"Well, I will ask Mo Ke to sit down and eat together. Anyway, the elders are all in the business district. Knowing each other can be regarded as expanding contacts."

"Then I have to wait until Sister Mo Ke comes back. I won't talk about it. I will concentrate on watching the live broadcast."

Huang Xiao stood up and buttoned his suit button: "The time is almost up, everyone should go away. I have a meeting tomorrow morning."

"Okay, busy people, go ahead." Everyone knows that Huang Xiao has a heavy burden on him, and they don't force him to pull him together. At the moment, a few people gathered in front of Jiang Chan's mobile phone and stared scorchingly at the live broadcast room.

Besides Jiang Chan, she didn't stay much after she landed in Cheng Yuan's yard. After checking the layout of the courtyard a little, Jiang Chan headed to the corridor.

There is obviously a wing room, which should be the place where the troupe used to rest.

There is also a well in the courtyard, and in the middle is a big stage with a few tables and benches below. Today's night is very good, the moon in the night sky is round, exuding silver brilliance.

The yard can be seen clearly without turning on the power of the mobile phone. At this time the yard was empty and there was nothing. Just as Jiang Chan was about to open the door of the wing, Daha chased him with his mobile phone.

"Miss sister, wait for me! Wait for me!"

Jiang Chan tested his face, and only left him a back view: "You are not allowed to take a face."

Daha nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, Miss Sister, are you too good? A wall that is so high, you'll be here!"

Seeing him talk non-stop, Jiang Chan didn't interrupt him. After seeing several wing rooms and backstage with Daha, he still found nothing. Jiang Chan finally cast his gaze on the stage in the yard.

"I'm tired from walking, so let's sit and rest under the stage."

Daha held the phone and followed Jiang Chan behind him, not daring to say anything. He didn't know what was going on, when he arrived in front of Jiang Chan, he dared not say anything.

They explored Chengyuan, and they walked back and forth within ten minutes. Jiang Chan sat down on a table facing the stage, Daha sat on her right hand, chatting with the bullet screen from time to time.

"This is Cheng Yuan's stage. Today, the anchor is not fighting alone. There is also a brave young lady. For personal privacy, the young lady will not appear on the scene."

"The anchor walked here for ten minutes and saw nothing and heard nothing. Is it true that what was written in the post? Now there are ten minutes before nine o'clock. Everyone will wait patiently. After ten o'clock there is no movement, the anchor will leave here."

Jiang Chan suddenly turned his ears: "Sound silence!"

Da Ha immediately shut his mouth and looked at Jiang Chan with a dazed expression.

"Listen carefully, do you hear a bit of resentment singing?" Jiang Chan moved his ears and looked at the stage subconsciously.

The white mist on the stage was getting thicker, and soon a figure appeared. During her transition, Jiang Chan could see her face clearly.

"I'm a teenager, and I haven't seen it grow long. This is a good voice, and it's very flavorful."

Daha's phone is about to be unstable, "Miss Sister, your heart is so big, are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? He is not a ghost. At best, he can only be regarded as a ray of obsession left by the predecessors." Jiang Chan asked back, she didn't find any ghost in this gorgeous young man.

What does this show? Either it means that this obsession is a juvenile obsession, or it means that this obsession is transformed by something in Cheng Yuan. Jiang Chan looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the stage in the center.

The barrage was completely silent, and everyone watched this scene silently. The teenager changed several outfits on the stage, including enchanting Huadan, gentle and graceful Qingyi, and heroic Daomadan.

In the end, there was an old student who was proficient in everything.

Although the boy kept singing, there was always only one person on the stage, and only two spectators Jiang Chan and Daha.

When the young man's singing came to an end, Jiang Chan stood up and applauded, "It's so good! I haven't heard such a flavorful drama for many years."

The boy blinked, "Do you know this too?"

"I don't understand this, but I can hear what you mean, is it a pity? In such a large Chengyuan, there is not a troupe performing here, so it is left unused day by day."

"Yes, Cheng Yuan was so lively before. It was the most lively theater in the city. There are many people coming in and out every day. But then it gradually faded away, everyone was gone, and no one was singing on it anymore. NS."

"Above? So I guessed right, you really turned into this stage." Jiang Chan keenly grasped the point. There is nothing unusual about this stage except that this stage is a bit interesting.

The boy's expression changed: "You can even see this? You are really unusual."

"This year, the rumors of Cheng Yuan's haunting must be related to you?"

"I'm not a ghost, I'm just singing on stage, and no one is allowed to entertain myself?" The young man was very angry, obviously dissatisfied with Jiang Chan's words.

Jiang Chan rubbed his head: "This is not where you should be. If you want to, you can go with me. There are many listeners in my house. They will always listen to you singing. If you don't want to stay with me, I You can also send you to a drama master you know. He has many apprentices. You can help him teach his apprentices."

"I just want to listen to people singing." The boy was a little moved, but he was still hesitant after thinking about it.

"That's easy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll take you there at that time." This kind of thing is easy to handle. As long as this boy who is obsessed with singing is sent to the theater, don't worry he can't hear others singing?

"Okay, I'll go with you." The young man squashed his mouth, jumped off the stage, and followed Jiang Chan obediently. Jiang Chan patted his head: "Okay, the matter is resolved, we should go now."

Daha held up his mobile phone to follow up: "This is solved? Why do those who came here before get sick after they go back? How do you explain this?"

Jiang Chan glanced at the boy. The boy was not convinced and explained: "They and I are not in the same world. They saw that I was still in the same space with me for so long, but I was very kind when I was sick. Not that black-hearted person."

"Isn't it black-hearted? What if it's more serious?" Daha muttered, a little dissatisfied with the boy's explanation.

"He is indeed very merciful. Those people are angry because they are attacked by the yin here. If he is malicious, do you think those people can go out safely?"

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