Tang Peiyu shrugged: "You see it now? We are an accident, and our parents are true love. We have been out for a few days, and you can see how happy they are."

"Isn't that great? Everyone has their own lives." Jiang Chan still quite likes this kind of atmosphere. She doesn't like the kind of life where her parents go round and round when she comes back.

Tang Peiyu: "Speaking of the land, I also like the current life. In fact, in many cases, whether children are happy or not, it depends on the elders' reluctance to let go."

Jiang Chan: "I think grandparents do a good job of doing the land. Uncles and the others are separated as soon as they get married. That's good, it's easy to have conflicts when there are too many people. It's better to live your own small family like this. ."

Over there, Tang's mother and several people finally had the addiction. Father Tang threw the playing cards in his hand: "No, Junjun and Xiao Yue are here, hurry up and order food. Should the children be starved?"

Fang Qin handed over the menu: "Xiao Yue, right? I'm Tang Peiyu's mother. You can call me Aunt Qin. You can order what you want. The dishes at this restaurant are not bad."

Jiang Chan also came over, "Let’s order a fish in sour soup, and another..."

Tang Peiyu also gave his opinion, how can Xiao Yue be able to deal with the elders alone at this time?

Fang Qin and Tang Peiyu’s father bit their ears: "Look at your son’s ability to protect the calf. It’s exactly the same as you used to be. Am I so scary? Can I eat a little girl?"

Mother Tang interjected: "You understand, this sudden appointment for a meal, I guess the little girl is still whispering in her heart, you don't worry about scaring her."

"Understand and understand, I said that Xiaoyu has an object of action. Junjun hasn't there yet? Do you still remember Song Ruizhe?"

Mother Tang: "How is it possible? We Junjun and Song Ruizhe have nothing to do with him. That kid went to the capital with his girlfriend. Even if he broke up with that girl, we absolutely disagree with it. "

Father Tang: "Yes, you can choose anyone, this Song Ruizhe is absolutely not allowed"

"It seems that you have a lot of opinions on Song Ruizhe." Tang Erbo also spoke, and he rarely sees the youngest couple being so tough.

"It's really very opinionated. That kid has a bad intention. He doesn't have the guts to resist his parents and he wants to drag our Junjun into the water so that he can be used as a shield and let him and the girl secretly confess."

Father Tang tickles his teeth angrily when he thinks of this. Where can the jewel in his palm be tolerated by others?

"This really doesn't work, I will find a better one for Jun Jun in the future!"

The elders got together to talk, Jiang Chan, Tang Peiyu, and Xiao Yue formed a small group of their own. This also made Xiao Yue relax a lot. Once this person relaxes, it is inevitable that he will pay more attention to observation.

Seeing the tacit understanding and tenderness between Tang Peiyu and his parents, Xiao Yue's eyes were filled with envy. She really couldn't refuse this kind of happy family, it was too attractive.

At dinner, Fang Qin and Tang Erbo also observed Xiao Yue without a trace. It's one thing for a son to like it, so you have to take a look at the other party's etiquette and talk, etc.

After a meal, the two were relieved, and looked at each other, Fang Qin waved his hand to let Tang Peiyu go back with Jiang Chan.

Although she only has this son, she didn't want to control everything about Tang Peiyu in her own hands. She knew that her son would have his own small family sooner or later, and the only person next to her pillow could accompany her down.

"Brother sister, I ask you to take care of this stinky boy in my family." A sideways glance at Tang Peiyu, Fang Qin greeted Tang's mother.

"It's just too many pairs of chopsticks. It's not troublesome." Tang's mother is also hearty. She and Fang Qin are the closest friends, thinking that her daughter did not stay at Fang Qin's house less.

Jiang Chan squeezed his eyes at Tang Peiyu, and now the family recognized it, it was Tang Peiyu's own. She did everything she could, and she wouldn't help Tang Peiyu any more later.

On the last day of the long vacation, the three of them returned to school with baggage and money. When they came back, Jiang Chan and Xiao Yue both carried only a small box, which was a big bag when they went to school.

There are various delicacies made by Tang's mother, clothes and shoes bought by Fang Qin and so on. If it weren't for worrying about scaring Xiao Yue, Fang Qin would like to dress Xiao Yue from the tip of her hair to the soles of her feet.

"Your mother and Aunt Qin are so enthusiastic." After arriving in the bedroom, Xiao Yue completely relaxed and attacked.

Jiang Chan took a while with his hands to clean up his clothes and glanced at Xiao Yue delicately. The idea of ​​being a drunkard is not in the wine, but in you, and I don't know if Xiao Yue has noticed it.

Xiao Yue poked his head out of the upper bunk, and her long black hair fell down, "In fact, looking at it this way, your cousin's family really gave him a lot of points. If there is such a family, he will definitely be happy in the future. "

"Family is important, but the most important thing is to look at this boy? If the boy can't help himself, and he doesn't take responsibility, no matter how good the family is, it can't be considered."

"Speaking of the land." Xiao Yue lay down again: "Forget it, I am less than twenty. What do you worry about so much?"

Jiang Chan was silent, sympathizing for Tang Peiyu for a second. If you don't take the initiative, the little girl really doesn't want this.

Xiao Yue's affairs are just a small episode, Jiang Chan's main focus is still on studying. Many people say that entering the university is a mixed day, as long as a diploma is good.

Jiang Chan didn't think so, and basically all her time was spent on professional classes. She deeply knows that only what she has learned is her own thing.

Because of serious study ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the study progress has surpassed that of students in the same major, Jiang Chan successfully entered the eyes of a professor.

In his sophomore year, Jiang Chan was trying to do his own project. Her hands-on skills are not bad, she has previous experience in the interstellar age, and she has also learned a lot of advanced technology.

She wants to be an intelligent robot, referring specifically to the robot nanny in the interstellar era, integrating home and medical care. It can be amusing and relieve boredom in free time, and can take necessary measures when the owner is unwell.

For example, contact an ambulance and so on.

The reason Jiang Chan had this idea stemmed from a world she had experienced before. Now many young people are working hard in big cities, and there are many empty-nest old people in the society.

If the old couple is at home on their own, it's okay, and they can take care of each other. I'm afraid that there is only one elderly person at home, and the countryside is a little better, and neighbors and neighbors can help each other a little bit.

It's very different in the city. The kind of steel-and-concrete buildings are very indifferent to each other.

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