The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 784: Orc Sacrifice Eighty-Four

Before dinner, Jiang Chan and Nether Leopard finally returned to the Lord's Mansion, and the old butler, Old Dick, was about to turn around in a hurry. The priests such as Vina and Vic have all returned, but the lord of their house has never returned. Isn't the old housekeeper in a hurry to get angry?

Had it not been for Jiang Chan to come back early, he would have to send Taisi and the others out to look for it.

Vic glanced at Jiang Chan: "I went out for an afternoon and it was fun to play, right? Have pity on my old bone, I can't play even if I want to play."

Jiang Chan was in a good mood, and she didn't care about Vic's sour words: "Vick offered sacrifices, didn't you find a good seed to your heart?"

Vic let out a sigh of relief: "Are you Chinese cabbage as a sacrifice? For so many years, a Sia has emerged from my territory, and it has fallen into Vina's hands. In my heart!"

The little old man sings well, and Vina is helpless. How many times has Vic said this sacrifice? I don't want to wait for him to find his favorite little disciple, this topic will never end.

After dinner, everyone left. Jiang Chan invited Mo Wei to say a few words. Since he wants to go fishing, don't he have to be patient? It just so happens that the last thing she lacks is patience.

For the next week, Jiang Chan went out early and returned late every day, even though she rarely went to the temple.

That evening, the rare orcs who came to buy the awakening potion all left, and Vic and Vina whispered.

"Is there anything going on with the chief priest these past few days? I only see her in the evening every day."

Vina was teaching Xia to read, and she glanced at Vic when she heard the words, "The chief priest didn't tell us what she wanted to do. She had her own plan when she wanted to come."

"The time is almost there. It is estimated that we will go to the southern stronghold of the next temple in a few days."

"Look again, it's time to come out to relax." Vina pursed her lips and picked up a book and read it. Xia leaned against Vina, holding the sacrificial code and looking very seriously.

When Jiang Chan returned in the evening, he also brought back a guest, a seven or eight-year-old little orc. He was riding a variegated tiger, dressed in cotton clothes that were appropriately tailored, and neatly cleaned.

As soon as the boy's thoughts moved, the Tiger was received by him in his pet space, and the old priest Vic stared his eyes when he saw this scene.

As if he was not stimulating enough, Jiang Chan rubbed the boy's head: "Introduce, my little apprentice Amber, who is eight years old this year, is a small orc priest."

Vic shook, and Vina subconsciously grabbed his arm: "Vik sacrificially, you should be careful."

Looking at Amber, and then at Xia standing next to Vina, Vic's sacrificial voice was choked up: "It's not fair, my old man practiced diligently, and took care of the affairs of the territory and the temple conscientiously, the old man of war. Why didn't you send me a little apprentice?"

"Look at you. Everyone is only in their early thirties, and they already have little apprentices. I'm a few hundred years old. The students still don't know where to hang around. It's not fair..."

The old priest howled, Vina was a little embarrassed, saying that Xia was the Hu that she cut from Vic's hand.

Jiang Chan rubbed his eyebrows, "Vick sacrificially, don't be sad, can't I help you find a little apprentice?"

Vic immediately put down his hand, there was a teardrop on his old face: "Really?"

Jiang Chan gritted his teeth: "Really, I must help you find it!"

Humber had never seen such a battle, and subconsciously leaned against Jiang Chan. Jiang Chan rubbed his head: "This is Vic's sacrifice, you will be familiar with it from now on."

Jiang Chan has a little apprentice that suits his heart, and Tas is also happy. When the little apprentice grows up, their young lady doesn't have to work so hard.

Vina glanced at Amber, "Good eyes, how much is the sacrificial potential?"

Jiang Chan curled the corners of his lips, and watched with satisfaction at the old priest Vic's ears erected: "I tested it with a spiritual test disk. It's about ninety-five. The potential value is already pretty good."

"That's pretty good, it's already a gifted talent." Vic sacrificial faces put on a smile, "It's still your girl who has the eyesight, and quietly pulled back such a good seedling."

Jiang Chan smiled bitterly: "It was pure coincidence. I also met this child by accident. He has been living with the tiger. There are no tiger orcs in the territory, and I don't know where Amber belongs."

"No matter which house he belongs to, he belongs to the temple now." Vic bent over and looked at Amber: "In the future, I will study hard with your teacher. I am old, and the temple will still depend on you young people in the future."

Seeing that the next generation of heirs to the temple were all there, Vic's heart of sacrificing was also relaxed a lot. Just like Jiang Chan is alive and well, the temple can still last for hundreds of years.

In the past few hundred years, new orc sacrifices will continue to appear, and whether one has an apprentice does not seem to be a big deal. Thinking about it this way, Vic Sacrifice felt much better.

Amber grabbed Jiang Chan's clothes and nodded his head vigorously. He was still a little unclear about his words, that is to say, he was learning to speak with Jiang Chan recently: "Good... good... study!"

Vic sacrificially showed a big smile, "I'm going to rest first, you guys one by one, deliberately don't let my old man feel better."

Jiang Chan and Weina looked at each other, Jiang Chan patted Amber's head: "This is Mo Wei, if you have anything in your life these few days, look for her. Three days later, we will set off to the southern stronghold of the temple."

Seeing that both Humber and Xia followed Mo Wei, Vina glanced at Jiang Chan: "Congratulations, such a high-potential orc sacrifice, see if you can."

Jiang Chan shrugged: "With the diligence of the cultivation I can vaguely foresee the future. Before leaving the imperial capital, I have a hunch that I will gain this time when I come out. The closer I get to Film County The stronger it is."

Vina frowned: "You still feel this way when you have a high level of cultivation? Why haven't you heard the old priest mention it before?"

"I haven't heard of it either." Vic didn't know when he made a sound, Jiang Chan and Weina were taken aback, "Didn't you go to rest?"

Vic snorted twice: "I just came back to talk to Old Dick about something. Who made you talk without avoiding others?"

"But being able to vaguely perceive things in the future, I really haven't heard that the old priests are all nine-star sacrifices, and I haven't heard him talk about such feelings. Is it possible that this is the advantage of the potential value of 98 points?"

"Forget it, it's always a good thing," Jiang Chan didn't go into it. At present, they couldn't think of a reason.

Her playful gaze swept across Vic's body: "Vick sacrifices, you really should go back to rest. I have a hunch that your little apprentice is waiting for you in the south."

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