Father Song said in a deep voice: "Junjun will be the daughter of a friend from now on. In order not to cause trouble for her, let's not talk about Junjun at home in the future. If you really want to say it, you can talk to her when she is away."

Mother Song sighed: "This hasn't even entered the door yet, and we have to say it depends on the occasion. If we enter the door and sit under one roof, do we still have freedom of speech?"

In the living room, Father Song and Mother Song were talking quietly, and He Miaomiao absently washing the dishes in the kitchen. She has come back to her senses now, and knows that she did not behave well during dinner.

Looking back now, it was called a cold sweat. Originally, Song Ruizhe's parents didn't like her very much. She still shook her face like this. Did she have less impression of her parents?

"Sorry, I shouldn't have made a face in the restaurant just now." Sneak glanced at Song Ruizhe, He Miaomiao apologized first.

Song Ruizhe wiped the bowl silently: "Miaomiao, I think you have too much heart for Tang Peijun. I have said that she has nothing to do with us. We just need to live our lives well."

"I know it's not good, but every time I think of her, I feel very uncomfortable. I try very hard to avoid her, but why does she still show up around me?"

Song Ruizhe was silent for two seconds and suddenly said, "But you need to bear this. Although I don't like Tang Peijun, she grew up under the eyes of my parents. This is an unchangeable fact."

"They have a deep affection for Tang Peijun. Tang Peijun is like their daughter. We will get married in the future, or if Tang Peijun's company will launch another product, the family will inevitably mention it."

"In short, because you chose me, you have to accept that my parents will mention Tang Peijun from time to time. They are not unintentional, nor are they trying to compare you with Tang Peijun."

There was a trace of gloom across He Miaomiao's face. If Tang Peijun was not so good, perhaps she and Song Ruizhe would not have gone so hard. But she forgot that even if Jiang Chan did not make these achievements, Song's mother did not like her the same.

Sometimes the external results are just the icing on the cake. It depends more on personal character and taken for granted. He Miaomiao’s many careful thoughts are hidden under Mama Song’s eyelids. This is also what Mama Song doesn’t like. a little.

"If you don't like this, I'll talk to my parents and let them not mention this name at home in the future." Song Ruizhe wiped his hands and prepared to push the door out.

He Miaomiao hurriedly put down the rag and grabbed Song Ruizhe's hem: "No, it's your parents after all. Should we be juniors, should we care about our parents' words and deeds? I'm just envious and jealous of her."

Mother Song who came to the kitchen to pour water gently returned to the living room, winked at Father Song, and the two returned to the room. Forget it, blindness is believing.

In the kitchen, Song Ruizhe was so rational that she was almost ruthless: "I also envy her for making such a result. She is already studying for a master's degree, and we have not graduated. But what can we do to be jealous? If we don't work hard, we The gap between her and her will get bigger and bigger. This is something we can't change."

"I know that I am jealous. I am jealous of why she is so liked by your parents. I am jealous of why she can make such an achievement. Every time anyone mentions her, I feel uncomfortable."

"You care about her too much." Song Ruizhe sighed, "If you don't adjust your thoughts, we, including my parents, will be very hard in the future. You are full of grudges here, but Tang Peijun doesn't care about it at all."

"For us, she is just a passer-by, she will not participate in our lives, but she did exist for more than ten years, and we can't deny it."

"I know what you mean." He Miaomiao wiped her face: "I can't erase her traces. As she gets better and better, we can only accept this fact."

"Come slowly. I will try my best to convince my parents and let them mention this name less in the future." Song Ruizhe patted her on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen.

Now he can only tell himself that this is his own choice, and he must not regret it. But do you really regret it? Every time he heard his parents say what Tang Peijun had made, or another report about her, he subconsciously paid attention.

If he hadn't been with He Miaomiao, he wouldn't be walking so hard now. Every time this idea came through his mind, he quickly denied it again.

He can't think like this. Once he thinks like this, he will quickly lose confidence in this relationship and can't hold on anymore. Moreover, all this is unfair to He Miaomiao, after all, he and He Miaomiao have been together for three years.

No matter how difficult it is, this is the path he chose himself, and he has to keep going. Otherwise, his hard work in the previous few years will be completely wiped out? That is something he cannot accept.

If He Miaomiao is good enough, maybe he and He Miaomiao will not be so difficult, but because there is a Tang Peijun standing there, the two form a sharp contrast.

Subconsciously, the elders will inevitably compare the two. According to conscience, He Miaomiao has a long way to go before he can catch up with Tang Peijun.

But he can't do anything about it. The excellence of others is their business. Is it because of your grudge or lack of self-confidence that you want others to accommodate you?

To put it bluntly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The world is not revolving around you. When you encounter something that doesn't go well, you can only digest and deal with it yourself.

Song Ruizhe also discovered now that He Miaomiao had a princess disease. It seems that everyone around her is coaxing her to hold her, but how is this possible?

He is her boyfriend, and he can tolerate her little temper. But his parents have no obligation to tolerate He Miaomiao's hypocrisy, especially when Tang Peijun and Zhuyu are in front.

In the end, if he had gotten engaged to Tang Peijun straight away, the family wouldn't be so troubled as it is now. Looking back now, there is actually nothing wrong with Tang Peijun, after all, he grew up together since childhood.

But why did he like He Miaomiao in the first place? Thinking of the gloom on He Miaomiao's body during this period of time, Song Ruizhe shook his head. At the beginning, he was attracted by He Miaomiao's character like a little sun.

It seems that she gets along with everyone, and she warms the people around her like a little sun. But when did the little sun change? She has her own careful thoughts?

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