"Junjun is here? Did you have breakfast? Grandma is going to make shortbread for you?" Grandma Tang smiled, but she didn't expect the little granddaughter to come back to see her.

"I came here after breakfast. Originally, my parents wanted to come back to see you and grandpa, but they are busy at work. Now that the college entrance examination is over, I can come to spend some time with you and grandpa."

Following the strength of Grandma Tang, Jiang Chan squeezed Grandma Tang's wrist smoothly, and then put it down without a trace, while talking to Grandma Tang gently on the other side.

"It's okay to come back. Just come back. Xiaoyu is back. He is still sleeping upstairs. He was sent back by his dad last night." Grandma Tang smiled and pulled Jiang Chan into the house.

"Pei Yu is here too? Then I won't feel lonely and bored here, and there will be someone to talk together."

While talking, a very sunny and energetic voice sounded on the stairs: "Seeing grandma you are so happy, you know that it is the little cousin who is back, Junjun, you are here with grandpa too? Are we considered to be cherished? "

The sluggishly slept big boy pulled his hair down, and showed a particularly sunny smile at Jiang Chan, but his tone of ridicule was even greater.

Jiang Chan rolled his eyes: "Heart is not so useful, you still graduated from high school."

Tang Peiyu's big white teeth fluttered in the wind: "That's okay, as long as you get the idea."

Watching her grandchildren bicker, Grandma Tang sat and watched with a smile. The old man liked to have children around her.

"Where is Grandpa?"

After looking at him without seeing Grandpa Tang, Jiang Chan asked subconsciously.

"Your grandfather went fishing, he can't stay at home." Grandma Tang smiled, "Yesterday he also caught a black fish, which is a full five catties. It happened that you and Peiyu were here, and I will stew it for you at noon."

"The relationship is good, pickled cabbage fish is the best to eat." Jiang Chan sucked and drooled: "I also learned a few dishes from my mother at home, and I will give my grandma a hand at noon."

"That's great. I'll just wait to eat the ready-made ones." Tang Peiyu immediately burst into laughter, "My little aunt's cooking, it tastes like this!"

As he spoke, he made a gesture, coupled with his greedy face, there was a lot of laughter in the living room.

Jiang Chan's life in the Tang family's old mansion is like a fish in water. In his spare time, he went fishing with Grandpa Tang on the river, or he would fight with Tang Peiyu and help Grandma Tang cook. Three meals a day were not repeated.

Song Ruizhe's life in the urban area is not easy.

After the college entrance examination was over, he originally thought that his relationship with He Miaomiao could turn from dark to bright, but this was not the case when he knew where things were going.

First of all, Song's father and Song's mother wanted to be engaged to Song Ruizhe and Tang Peijun. They were very satisfied with Tang Peijun, after all, they grew up under their noses.

This combination of two families is the result they most want to see. No one knew that when they mentioned it, they were inadvertently rejected by Tang's father.

"The child is still young. Don't worry, we are just a child. We still want to keep her for a few more years."

"The child at this time hasn't been qualitative yet, maybe Er Ruizhe's fate is not with our Junjun." Mother Tang also smiled lightly, not mentioning He Miaomiao.

This is Song Ruizhe and Tang Peijun's business, why bother to involve irrelevant people?

They are all human beings, so you don't need to speak so clearly to understand everything. Dad Song, smash it, smash it, it doesn’t sound right? He didn't ask at the time either, but smiled and looked for another topic.

When the game was over, Father Song had no scruples.

"What's going on? When talking to Lao Tang before, didn't Lao Tang and his wife quite happy? What's wrong now?"

Mother Song held the steering wheel and glanced at Lao Song who was in the car: "Don't you understand what you mean? It means that your son Song Ruizhe is not yet determined and has other fate outside."

Father Song frowned: "Is there anything else? Ruizhe, tell me in detail? Is there anything wrong with Junjun?"

"This..." Song Ruizhe suddenly got stuck, don't know how to say, to be honest, he was afraid that his father would cut him.

"He's embarrassed, let me say it." Mother Song sneered: "There is a transfer student in Ruizhe's class. It seems to be called Miaomiao. The two are a little bit nasty, and Junjun can see it."

"Mom, don't say it so bad! Also, it's called He Miaomiao." Song Ruizhe subconsciously defended He Miaomiao.

"I don't care what her name is Miao Miao, I just said it clearly, I don't agree with this matter." Mother Song was unhappy, and her expression became severe.

Father Song rolled down the car window: "Old Tang's wife also said it was good. The children are still young, so let them develop freely. Ruizhe, if you make a choice, you will be responsible for your decision."

Song Ruizhe lowered his eyebrows thoughtfully.

"What did you mean by that? You don't plan to let Junjun be your daughter-in-law?" Mother Song slapped Father Song dissatisfiedly as her son entered the room.

"Let him go," Father Song sighed wearily: "This thing seems to be impossible at the moment, let's look at their own destiny in the future, but it's a pity that Junjun is such a good boy."

"Who said no? That child's future prospects must not be small, but it is a pity that such a good child. Alas, your son still has no vision."

"It's his own choice if he doesn't have eyesight anymore. He doesn't know that there is no regret medicine in life if he doesn't fall a few times." Father Song said this a bit coldly, not even considering that Song Ruizhe was his son.

"It's a pity Junjun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The more I look at the kid, the more I like it, but it's a pity that your son has no eyesight."

Father Song hugged Mother Song's shoulders: "He will always have his own life to live. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have vision, it's fine if I have vision."

Hearing what Song father said unexpectedly, Song mother was taken aback and laughed: "As a parent, I always want to remove all the obstacles in the growth of the child. I can't bear him hitting a wall, but sometimes he can't understand being a parent. Painstakingly."

"Don't worry if you can't understand it, let him go and break the blood by himself." Father Song frowned, "The child can't be with you forever, you should look at me more."

"He Miaomiao, don't interfere. For a child of this age, the more you intervene, the more serious his rebellious psychology will become. Let it be the case. In the future, he will become true to that child. If you get used to it, Get closer, stay far away if you don’t come."

"Did you think about this? You just said that you would let him go to a bloodshed."

"I just talked about it, where would I really not care?"

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