Allston attaches great importance to this new product launch, and proposed a budget of 50 million to a · c senior management. This is a considerable cost for an old brand that is about to decline, and it can even be said to have broken the boat. Lift. If the press conference fails to achieve the expected success, both Auston and a · c Group will sink together.

This is a crazy move, but it is strange that the a.c. executives approved the proposal in full. In the afternoon of that day, their official website posted this sentence: [What we are about to hold is not a new product launch but a grand ceremony, so stay tuned! 】

At the same time, Auston began to recruit models for the show. Although he had been dormant for a year, his appeal was still there. As soon as the news came out, many models came to his name, and the momentum became louder and louder.

Zhong Yuxiu's agent watched for a few days, and found that Auston was not deliberately delaying the time of the new product launch, but wanted to play a big ticket, and couldn't help but sit still. "Yu Xiu, nearly 70% on the supermodel list All of the supermodels interviewed for the press conference at Allston, otherwise you would also check the situation? "

"I won't go unless he asks me." Zhong Yuxiu sneered: "Without me, he wouldn't do anything. Everything he does now is dying."

However, as soon as she spoke, Oston announced the list of models on the new official website of a.c. The first one was Lin Dan, followed by Tiffany, Beverly, Yalta and others. With the exception of Lin Dan, all the names that followed were shining on the supermodel list, making a · c's new product launch conference already star-studded.

Although they were robbed of the position of the main show by an unknown Oriental model, these supermodels did not show their dissatisfaction and sighed on the ins: [Thank you Mr. Dodge for giving me this precious opportunity, We will eventually create another brand miracle. a · c, you are a noble forever! 】

These supermodels have a very large number of fans, and one by one thank-you letters were sent out, and soon the new product launch conference of a · c became very popular. Of course, Lin Dan who is among them is becoming more and more abrupt. Her fame, status, and popularity cannot be compared with the above supermodels. Why does she occupy the position of the main show?

Many people flocked to the website to slam their stupid choices, and some people urged to change the show. Lin Dan's personal homepage also suffered a lot of black powder attacks, but he fell into a state of suspension for a while.

Just then, Baird announced a message that attracted all the firepower to the past. Everyone in the world knows that he has been away from the entertainment industry for several years. At first, a reporter asked him why he retired. He said bluntly: "Because my inspiration has dried up and I can no longer write good songs, I choose to leave. "

However, at the moment, he actually announced on ins that he will sing three songs at the new product release conference of a · c, and they are all new works that have been completed in the recent period. As for the specific situation of the work, he did not introduce a word. , Leaving only the simple four words-stay tuned.

Not expecting? Looking forward to dying? That was the latest masterpiece of Baird after five years, and it was still singing three songs in one breath. What news could be more powerful this year? Baird's fans were almost happy and crazy, and the entire network was in a state of jubilation. A · C's new product launch was pushed to the height of much attention by him. As for the main show is an infamous Oriental model, who remembers? The main show is the main show, everyone is not looking at models, is Baird?

Lin Dan's crisis was lifted in an instant, but Zhong Yuxiu stared at this explosive news.

Her agent groaned: "Without absolute certainty, Auston would not dare to make such a huge momentum. Yuxiu, I have a hunch, this show may really become a grand event in the fashion industry. This time If you fail to participate, will it have a bad impact on your career. You know, this year's supermodel list is about to be rearranged and you need more chips. "

Zhong Yuxiu was a little flustered, but she didn't show her face. She shook her head and said, "It's too late to say this now, the list has been announced, and I'm not likely to be shortlisted. Even if I go, do you think Allston will hire me? He may have the ability to prop up a dying brand by himself, but now he can never do it. Yorkshire told me that he has been unable to draw a design for a long time. "

Yorkshire is one of Allston's most important students, and the information he handed out should be reliable. In this way, the broker can only wait and see what happens.


Dozens of highly skilled designers worked together to hurry up and finally make all new products in four days. Among them, Lin Dan's three sets of underwear were sewn by Auston himself. Even the accessories were made by himself, and he had never worked for anyone.

On the day of the rehearsal, Lin Dan rushed to the show to try on time. The other models were concentrated in a large dressing room, but she was brought into a separate lounge by Aston.

"Is the jewellery you said yesterday finished?" She put down her backpack, undressed, and stood in front of Allston in underwear only.

