The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 623: Sharkman forty-three

   "Yao Li is really unexpected, she's not squeamish at all, you see that she looks like a charming cat, doesn't it look like a cat at home?"

   "The more you look at Jiaojiao and Yao Li, the more you think they are particularly sweet!"

   Now the show is broadcast live, Ren Jiao and Yao Li are very popular, and the limelight of the four male players has all been overshadowed by them. The more I look at it, the more I feel that these two people are attractive.

   Nowadays, the level of aesthetics has changed. Everyone is more of people who like true temperament. Yao Li usually has a lot of black material, and because of her outspokenness, she quickly gets black.

   But on this show, Yao Li's performance can be said to shock everyone's attention. Not squeamish, not pretentious, not pretending to be weak, letting go of her airs, and also very down-to-earth, what she shows is the life of an ordinary person.

   As for Ren Jiao, that gave the audience a big surprise. If everyone was attracted by the fame of Wu Ji and others before, then everyone can only see Jiang Chan in their eyes. It seems that no matter what problems she encounters, she can solve them.

   And she has a very good personality. Although she has done a lot of things in the team, she is not proud of herself at all. She is especially caring for people and she is also very humble.

   Now Ren Jiao's popularity is rising again and again on the Internet, and Xiao Wu is going crazy with his mobile phone. As an assistant, she can only stay behind as someone else's assistant, and can only learn about Jiang Chan's life through live broadcast every day.

   Seeing those things Jiang Chan did, Xiao Wu was holding the phone with a smile on his face. Just say that her artist is a treasure girl, right? Anyone who comes into contact with her will like her.

   After picking the peaches, Jiang Chan and others are also preparing to leave the peach tree. When leaving, Jiang Chan looked back suspiciously, and she always felt that something was looking at her. But after looking at it carefully, Jiang Chan gave up.

   After Jiang Chan turned his head and left, a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared at the top of the peach tree. It stretched, "meow" at Jiang Chan's back, licked its paws, what a big fish!

   Seeing Jiang Chan and the others leaving, the big cat quietly followed.

   The exploration in the morning went smoothly. Although they were a little tired, they had already walked half of the island. Gu Jundong held a compass in his hand: "Let's go back, it's almost time for lunch when we go back."

   Yao Li naturally nodded and agreed, Jiang Chan frowned slightly, she didn't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that something was following her. But watch carefully, and found nothing.

   "Let's go back to pick the peaches. These peaches are so sweet. Bring them to Teacher Wu." Yao Li walked beside Jiang Chan, walking very briskly.

  Although she walked for two hours in a row, this girl didn't complain at all, and didn't hold her back at all.

   "This is a must," took out the pen and paper given by the director team before leaving from the back basket, and Gu Jundong drew the traces of their exploration this morning.

   He has learned painting before, and drawing a map is a trivial matter to him. Yao Li squatted beside them, her face a little depressed: "You can still paint? It's amazing! I wanted to study before, but at that time my family was not rich and I didn't have time after work."

   Gu Jundong glanced at Yao Li, "If you want to learn from me, I can teach you later."

As soon as    came out, the barrage suddenly became exciting.

   "What do you mean? Do you want to tease us Lily? We Lily are still young, Mr. Gu is over 30."

   "What's wrong with over thirty? Our teacher Gu Yanhao, if you don't tell his age, can you see that he is over thirty?"

   "Although Mr. Gu always plays the role of the boss, Mr. Gu is very clean and self-conscious, and there are few scandals."

   "This is true, we Lily have a hard time crossing the ground, and we always recruit black."

   "Let's not blow it up, let's just watch it change!"

   Seeing Gu Jundong's eyes, Yao Li moved her heart, and suddenly showed a big smile: "Okay, if there is a chance in the future."

   Seeing Yao Li's brilliant smile, Gu Jundong's eyes became deeper. Jiang Chan, who accidentally saw Gu Jundong's eyes, froze for a moment. Why does this scene seem so redundant for her?

   "Well, you draw a map first, and I will look around."

   Seeing Jiang Chan avoiding with the stick, there is another piece of hahaha on the barrage.

   "How come we Jiaojiao seem superfluous at this time?"

   "What a poor Jiaojiao!"

   Jiang Chan wandered around, and they had already left the woods. There were low shrubs here, and they were lush and lush. According to Jiang Chan's estimation, they were afraid that they had already reached the other end of the island.

   Their journey was calm, and they didn’t know what happened to Chang Lei. It stands to reason that they should also go well, after all, they are walking along the coastline.

   was thinking about these and not, after a glimpse of the yellow figure in the bushes, Jiang Chan picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it out, like a streamer chasing the moon and hitting the prey's hind legs.

   The prey uttered a low cry and lay motionless on the ground. Jiang Chan moved aside the a smile appeared on her face: "It's actually a wild rabbit! Is it okay to play rabbits here?"

   Yao Li and Gu Jundong finished drawing the map and came to look for Jiang Chan. They saw the wild rabbit Jiang Chan was holding: "Wow, there are rabbits to eat at noon, I want to eat spicy rabbit heads!"

   Jiang Chan suddenly thought of a previous stalk: "Tutu is so cute, how can you eat it?"

   Her words are very loving, but her tone is very calm, and the goose bumps are coming out.

   Yao Li was taken aback, and the reaction was quick: "Then you beat the rabbit? The rabbit is so cute!"

   Jiang Chan laughed: "It's funny, this rabbit is very good, spicy rabbit head, roasted rabbit..."

   "Don't think about it, no matter how delicious it is, we don't have that many seasonings. I guess Brother Lei is roasting a rabbit." Gu Jundong pulled two vines and tied the rabbit to the back basket behind him.

   It seems that they came out today to be a good harvest, but it is a pity that he didn't play a role at all. Ren Jiao beats the rabbit and Yao Li picks the peaches. In this way, it seems that he is a soft food.

   Gu Jundong gave Yao Li a slight click, and gave Yao Li an unobtrusive look. She was holding Jiang Chan's arm and twittering. If one day eat Yao Li's soft rice, it seems not bad?

  Perhaps Lin Zi has already walked through it, Yao Li and Gu Jundong both lowered their guard invisibly. Jiang Chan didn't say anything, but secretly increased his vigilance.

   Snakes don’t usually come out in the morning. They usually come out to bask in the sun at this point in the afternoon. It is undoubtedly necessary to be more careful when entering the woods at this time, and now I hope they are lucky.



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