The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 748: Orc sacrifice forty-eight

Time flies, and soon it will be another year of spring blossoms. After the spring ploughing in Fei Lin County, Jiang Chan once again set foot on the way to the temple. This time, there were no orcs who had awakened the talents of sacrificial rites to accompany in the territory, after all, the orcs with talents of awakening races were very rare.

Judging by time, it is estimated that it is time for Vina Peter and others to participate in the sacrificial trial, and I don't know if they have set off.

Fei Lin County is still far away from the temple. At this moment, Jiang Chan misses the wide roads and cars that extend in all directions in the real world.

It takes more than two months before and after the annual debriefing. Wouldn't it be better if this time can be saved for cultivation?

It's a pity that there is such a big movement in road construction, and she doesn't have the strength to implement it all over the country.

Now Jiang Chan has reached the level of a four-star sacrifice, but unfortunately after the four-star sacrifice, the orcs' cultivation speed will slow down. It's no longer enough to work behind closed doors, it's more to feel.

Many orc sacrifices will choose to travel in the mainland, or go to the army to be a war sacrifice, in order to improve their actual combat level, after all, actual combat is the most training.

Jiang Chan now also feels that it is no longer possible to work behind closed doors. She has already planned, and after this time debriefing in the temple, she is ready to travel to the Orc Continent.

You can't come to the orc world, but you haven't seen anything, right?

When Jiang Chan arrived at the temple, Vina Peter and other apprentice priests had not set off to start the trial. They are here deliberately waiting for Jiang Chan, after all, they don't know when they will meet again next time.

Although he hasn't seen him for a year, Priest Sauron is still the same as before. As Jiang Chan's cultivation level improved, the more she could perceive Sauron's mastery demeanor.

In fact, she had never seen Sauron take a shot, after all, the status and status were there, and most people couldn't please him.

"Fiona, you can count it! It's not wasted that I was talking about you day and night." Seeing Jiang Chan, Sauron laughed and bloomed, but papermaking has brought him huge benefits, and let him Sauron's prestige has taken a step further in the empire.

Nowadays, who doesn't know that books can be circulated among the common people because of Sauron's vigorous promotion?

"Teacher, long time no see, your style is the same as before." Jiang Chan stood still in front of Sauron, bending over at him.

"Just your sweet mouth! I think your cultivation base has escaped a bit now, presumably you just advanced recently, and haven't had time to consolidate your cultivation base?"

Sauron's muddy old eyes swept away on Jiang Chan, "Well, it is indeed the most talented orc sacrifice since the founding of our orc empire!"

Jiang Chan smiled slightly: "It is still relying on the teacher's original teaching. Of course, it is also the peace of mind in the territory that allows me to have more time to practice."

"Since you are here, go and meet the little girl of your family. She and Peter and others have been asking me when you will arrive. I think they will leave after seeing you."

"Then I will go see them first, and I will visit the teacher later."

Following Sauron's followers to the sacrificial training room behind the temple, Vina, Peter and others were waiting for Jiang Chan. Seeing Jiang Chan coming in, the four of them stood up and saluted Jiang Chan.

"Don't need so much ceremony, I heard the chief priest say that your trial is about to begin?" Jiang Chan sat down on the main seat, looked at the four of them, and watched the cultivation level stabilized at the level of a one-star sacrifice. Hard work.

"Yes, I don't know when our trial is over. It just so happens that Lord Lord, you are going back to the temple to report at this time. We just want to see you."

The orcs of the dog tribe sacrificed to Daolin with a smoother temperament, and he was the first to speak.

Jiang Chan nodded: "It's also a good thing for you to go out for trials. It's just that you need to be more mindful when you are out of the house, and you must have a defensive heart, especially Vina. Orc sacrifices themselves are extremely rare, especially for female sacrifices."

"Yes, I would like to follow the teachings of the priest." The four bowed.

"By the way, is Vina's trial mission one more than yours?" Thinking of her own trial mission at the beginning, Jiang Chan looked at Vina sympathetically.

Vina's expression distorted: "Yes, the master priest said, because of our race's racial talent, in the future, all Xuan Clan Fox priests will have one more trial task than before."

"I also had two trial missions at the beginning. This is fair. After all, my race's racial talent lies there. The ordinary sacrificial trial missions are really easy for us."

Jiang Chan's eyebrows jumped: "What is your other trial task? In addition to contracting your own battle pet?"

"It's the scorpion needles to get ten fire-tailed scorpions." Peter said: "Fire-tailed scorpions are generally active in the desert, but it is not easy to find. Moreover, they are almost all actions in groups. This task is not easy to complete. ."

Vina squeezed her fist: "If you don't finish it, you have to do it. How can you know if you can make it if you don't fight for it?"

"Do you try to go together or separate to complete your own tasks?" Jiang Chan glanced at Vina and asked suddenly.

The silent cat tribe orc furry ears moved: "We are planning to rendezvous after the temple. After all, our combat effectiveness is not high. It is better to act together in a group."

"I also agree to do this, but when we are in the contract warfare, we still ask the Vina priest to help us." Peter also scratched his head: "Now we are pointing to the Vina priest and flying us."

Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows: "Since you have a I won't say anything, it's just that there is no precedent in the temple after all, so be careful."

Daolin is righteous: "The temple also doesn't expressly stipulate that orcs are not allowed to sacrifice and complete the trial in partnership."

"Just take advantage of the temple’s loopholes. That’s because the temple has never had four sacrifices in a year, and one of them is the Xuanzu Fox. I guess after your trial is over, the temple’s rules and regulations will be increased. One."

"Then we have to complete the trial mission." Daolin tilted his head: "My lord, don't you know, we priests from the lower races are suffering. Although we have come to the temple, those upper races are suffering. The priests still look down on us."

"That is, even if you talk to us, you have a superior attitude." Although Peter is simple and honest, he is not a fool.

"Then you should work hard to cultivate and improve your racial status." Jiang Chan muttered, "Race is our unchangeable. What we can do is work hard to improve ourselves."

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