Smell, I also know that the roast duck is well roasted, and there is a hint of sweetness in the air.

"Boss, bring me two roast ducks!" After standing still, Tang Peiyu shouted.

Jiang Chan came over and kicked him: "Uncle, don't listen to him. We just want one. If we want to eat, we will come back tomorrow."

Tang Peiyu was wronged: "Little cousin, is one enough to eat?"

"Of course it's enough. My mother must have made a lot of dishes at home. If you eat a few bites, you will be full by then. The roast duck will not taste like that when it is hot. It is better to buy as much as you want."

"You have a lot of logic." Seeing Jiang Chan's stern face, Tang Peiyu relied on his height and hand length to mess Jiang Chan's hair in a daze in exchange for Jiang Chan's elbow blow.

The two of them are used to fighting, but in the eyes of outsiders, they feel that this is a pair of young lovers who have a particularly good relationship.

He Miaomiao pulled Song Ruizhe's sleeve: "Look at that little couple, they look so sweet."

On such a hot day, coffee shops or milk tea shops are their best place to date. Order a drink, but spend most of the afternoon. Coincidentally, this dessert shop is just across from the roast duck shop.

Song Ruizhe looked over unconsciously, and saw a slender girl playing with another boy about 1.8 meters tall. The boy also reached out his hand to touch the girl’s head, in exchange for the girl mercilessly Fight back.

He recognized the figure from the back at a glance. Isn't it Tang Peijun or who? But who is that boy? Still saying that he has different intentions? Isn't she as close as other boys?

Song Ruizhe looked down, "It is estimated that the college entrance examination just ended just like us."

Even though he said that, Song Ruizhe always felt that he was full of disgust, as if a very important part of his life had suddenly disappeared.

"They turned around, hey, isn't that the school committee? Who is the boy next to her? Is it the school committee's boyfriend?"

He Miaomiao's eyes were good, of course she had a deep obsession with Tang Peijun, and she would recognize it at a glance.

"It's not her boyfriend, that's her cousin." After seeing the boy's face clearly, Song Ruizhe was suddenly relieved, but he didn't know why he was subconsciously happy.

"Well, I thought the school committee also had a boyfriend. How did you know her cousin? Did your parents have seen it?" He Miaomiao took a mouthful of milk tea and flattened his mouth.

"What nonsense? Our two families live in the opposite door. Her cousin used to come often, that is to say, he rarely came after the third year of high school. Everyone has seen it."

Song Ruizhe has a headache, but he enjoys He Miaomiao's petty temperament. At this time, he still has the patience to coax her. Of course, he didn't tell He Miaomiao subconsciously, that his parents had mentioned to him Tang Peijun's engagement in person.

Jiang Chan and Tang Peiyu had good eyes, and of course they saw Song Ruizhe and He Miaomiao sitting by the window. Tang Peiyu squeezed his fists subconsciously, what to do, his hands were a little itchy.

Jiang Chan glanced faintly: "Go, don't you feel bored outside in such a hot day?"

"That's right, I'll go back and blow on the air conditioner." Relying on his hand, Tang Peiyu rubbed Jiang Chan's head again, Jiang Chan grinded his teeth: "I won't beat you, it seems you don't know me. Both civil and military!"

Tang Peiyu ran away while dragging the box with a smile, and Jiang Chan chased after him. The setting sun dropped a long shadow.

Seeing Tang Peijun and Tang Peiyu running away, Song Ruizhe's mind was not on He Miaomiao's side. He didn't listen to what He Miaomiao said next, but just absently perfunctory He Miaomiao.

When Jiang Chan and Tang Peiyu arrived home, there was already a strong fragrance in the corridor. Tang Peiyu sniffed: "Junjun, you just asked brother to buy only one roast duck. It really is the right choice."

Jiang Chan had given up talking to Tang Peiyu, she was really ashamed that she turned her face faster than she turned a book.

When he arrived at home, Tang Peiyu had another virtue. He has a sweet mouth and has eyesight to see, so Tang's mother can't close her mouth from ear to ear, and even after eating a lot in the kitchen, he comes out contentedly.

As soon as I lay down on the sofa, someone knocked on the door outside. Tang Peiyu's arm moved: "Little cousin, my brother has been eating and doesn't want to move, can you open the door?"

Jiang Chan bypassed him: "You better get up and move around, lest you can't eat dinner for a while."

"That's right. My aunt doesn't cook much. I eat one less time. I still take advantage of this while I eat more." Tang Peiyu leaped up, wandering around in the living room with his belly straight to digest, where Was there that weak look just now?

A letter of blessing was posted on the door of the Tang family, and it happened to block the cat's eyes. Jiang Chan was helpless, and when she opened the door to see that it was Song Ruizhe, she subconsciously showed a polite smile.

Looking at the extraordinarily official, it is not sincere at all.

"Long time no see." Seeing Jiang Chan, Song Ruizhe said dryly.

"It didn't take long. Didn't you see it just now? You are in the coffee shop, and we are in the roast duck restaurant opposite."

"Don't you ask me to go in and sit down? My parents haven't come back yet, it's a bit deserted at home alone."

Jiang Chan was speechless, leaned a little, and gave up half of his body. After all, it is the right door, and so many years of neighbourhood, where can really tear your face?

"Come in and sit down. If Ms. Song hasn't come back in the evening, just have dinner at my house and go back. There are not many chopsticks at home. Little cousin, who do you think is here?"

Jiang Chan didn't have much to say to Song Ruizhe. He simply pulled Tang Peiyu over, let him deal with Song Ruizhe, and settle down by Seeing Song Ruizhe, Tang Peiyu's uncomfortable ideas were all gone. During this period of time, he and Jiang Chan also developed a tacit understanding, which led Song Ruizhe to sit down on the sofa in the living room.

He didn't show his face to Song Ruizhe either. Jiang Chan said that he was right. If they reacted too much, Song Ruizhe didn't even think she would forget him, so she just got along so peacefully.

Seeing Tang Peiyu's preaching, Jiang Chan took the book and sat aside, turning over page after page, but did not participate in the conversation between the two.

Mother Tang, who was cooking in the kitchen, saw this scene, "Jun Jun, come and help me!"

"Okay, wait a moment."

When Tang's mother summoned him, Jiang Chan avoided Song Ruizhe in a fair manner. As soon as he entered the kitchen, Jiang Chan smiled and said, "You are really my mother, save me from the water and fire."

"Stop flattering. I don't think Xiao Yu works well with you? That's also good. If your troubles are too stiff, everyone's face will not be better."

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