Latest website: Seeing Yao Li sleeping soundly, Jiang Chan stood up lightly, she was ready to go out for a walk. This time is two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is scorching hot.

Just a few meters out of the tent, a big golden cat squatted where they saw their food. Ya Zheng is holding the big fish brought back by Jiang Chan, and the little snoring will come out.

Jiang Chan's footsteps were quiet, but the big cat still found it. It turned its head and glanced at Jiang Chan faintly. Jiang Chan was sure that she saw the scorching heat in the cat's eyes.

That's a look that finds food, well, for cats, isn't she its food now? Reaching out and holding the nape of the big cat, Jiang Chan raised it to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

"It turns out to be a little boy." She flicked the big cat's head: "I like to eat fish? This one is for you first. I'll catch fish later?"

The big cat's two front paws took advantage of the situation and hugged Jiang Chan's wrist. The big fish tempted him, but it made him want to get close. Forget it, because she said she would catch fish in the afternoon, it won't eat her and keep it first!

Without knowing that he had become the big cat's food reserve, Jiang Chan put the big cat down, and then pushed the big fish in front of the big cat. The big cat glanced at Jiang Chan, his long tail swept over Jiang Chan's ankles, and feasted on Jiang Chan's feet.

"How come there are cats on this island?" Jiang Chan put his chin on one hand, "Little thing, it's estimated that you have been following me this morning."

The full cat lay lazily on her back next to Jiang Chan, revealing her chubby belly. Jiang Chan squeezed the two front legs of the big cat, "Would you like to wait until the show is finished, I will take you back? Just to be a companion."

Ren Jiao almost screamed in Jiang Chan's heart: "Little Chan, take it home, it's so cute!"

"You want to raise a cat for a fish?" Jiang Chan did not expect that Ren Jiao would want to raise a cat so urgently. Isn't this a natural enemy?

"That's okay, it's just like this, it can hurt me? Do you think our eyes are very similar?" Ren Jiao pointed out that the big cat's eyes, like his own, are all green.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. The green eyes are indeed quite similar." Holding the two front legs of the big cat, Jiang Chan faced it face to face. The two cats looked at each other with their eyes. The big cat was full and drunk. It droops on Jiang Chan's wrist like a cat skin.

This big cat is self-familiar, and will not leave if Jiang Chan found it. Where Jiang Chan walks, its line of sight will follow. Make sure that Jiang Chan is under his eyelids.

It was still very fierce, Yao Li, who was taking a nap, was so excited when she saw this big cat. It is a pity that it is very cold, except for Jiang Chan, no one wants to touch it.

Yao Li grimaced: "Well, this is a **** cat. It looks Jiaojiao and beautiful, so I have been following Jiaojiao."

Gu Jundong squinted: "I have a cat. If you want to poke a cat, I will show it to you next time."

Keep a cat when you go back!

Yao Li cupped her face: "Although I like cats very much, I don't encourage everyone to buy expensive pet cats. In the past, there were always three-flower or orange cats at home. I wanted to raise one like that, but it was too busy. I don’t have time to take care of it."

Jiang Chan squeezed the tip of the big cat's tail: "This is a big tangerine, but I don't know if there is still on this island, and how I got to this island."

The big orange meowed. It is the biggest here. As for how they are here, no one can tell.

The life on the island is very peaceful, no matter how difficult the director group makes them difficult, Jiang Chan and others will always be able to trick them. The audience's favorite thing to watch is that they fight wits and courage with the director team. It seems that this is no longer a desert island survival, but an intellectual game.

The big cat didn't leave after it came, and it followed Jiang Chan to leave the island after the show ended. Sitting in the helicopter, the big cat leaned on the windowpane and looked down at the island, meowing.

Jiang Chan rubbed the head of the big cat: "If you want to come back, we will come back next time."

After leaving the island, everyone separated. Xiao Wu also waited early, and she was not surprised at the big cat lying on Jiang Chan's shoulder. She had already seen it on the live broadcast.

"Don't rush back, take it to check your body, get vaccinated, take a shower, and I will also find a place to take a bath." Jiang Chan stretched out, and the top priority is to get a good night's sleep. I'll talk about it later.

Although he has to go into the water three or four times a day on the island, Jiang Chan still wants to take a good bath. Soaking in the bathtub, Jiang Chan sighed contentedly. Fresh water is more suitable for her.

The album is currently in post-production, and Jiang Chan can't get involved. Now her popularity has risen, and she doesn't need to go out to promote it. Just wait for the album to be released.

This is a rare time to rest. It seems that he has been busy since he went ashore. Jiang Chan stretched out contentedly and brought out a bunch of sparkling splashes.

"Jiaojiao, we have adopted two methods for this album sale. One is online pre-sale, and the other is offline purchase. The 100,000 pre-sold copies currently sold online have all been sold out. good."

Zhang Yang stood by the window, looking down at the busy traffic downstairs and Jiang Chan making a call.

Jiang Chan held the big orange hand and paused: "That's not bad, is there anything I need to do?"

"No, this period of time should be given to you as a holiday. Just if you have time to post a promotion on Weibo." Zhang Yang also felt sorry for the little girl Ren Jiao, who was alone. She agreed without saying anything about the work arranged by the company. , The performance is still very powder-absorbing, there is no black material at all.

I have given her a holiday these few days, and I haven't seen her go out, lying on the sofa all day long, either watching TV or writing words. Very safe. For such a peaceful artist, Zhang Yang naturally likes it.

" I also want to rest for a while and settle down." Jiang Chan's words were in her arms, and she also wanted to rest. From the moment she landed ashore, she was spinning and there was almost no time to rest. The body beaten by iron can't stand it.

"Okay, after the album is officially released, you still need to participate in two variety shows." Zhang Yang turned over Ren Jiao's itinerary: "I won't give you so many variety shows in the future. This is not good for your future development and it is easy to be Externally defined **** is a variety show."

"I understand what you mean, that is because I am not well-known now, so I show up on variety shows more." Jiang Chan also understands the reason for Zhang Yang's arrangement. Isn't he trying to launch her as soon as possible to accumulate popularity?

When she gains popularity, she can moderately slow down and settle down and talk about the work.

"Jiaojiao, as long as you keep doing this, the future can be expected."

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