Most of the men's clothing designers are homosexual, while Allston is even more exaggerated and asexual. Lin Dan didn't even consider him as a man.

Turning around to face her, Auston froze, and nodded after about two or three seconds: "It's finished. I'll try it on for you today to see the effect."

He took out a delicate velvet gift box, and glanced at Lin Dan's body, and his green eyes were unconsciously stained with a layer of ink. It seemed to be struggling. After a while, he said: "You must take off all your clothes to wear these jewelry."

"Okay." Lin Dan took off his underwear.

For the first time, Allston, who had only used models as props to show clothing, felt flustered. He glanced at Lin Dan with a deep look, and then handed her a transparent blouse as thin as a cicada, let her put it on, then turned her back and fiddled with the jewelry unconsciously.

"Are you ready?" He asked hoarsely.

"Wait a moment, it will be fine soon." Lin Dan's tone was calm.

Aston walked to the window and stared at the neon outside, as if fascinated.

After a while, Lin Dan put on his blouse, and he turned around and quickly hung her gorgeous jewelry on her body, adjusted the position, took a picture, discarded the pen after taking a record, and hurried out. Hearing the huge closing sound, Lin Dan was startled, but didn't think much, just put on plain clothes and go outside to participate in rehearsal.

As far as fame is concerned, she can't compare to any supermodel present, and will naturally be excluded by them. But it doesn't matter, she came to the catwalk, not to make friends. The catwalk was already very narrow and could not accommodate too many people.

All the processes were gone, and it was only a long time after Allton was late. His hair was a bit wet and his face was pale. Dark green eyes looked at the steps of each model, but he only missed Lin Dan. He didn't dare to look at her at first glance, and he would avoid it whenever she approached.

Gradually Lin Dan noticed his strangeness, but didn't go to her heart, she knew how strange his temper was.


The next day, the much-anticipated a.c. new product launch event finally began. In the hall where the lights are shining, an extremely wide stage composed of countless led panels is shining continuously, the audience is full of guests, and all of them are not small, and the a.c. Sitting in the VIP seat in the first row.

A regular clothing conference with a length of 10 to 15 minutes. The upcoming Oston will be 45 minutes long, and a star like Baird is invited to sing on stage. This is in the history of fashion It never happened. This show broke the rules and changed the status quo. If it succeeds, it will make history. If it fails, it will linger for thousands of years.

This is not just a grand ceremony, it is also a big bet! Can Allston win? Everyone is thinking about this, but he is still hurrying to modify Lin Dan's clothes.

"Be careful, don't get your hands on it." Lin Dan couldn't help reminding him when his fingertips trembled. A broken diamond was dropped from her thong. Originally, it only needed to be glued with a glue gun, but Auston insisted on sewing it by hand.

"Don't remind me, I know!" Auston's voice was a bit dry. His hair had long been messed up, and his pale cheeks were tinged with two thin reds, which seemed very anxious. However, only he knew that his tension did not come from the upcoming big show, but because of the location of the broken diamond. Damn, what the **** did you think? Actually, it was sewn in the middle of the thin belt behind the buttocks. So, when sewing, he had to face Lin Dan's beautiful peach hips all the time!

What's worse, in order to see the progress of the sewing, Lin Dan turned his head and stared at him. Doesn't she know that when she twists her neck, her hips will unconsciously tighten, making her look even more cocky?

Aston carefully pinched the thin strip with one finger, trying not to touch any of Lin Dan's skin, but doing so would only make sewing more difficult. He took a deep breath, not knowing when, a fine sweat would come from his forehead.

Lin Dan thought he was worried about the press conference and could not help but comfort him: "Relax, Mr. Dodge, your design is an unparalleled work of art, and you will surely succeed."

Auston's nervous mood was mixed with a little sweetness for some reason. He looked away and looked into Lin Dan's black and white eyes and smiled, "Thank you, I believe in myself, but at the same time I believe in you. You never I have never been disappointed. "

After saying this, he had eliminated the thoughts in his head and quickly sewed the broken diamond into the thin band.

Lin Dan turned his head and smiled, "Mr. Dodge, look, as long as you keep calm, everything will be simple."

"Yes, but the hardest thing is to keep calm." Auston felt it, not talking about the press conference, but something else. He put a dressing gown on Lin Dan's shoulders, then pushed her out of the dressing room, urging: "Let's go and make up."

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