"Is it possible that I still want to wrong myself for your love? Where do you come from? I think everyone will be around you?"

"I never thought you were a bad person. You just think more carefully, but it's this kind of careful thinking that can't be on the stage, which makes people extraordinarily annoying."

Jiang Chan's lips opened and closed, "If you really want to be with Song Ruizhe, you should go on firmly, instead of asking outsiders for help. Why should I help you? Just because of Song Ruizhe's neighbors. Friendship?"

"I can say it all. Don't come to me again in the future. I don't want to see you. Just keep calm on your face."

Leaving this sentence aside, looking at Song Ruizhe who was standing not far away, Jiang Chan sneered and left the school gate.

It's hilarious. In the end, they are too selfish and only think about themselves. What's more, I hope that this thing can change at any time. When I liked it before, I was naturally willing to do everything for the other party.

But you don't like each other, and still expect others to help you? Are you dreaming?

"Ruizhe, Tang Peijun does not want to go to the capital to study with us." Seeing Song Ruizhe, He Miaomiao's eyes were red.

"I know, I listened to my mother. That's okay. It's okay for us. If we go to school together again, we don't know what outsiders think. Then we can apply to the same school."

"But my score..." He Miaomiao was a little embarrassed: "My score is much worse than yours. It's a bit reluctant to report to a good school in the capital."

Song Ruizhe frowned, "It's okay, let's go back first."

"Do uncles and aunts really want you to be engaged to Tang Peijun?" After a few steps, He Miaomiao asked this sentence.

"I had this idea before but was rejected by her parents. Tang Peijun didn't like me either. We won't get engaged. Besides, you are my girlfriend, the one I have determined to keep going."

Although he felt a little upset, Song Ruizhe opened his mouth to explain.

"But uncles and aunts like Tang Peijun so much, I'm worried that they won't like me then." He Miaomiao was still in a state of anxiety when he brushed his hair.

"Only for a long time, they will like you last. Miao Miao is so sunny and cheerful, no one will dislike you."

"That's good, I will definitely win the approval of my uncles and aunts."

He Miaomiao clenched his fists, it was full of confidence. The two laughed and walked away, but it was a pity that there was already a faint crack in the feeling that was not strong.

When Jiang Chan arrived home, Tang's mother and Tang's father were not at home, and both went to work. Throwing herself into the big bed, Jiang Chan rolled lazily, knowing that Song Ruizhe was endless.

According to her analysis of Song Ruizhe's personality, the Song family will experience major earthquakes in all likelihood. She also knows that He Miao's score on the test is not high, and it is difficult to apply for a good school.

Next, let’s look at Song Ruizhe, to see if he has been dazzled by love.

Song Ruizhe was in the same school as the original owner in his previous life. As for He Miaomiao, he was in another school not far from their school. Of course, Song Ruizhe wants to report to other schools. Who will let the original owner be his fiancée at that time?

Now that there is no such engagement, let's see how Song Ruizhe fights with his parents. Jiang Chan believed that Song's father and Song's mother might not interfere too much with the relationship between him and He Miaomiao, but they absolutely would not allow Song Ruizhe to engage in such a major life choice.

Sure enough, Song Ruizhe froze with Song's father and Song's mother when it was time to fill in their volunteers. Mother Song didn't understand why Song Ruizhe chose a small school.

But after knowing He Miaomiao's score, he understood everything. Mother Song was trembling angrily. She was a son who was so dazzled by love that she was so perfunctory in the choice of school.

Song father and mother Song are of course not happy for Song Ruizhe to do this, in fact Song Ruizhe can't screw his parents. The parents really took the initiative, Song Dad has already said, if he really reports to that school, he will immediately press him to make him re-read the college entrance examination for a year.

As a result, he and He Miaomiao would have no chance.

Of course, these Jiang Chan have not paid attention anymore. The admission notices for her and Tang Peiyu have arrived. The two reported to the same school, but their majors were different.

Jiang Chan chose to major in software engineering following the original owner’s hospital, and later became a code farmer or developed his own small program.

The school is not far from home, and the bus is just an hour’s drive away. On the day of school, Jiang Chan and Tang Peiyu were sent by Tang’s father and Tang’s mother.

As for Tang Peiyu's parents, one is busy with work, and the other is that anyway, his cousins ​​report to the same university, so the third child will do the work for him. There is no need to be so careful about the boys.

Still worried that he will lose it?

On the way, Tang Peiyu and Jiang Chan bit their ears: "Look at my uncle and my aunt, and then at my parents, am I still born? I won't come when I send me to school."

Mother Tang smiled on the co-driver, "Does Xiao Yu still complain? Your parents are really busy too. Are you unhappy that your uncle and I sent you to you?"

"Where can I be here, am I not flattered? Fortunately, my uncle and aunt love me."

Jiang Chan was also dumbfounded by this kid's cheeky, this kind of skill at rudder was really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I only understand now that what is meant by parents is true love, and the child is an accident." Tang Peiyu sighed, "Last month they went on a trip and didn't take me. Isn't it because I was worried that I would disturb their two-person world? Am I living in such a family, am I easy to me?"

Jiang Chan couldn't help but smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the day of Xie Shiyan, she also saw Tang Peiyu's parents. The stickiness of the two of them felt sweeter than many young people.

Obviously they don't have very intimate actions, but one look, one smile, and one expression can make you feel the sweetness of that seat.

Growing up in such a family is really embarrassing for Tang Peiyu. As he said, parents are true love, and children are accidents.

"When I find a beautiful girlfriend in the future, I will bring it back to show them, so that they don't want to abuse me all day long."

Looking out the window, Tang Peiyu made a comment.

"University still has to focus on learning. Of course, if you meet someone who is really good and agreeable, you must hurry up and don't leave regrets later."

Mother Tang said two sentences, and felt that her two sentences were a bit contradictory.

Father Tang snorted, "Junjun is still young, and it's not too late to find him after graduation. How many people can talk about in college to the end?"

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