Chen Wei, who was picking up food, immediately pricked his ears. Is this to see Jiang Chan's pulse on the spot?

Professor Qin blinked, with a smile like Mu Chunfeng on his face: "Does Xiao Chan see what famous people are here? I heard from Chen Wei's father that you are an excellent Chinese medicine doctor."

Jiang Chan made a humble statement: "The professor has passed the award. Since the professor said so, let me talk about what I just observed."

She put down her chopsticks and looked directly at Professor Qin's face. The dining table suddenly fell silent. Chen's father, Chen's mother, Chen Wei, and the three of them stared at Jiang Chan without blinking, to see what she could say.

"Look at your complexion a little bit yellow. I also touched your pulse just now. You should have had this bitter mouth symptom for more than half a year? Have you been feeling more serious recently? Tossing and turning at night and not sleeping at night?"

Professor Qin paused, "Yes, I did have such symptoms in the past six months. I have felt like fish gall in my mouth in the last month, and nothing tastes tasteful."

Jiang Chan stretched out his hand and pressed Professor Qin's upper right abdomen. Professor Qin snorted. Jiang Chan looked back and withdrew his hand as usual: "Did you feel that your upper right abdomen has started to hurt recently, and it has been hurting here?"

As Jiang Chan said, he pressed Professor Qin's right shoulder blade again. Professor Qin completely took it: "Yes, the pain is not serious at the moment, but the pain is endless."

Dad Chen was anxious now: "Oh, Uncle Qin, just tell us if you feel uncomfortable. How embarrassed to let you run around like this?"

"Little Cicada, what are the symptoms of Uncle Qin? Is it serious?" Mother Chen was also anxious, her face full of anxiety.

Seeing how father and mother Chen were anxious to get angry, Professor Qin was not anxious. He slapped father Chen and said, "Since Xiao Chan has said it, it shouldn't be tricky for her."

"It's not tricky at the moment. Fortunately, the discovery was timely." Jiang Chan said with a serious face: "Professor, if you feel uncomfortable in the future, please go to the hospital for a checkup. Don't always drag it like this."

"It's okay, Xiaochan, what's wrong with Uncle Qin? Acupuncture or decoction?"

"Mouth bitterness is a kind of gall bladder disease and a manifestation of chronic cholecystitis. It is not serious at the moment. If I prescribe a prescription, you should take three Chinese medicines and it should be no problem."

Jiang Chan said and glanced at Chen Wei. Chen Wei had already found paper and pen and placed it in front of Jiang Chan respectfully. Jiang Chan didn't shy away, and wrote down a prescription.

"This is a prescription. If Professor Qin you drink Chinese medicine for one day tomorrow, it is estimated that you will be able to sleep well tomorrow night."

Jiang Chan pushed the prescription, Mother Chen was impatient: "What are you waiting for tomorrow? I will grab the medicine now and let Uncle Chen drink it tonight. How can this be delayed until tomorrow if I get sick?"

Speaking, Mother Chen picked up her bag and went out, leaving the four people in the restaurant staring at each other.

Father Chen wiped his face: "Uncle Qin, I still feel sad. You see that you are not feeling well. I also invite you to come over. It's a whole thing..."

Professor Qin waved his hand: "I didn't tell you beforehand. Didn’t I say Xiaochan? This is not serious, so don’t worry. Didn’t my nephew and daughter-in-law go to get me the medicine? Don’t worry, Xiaochan. His medical skills are so good, why can't he cure me?"

"That's right, Dad, don't worry, Xiao Chan's medical skills are called this!" Chen Wei said with a thumbs up. "Recently, Xiao Chan picked up a patient, and they came to seek medical attention from the capital. "

"Do you even know this?" Jiang Chan raised her eyes. She basically couldn't talk about the patient's privacy. How did Chen Wei know?

"Of course I know, don't you have to do acupuncture for him every Wednesday and Sunday? We all see people come to pick you up." Chen Wei grabbed a chopsticks shredded pork and smiled heartlessly.

"By the way, your patient has been procrastinating for a long time, right? It has been a month? According to your medical skills, it shouldn't be prolonged for so long." Chen Wei was also curious now, and asked about this.

"His condition is a bit special, but he is much better now. According to my estimation, he will start to recover after the Spring Festival. He can only rely on himself."

It was about the patient's privacy, Jiang Chan said lightly while avoiding the importance.

"Rehabilitation? He won't be bad at it, right?" Chen Wei's scallop caught on his chopsticks crashed and fell on the plate: "Cicada, can you cure such a disease?"

"I can't say too much detail, he is really getting better, forget it, professor, we will study those professional terms later."

Jiang Chan simply pulled Professor Qin as a shield. Professor Qin smiled slightly and followed Jiang Chan's meaning in speaking French. The two murmured at the table for a long time, leaving only Dad Chen and Chen Wei alone and cold.

Father Chen knocked Chen Wei a chestnut: "Don't ask about other people's privacy, and don't talk about it in school."

"I know, am I not talking at home?"

Chen Wei clutched his head, what should I do? More curious about that patient!

"Actually, I came here to help you, and the other is that the son of a friend of mine came here to treat his illness. I just went to see his recovery."

Professor Qin said with a smile, which also alleviated father Chen's psychological burden.

"When your company's affairs are busy, I always go to see that kid before I return to the capital." Professor Qin said, wiping his glasses: "He was a month old when he came out, but he made a few calls. , But his mother is very worried."

"At that time, I will go with you. After all, it is Uncle Qin's younger generation." Father Chen said, not allowing Professor Qin to refuse at all.

"I'm back. I also ran to the supermarket. Only then did I buy raw oysters and cicadas. Do you see if these are all available?"

The door was Mother Chen stood at the door with bags and bags.

Chen Wei and Jiang Chan ran over, and only then did Chen's mother free her hands.

Jiang Chan arranged the medicinal materials on the kitchen counter: "Bupleurum, Dan grass, raw oysters, kudzu root... The ingredients are all available. Do you have a casserole? I'll decoct the medicine."

Mother Chen rummaged through the box and found a casserole: "I bought this before, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today."

Forty minutes later, Professor Qin placed a bowl of black traditional Chinese medicine soup in front of him. Professor Qin's face was as usual, but he couldn't help but wrinkle when the medicinal soup entered his mouth.

Although his mouth is bitter, the taste of this medicinal soup is more bitter than his mouth.

"Tonight is the first medicine. Professor, you should be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

Jiang Chan took the medicine bowl back and said, "In the future, the professor will stop eating, don't eat spicy and greasy food, and drink in moderation."

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