The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 777: Orc Sacrifice Seventy Seven

"Okay, let's go out first. Don't talk about this beforehand. We have to readjust the Awakening Medicine. The cost is too high at present. We need to find alternative medicinal materials as much as possible to make this Awakening Medicine civilians as much as possible. "

Jiang Chan waved her hand, and she flipped through the notebook: "Vina, we discussed and discussed. You just saw it. I think this magic crystal vine can be replaced with..."

Wei Na also has her own thoughts. She completely watched Jiang Chan Pharmaceutical. It was a lot of feelings, so the two people touched their heads, and the discussion was in full swing.

The rest of the orc priests smiled slightly, and went to beat their followers. Not to let them not say it forever, but to let them not say it at this stage.

Especially now that the human race is still there, once the human race knows this news, can he sit back and watch the orc empire develop?

Soon when it was time for the dinner, Jiang Chan and Weina finally stopped. Their notebooks were full of writing. At present, they have many ideas, but they still need to go back and verify them one by one.

Thinking about this period of time, I can't take any time off. The more challenging things they look forward to, there is a kind of eagerness in their bones.

Seeing that there was a slight smile on the faces of both of them, Sauron smashed his lips: "Is this an idea?"

Jiang Chan closed his notebook: "I have some ideas, and we need to see how it will be implemented. At present, we have discussed that at least 20 kinds of medicinal materials are needed. This is what we can try to find ordinary magic plants instead."

"Okay, just concentrate on doing this. Vic will support you in the temple affairs, and I will be there for the association." Sauron and the others also knew that this was a major event, and naturally wanted to help Jiang Chan and the others to ease it. burden.

Priests such as Vic, Wolf, and Van Sen nodded: "That is, the chief priest, you can rest assured about the temple. You can concentrate on studying your potion. If the awakening potion is really civilians, the prestige of the temple in the hearts of the people will be It's more prosperous."

"This way I can rest assured." Jiang Chan also knew that this was everyone sympathizing with them, and naturally would not refuse their kindness.

The dinner party is always extravagant, and there are beautiful orc girls dancing in the middle. Jiang Chan couldn't think of it at all. She sat with Vina and kept muttering. Others wanted to listen, but only occasionally heard medicinal materials.

No matter how dissatisfied, they stayed in the palace until midnight. Jiang Chan nodded at Vina: "Let’s start tonight, let’s experiment."

The words were just right when Vina was in her arms, Jiang Chan didn't return to the temple at all, and went directly to the Pharmacists Association with Vina. Sauron and other priests looked at the two of them and shook their heads secretly.

These two people deserve to be of the same race, they are always vigorous and vigorous, and they can't wait for a moment. It's a pity that the group of pharmacists in the association will not see the two of them for a long time.

Jiang Chan stayed in the Pharmacists Association for half a month, during which a lot of finished products came out, but unfortunately neither she nor Weina were very satisfied. Because the land used for magic planting is too much, it is difficult for civilians to afford it.

And their goal is to let this medicine into the civilians as much as possible, hoping to excavate a few more orcs for the temple.

By the eighteenth day, Jiang Chan was satisfied. She stretched her waist and looked at the ten bottles of potions lined up on the table: "It's finally tossed out, no, I'm going back to take a shower and get a good night's sleep."

These days, she and Vina are living and eating in this room. The followers will bring them to dinner, and there is no fixed time for sleeping. If they are too tired, they will take a break at the desk.

If you have some inspiration, you have to experiment quickly. It can be said that you can sleep less than four hours a day. Now that the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, Jiang Chan couldn't stand it anymore.

As for Vina, her eyes were flushed red, comparable to Lilith's red eyes. Hearing Jiang Chan said that the potion was finally tested out, Vina fell asleep on the table as soon as she let go of her hand.

Jiang Chan didn't move her, he covered Vina with a dress, arranged the workbench a bit, and left five bottles of medicine for Vina before opening the door and walking out.

As soon as he walked out the door and was exposed to the light outside, Jiang Chan subconsciously squinted his eyes. She didn't go out for ten days in a row, she was really uncomfortable.

Tas was coming over with his breakfast, watching Jiang Chan standing outside the door, and his eyebrows were suddenly delighted: "Miss, you finally figured it out!"

Jiang Chan made a silent gesture: "Leave here first, Vina is asleep."

As she walked, she took a pie from the plate, and Tass hand quickly passed a glass of milk. Jiang Chan was eating breakfast as she walked, and when she walked out of the corridor, she was filling her stomach.

Walking into the hall of the association, I saw Sauron sitting at the front desk responding to questions from the pharmacists.

"Old priest, when will the president and chief priest come over?"

"That's right, it's been more than half a month. They haven't come to class yet. Is this experiment difficult?"

"We miss the Lord Priest and the President."

Surrounding Sauron are a group of teenage children, and these children are not afraid of Sauron, and all kinds of twitter are surrounding him. On the one hand, Sauron has all kinds of enjoyment, and he especially enjoys this feeling of being surrounded by children as he grows older.

On the other hand, it was also because of the noisy headaches of these boys, and when they were having a headache, Sauron saw Jiang Chan in a wrinkled red robe with sharp eyes.

"Your master priest is there." Sauron pointed in Jiang Chan's direction and saw the look of a savior.

"The old priest wants to lie to our children again, so we won't be fooled by you!"

"Yes, we are not fooled by you!"

"No, that's really your Lord I didn't lie to you." Sauron is about to jump his feet, why doesn't anyone believe the truth?

"It's really the Lord Priest, Lord Chief Priest, I miss you, you haven't taught us for a long time." A young boy ran fast and slid a few steps before arriving in front of Jiang Chan.

Because they used to have a lot of prestige, these children are polite when facing Jiang Chan, not as relaxed as when facing Sauron.

"I also think about the Lord Priest, Sir, when will you and the president give us lessons?"

Jiang Chan bent over and looked at them: "The chairman and I have been very tired for half a month. Today is Friday. Let's rest for two days. Will we come back to class next Monday?"

Sauron also walked over. He glanced over Jiang Chan's body worriedly, and found that Jiang Chan's face was only a little haggard, so he was relieved that there was nothing unusual.

He cleared his throat: "Well, the guild leader and the chief priest have been very tired recently, so please don't pester them. Let the chief priest go back to rest. They will come to class when they are well."

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