Now that Fan Qiang was sent to the door by Jiang Chan, it was quite illusory.

The transcript for Jiang Chan was a small policeman who had just started working, and his face looked tender.


Jiang Chan pushed Mo Ke's ID card, and the policeman took it and registered it.

"Gender, um, no need to ask."

"What is the relationship between you and Fan Qiang?"

"I have nothing to do with him. Lin Cun died in an accident. He has never found the driver who caused the accident. I just want to help him find the real culprit."

"You are so kind?" The little policeman was suspicious.

"Believe it or not, you just treat me as too curious," Jiang Chan was helpless, she couldn't tell the truth, right? If she does this, she will surely be drawn to educate her not to be feudal and superstition.

It took ten minutes for Jiang Chan to get away with the little policeman. It seems that I will try not to deal with the police in the future.

After finally getting out of the police station, Jiang Chan sighed long. For the five innocent people who were killed by Lin Cunjin, it is a pity that no one even knows their names.

It is because of Lin Cunjin's anger that these five innocent families have caused irreparable trauma. Jiang Chan now thinks that he is too kind to Lin Cunjin.

Fan Qiang was arrested, but Jiang Chan was not happy at all. Sometimes, Jiang Chan is thinking, do people really have past and present lives? Is there really a saying of the former Times Jinshiguo?

She didn't know this, but what she could see was real. After thinking about it, Jiang Chan gave up this mysterious proposition, what did she want to do so much? Just live your life well.

Originally Jiang Chan thought that this incident would have passed, but she didn't know that the episode where she confronted Fan Qiang was filmed and posted on the Internet, and it was still circulated in a small area.

"I'm going, this woman is too cruel, right? Just such a small stone beat a big man to the ground?"

In the big office, a young man was holding his mobile phone and suddenly yelled.

Gu Hanyuan rubbed his eyebrows: "Jin Chi, since you entered the office until now, when you haven't been quiet for a moment, can you let me work well? I have a lot of things on my hands."

Jin Chi didn't lift his head: "You are the boss, there is no need to do everything yourself, right? Alas, do you really have such a powerful woman?"

He said he came to the desk with his mobile phone, insisting on Gu Hanyuan to watch the video he just saw. Gu Hanyuan couldn't help him and glanced casually, just to see the section where Jiang Chan subdued Fan Qiang.

The actions are clean and neat, never sloppy, and very heroic. The comments are shouting to Miss Sister, I can, and those who call her husband, and there are endless praises.

"She looks familiar, who is it?" Jin Chi looked at it twice, touching his chin and muttering to himself.

Gu Hanyuan recognized it at a glance. Isn't this his ex-wife? She has changed too much, right? If he hadn't seen her on the day of the divorce, he wouldn't have thought it was Mo Ke.

"No matter who she is, it has nothing to do with us." Gu Hanyuan signed the document in a cold tone.

"You came all the way, didn't you just gossip about this with me, right?"

"I'm just about to talk to you about business. If you weren't busy all the time, I would not talk until now?" Jin Chi dropped his phone and lay on his desk.

"Today, Lao Huang’s birthday, everyone gathers together to celebrate his birthday? By the way, everyone is with their families, or should you bring your wife? You have been married for more than two years, and we haven’t seen your wife, what? That kind of celestial being hid and refused to let us see?"

Gu Hanyuan put down his pen: "We are divorced, and I have no wife."

"I'm going! For such a big thing, there was no sound when we got married, and when we got divorced, when did you leave?" Jin Chi shouted, staring at Gu Hanyuan with bright eyes, and he was bound to inquire about something.

"It's been two or three months, right? It's not a big deal." Gu Hanyuan didn't want to say anything. "Let's go, isn't it about Lao Huang's birthday? Let's go by early, and the time is almost the same."

"Oh, you are a boring gourd, do you think I am a brother if you don't say anything?"

"There is nothing to say, we will be a stranger when we meet again." Gu Hanyuan glanced at Jin Chi, "Are you going to go?"

"Go go, I said Lao Gu, you are really going to suffocate me. If you are divorced, Peipei will have a chance. We all know that she likes you."

"Stop talking about this. I just treat her as a younger sister. I'm not suitable for her. Don't tell anyone about the divorce. I want to live a stable life for a few years."

"Fine, can I say nothing?"

Gu Hanyuan was just an episode here, and Jiang Chan also received a call over there.

"Dad, what's the matter? There is a banquet tonight? All right, what time? Seven o'clock? Okay, I will be there on time."

Well, I'm going to show my face at the banquet tonight. Jiang Chan touched her nose. In order not to shame Mo's father and Mo's mother, she still had to dress up.

"What's going on today? It looks very lively." Jin Chi muttered after looking at it for a week after entering the Emgrand.

Gu Hanyuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Today is Wednesday. There was originally a banquet. Isn't Lao Huang his birthday? I pushed it. It seems that it is the 70th birthday of Mr. Hengyao's father."

"Good brother, it's really interesting!" Jin Chi patted Gu Hanyuan, "Let's go, I guess Lao Huang and the others have arrived."

Just after Gu Hanyuan and Jin Chi entered, Jiang Chan and Mo's father and mother's family of three appeared at the entrance of the hotel. After the doorman checked the invitation, the family of three entered the banquet hall.

At this time, there were many people in the banquet hall, and there was no lack of a combination of middle-aged businessmen and young beauties. Jiang Chan just glanced at it, and then faintly averted his gaze.

Mo's father went to say hello to friends in the business field, and Mo's mother brought Jiang Chan to introduce her to her contacts. Mo Ke rarely came out before, and Mo's mother wanted to show off her daughter.

Nowadays, everything about the girl is getting better. Mom Mo is thinking about developing a relationship for her girl. She will always go out to walk in the future. After walking around with Mo's mother, Jiang Chan's face seemed to freeze with a smile.

It was just smirking and saying hello to Mo's mother, expressing embarrassment at the praise of others, and then seeing the next person, and then continuing the process.

After walking around in the banquet hall, Jiang Chan's face was stiff with a smile. She has an indifferent personality and is not a person who loves to laugh very much. She is really overwhelmed by the professional smirk this evening.

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