Watching Gu Hanyuan's eyes widened, Jiang Chan thought it was funny: "You don't think that I stubbornly slap you because I love you? Why do you have such a big face?"

"The only difference between me and others is these eyes. Of course I also have the self-esteem and pride that people should have. Now that you know that you don't love me, do you think I will be so mean to you?"

When Jiang Chan said that he couldn't hang on the ground, Gu Hanyuan left with a cold face. Watching him go out, Jiang Chan sat on the sofa: "How good is this early? Do you really think you are so charming?"

Jin Chi's eyes were bright: "Sister Keke, you are this!"

He gave Jiang Chan a thumbs up, Huang Xiao stood up and buttoned his suit: "Miss Mo, we will see each other in the future. I won't bother you today, Jin Chi, we should go."

"Sister Mo Ke, have dinner together another day. If I didn't drive by myself today, I would have to invite Sister Mo Ke to dinner with me."

"Okay, next time I invite you to dinner, don't bring Gu Hanyuan." Jiang Chan looked at the cute Jin Chi, and he was in a good mood. He looked a little older than him, but this ability to hold thighs It's top-notch.

"Give my dad, my mother, grandparents, grandparents, and uncles and aunts, cousins, cousins, and cousins. I'll go. Ten is not enough. I have to talk to Keke. Sister, just buy a few."

When he arrived in the car, Jin Chi figured out where these safety charms would go. Gu Hanyuan said with a cold face, "Leave me one."

Huang Xiao glanced at the rearview mirror and rushed to the words of Gu Hanyuan and Jiang Chan just now, and he knew everything that should be inferred.

"Jin Chi doesn't have enough points. I'll give you one even. Don't you always believe this the least?"

Gu Hanyuan was even more air-conditioned, and Jin Chi curled his lips: "Hanyuan, to be honest, I am ashamed to help you argue with the things I just said. It is obvious that you are at a loss for the things you did?"

Huang Xiao also helped: "Isn't it? Mo Ke said well. Since they are separated, don't bother each other anymore, but it seems that they have already let go, but you care about it?"

"I just didn't expect that what she said before was true, and now I understand why she always pestered me before."

"Don't mention things in the past. In the future, it is estimated that you will not be dealing with many people. A talent like Mo Ke, of course, is to build a good relationship, but you don't meet such a master all the time."

"I am so greedy for her little paper man," Jin Chi played with the phone, the hair on his head drooping a little.

On Jiang Chan's side, after receiving Qin Yue and Qin Bao, the living room became lively. Qin Bao also faded away from the whole body a long time ago, revealing his original appearance.

"How much is your mother's contact information? I'm going to take her to me." Since he agreed to help Qin Yue, Jiang Chan naturally wanted a good person to do the primer.

Originally, Jiang Chan thought that his relationship with the Fu family would end here, but she didn't know that Fu Zhenting came to the door again a week later. At this moment, he was already moving freely, except for his face was a little pale.

Father Fu and Mother Fu didn't come this time. Huang Xiao and Jin Chi came with Fu Zhenting. When the doorbell rang, Zhao Yanling was cleaning the living room. She was Qin Yue's mother.

"Here, wait a moment."

As soon as the door opened, there appeared a middle-aged woman who thought she looked delicate. Fu Zhenting's expression changed when she saw her: "Qin Yue? Are you Qin Yue's mother?"

Zhao Yanling was not surprised to see Fu Zhenting, Qin Yue had already explained everything clearly to her. Although she hated Fu Zhenting, it was Qin Yue's actions that sadden her most.

"Is it here to see Miss Mo? Miss Mo is in the study, so come in first."

As Qin Yue said, she has already left this world, and it doesn't make any sense to investigate the past. Moreover, Fu Zhenting also paid a heavy price, these are all unclear.

"Thank you, Auntie." Jin Chi's sweet mouth caused Zhao Yanling to smile.

"Are you here? Sit down." Jiang Chan heard the movement in the living room, and she pushed open the study door and walked out.

"Master Mo..."

"Stop it, just call me by name."

"Okay, Mo Ke, I just want to come over and ask you, do I really have no children in my life?"

"Although I haven't studied for a long time, I didn't lie to you. You won't have any other children except Qin Bao in your life. Let your parents work hard and give you a younger brother or sister. , I think they still have children."

"Trouble," Fu Zhenting wilted, and glanced around the living room: "Qin Bao...Can I see him again?"

Zhao Yanling moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words again.

"Qin Yue, bring Qin Bao over."

Jiang Chan shouted, and Qin Yue led Qin Bao over. After Jiang Chan opened his eyes to Fu Zhenting, he said lazily: "If you have anything to say, hurry up. I am going to send Qin Yue away today."

"What about Qin Bao? What will Qin Bao do?" Zhao Yanling rushed over. "I heard people say that an unborn child cannot be reincarnated. Qin Bao is so young, what can he do?"

"He is naturally by my side, I will take care of him." Jiang Chan rubbed his eyebrows, "I didn't expect to take care of the nanny."

"Can you let Qin Bao follow me?" Fu Zhenting asked suddenly, just looking at the child who was holding Qin Yue tightly, he felt pain in his heart.

"No." Qin Yue and Jiang Chan said in unison. Qin Yue didn't want Qin Bao to be involved with Fu Zhenting anymore, and Jiang Chan couldn't let Qin Bao and Fu Zhenting stay together.

"Qin Bao, I will settle here, so don’t worry. Where can the living stay with Yingling? If you really feel sorry for then do more good deeds, and accumulate the good deeds you have done. The merits that come down will eventually be gathered on Qin Bao."

"Do more good deeds so that Qin Bao will be able to reincarnate in the future?" Zhao Yanling grasped the point.

"The hope is very slim, let alone this, Qin Yue, now your business is over, you should go." The matter has now been resolved, and Jiang Chan is also preparing to send Qin Yue away.

Qin Yue bent over to Jiang Chan: "Miss Mo is in trouble."

Qin Bao nestled beside Jiang Chan, holding Jiang Chan tightly with his small hands. Jiang Chan touched his forehead: "You will be company with Xiaoyi from now on, and you are not allowed to inhale people anymore."

As Qin Yue left, Zhao Yanling's face also changed.

Jiang Chan glanced at it: "I think you will have another girl in the future, so keep your mood up and treat your next child well."

Zhao Yanling wiped her tears: "Master, you laughed, I have been alone for so many years, where..."

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