao, I can tell. This is a master who cannot be suppressed. Now our best way is to assign tasks to them every day, let them complete, and then give them some rewards accordingly."

The producer smoked a mouthful of cigarettes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and only proposed this method: "At present, if we don't assign tasks, they can treat it as coming for an outing this time. After the meal is settled, nothing can be done. Is it all gone?"

"Okay, that's it!" The director did nothing. One day the guests who participated in the show were so powerful that they actually became an annoyance for him. He can't tell the guests, don't be so strong, just keep it a little bit?

So after Jiang Chan and others got up the next day, they received a task issued by the director team, which is to familiarize this island with a complete map today.

Yao Li squeezed her eyes at Jiang Chan, but she was really hit by Jiang Chan. But Jiang Chan is here, she is not afraid at all!

Yesterday, Wu Ji's four had already walked about half of the island. Although it was a small island, it took a long time to get off. It was not easy at all. It was definitely a task that was very physically exhausting.

In the morning, Chang Lei made fish soup and opened three coconuts. It really looked like he had come for an outing, not a desert island to survive.

Wonderful book house

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