The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 106 Lu Shui sensed malice

Lu Shui lowered his head and didn't speak. He didn't feel that the Lu family's surname embarrassed him, but felt that Lu Shui's name embarrassed him.

It is obviously inconvenient to use this name when going out.

Next time I can't call it Dongfang Haoyue anymore, let's change it to Dongfang Suiyue.

"You think you'll be fine if you don't speak?" Lu Gu looked at Lu Shui and said in a low voice.

Lu Shui still didn't speak, what's the use of arguing with his father?

Sophistry, but it will only fuel his arrogance.

After the sophistry, his father had to use an iron fist to explain the hard truth to him.

Don't say he can't fight now, how can he fight back if he can fight?

Lu Gu looked at Lu Shui and continued:

"Recently, you've grown up a lot, haven't you?"

Yes, dad, your son is said to be the most arrogant in the world by outsiders, but he won't tell you. Lu Shui replied silently in his heart.

"I didn't want you to be in danger, but now it seems that Young Master Lu is promising.

Then in a few days, go to Kongming Waters to find opportunities in Xianshan.

By the way, at that time, the younger generation of strong men gathered, even if you brought real martial arts and real spirits, you would not be able to get along much.

If you don't find any chance, I'll break your leg. "Lu Gu said fiercely.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Netherworld waters?

Isn't that the Kraken's territory? Mu Xue often bullied them, as if it was because of the seafood over there.

But the Kraken was discovered later, right?

Is it just that there is a fairy mountain opportunity there?

He doesn't know what the opportunity of Xianshan is, but he still knows Xianshan and has been there several times.

If he remembers correctly, Tianji Pavilion is on a certain fairy mountain, right?

Well, I have a chance to visit the Tianji Building and see if the Tianji Building gives him face. If it does, ask him if he can beat Mu Xue through body training.

At this time, he is so weak, shouldn't Tianji Building touch porcelain again?

"Okay, I'll go." Lu Shui replied directly.

"You..." Lu Gu didn't know if he should say something or not.

"Hehe, it's really promising." Lu Gu just wanted to scare his son.

Unexpectedly, after his son went out a few times, he became more courageous.

It seems that there is more to tell Zhenwu Zhenling, and then the couple will have to worry day and night.

Is he shooting himself in the foot?

For a long time, Lu Gu stopped talking.

Dongfang Liyin smiled, and said to Landing Water:

"Come and sit next to your mother. I heard that you have something to do with your mother."

Naturally, Lu Gu won't be angry anymore, has Lu Shui been angry with him since he was a child?

He is used to it.

Lu Shui got up and sat beside his mother. He hesitated, but finally took out Zilongmu and said:

"Mother, this is for you."

Dongfang Liyin looked at Zilongmu, she didn't see it at first, but she saw it at the second glance:

"Zilongmu? Where did you come from?"

Zilong wood is extremely rare, or extinct.

Finding a piece is harder than finding an adventure.

The Lu family did not either.

But she didn't expect her son to take out such a big piece directly.

Lu Shui told the truth:

"I picked it up in Kun's stomach."

"Didn't you go to understand the Taoism?" Lu Gu asked on the side.

"I don't feel it." Lu Shui said.

What he said was the truth, and he really didn't feel anything, so he never tried to realize it.

Lu Gu didn't want to talk, Dongfang Yeming's daughter had directly penetrated the Taoist tradition, and his son came back with a piece of wood.

Although rare, it is still wood.

Dongfang Liyin didn't care about these things, although she also felt a little pity, but if there wasn't one, then there wouldn't be one.

Then she laughed:

"Why did you suddenly give Zilongmu to your mother?"

Lu Shui already had a speech:

"I occasionally saw some records in an ancient book. It is said that Zilong wood has a different kind of beauty after processing, which is extremely rare.

This thing is very suitable for hair pins or hair combs.

So I want to give it to my mother. "

Dongfang Liyin smiled and said:

"But there are so many, it's not just a comb and a hairpin, right?"

"Mother can give some to others at her discretion." Lu Shui suggested.

Dongfang Liyin nodded:

"That's right, you can give it to the second elder. The second elder is very angry recently, and the rest is just right for Chacha. It's a good time to give some gifts.

There is not enough delivery from Mu Xue, so I can only wait for the next time. "

Lu Shui: "..."

Lu Shui didn't want to talk.

"Is this okay?" Dongfang Liyin looked at his son with a smile on his face.

Lu Shui turned his head, gritted his teeth and said:

"Mother can do whatever she wants, as long as she is happy."

At worst, he will pick up another piece.

Dongfang Liyin laughed more and more happily, and then said:

"Come on, mother will teach you how to do it yourself. It's much, much better than having someone do it yourself."

Lu Shui looked at his mother.

In fact, her mother taught him to do it in the last life.

Sure enough, if his mother is unreliable, she can still understand what he means when it is critical.

But at this moment, Dongfang Liyin suddenly said:

"It's meaningful to give it to your mother if you make it yourself."

Lu Shui: "..."

I really want to leave.

But in the end Lu Shui stayed, and under the guidance of her mother, she made out the hair comb and hairpin little by little.

No extra patterns, no extra carvings.

Very ordinary, but very nice.

After spending a day, Lu Shui finally got these two things done.

Now it's time to give it to Mu Xue.

This time, Lu Shui got up and left without waiting for his mother to speak:

"Father, I'm going back."

Dongfang Liyin: "..."

Her son was walking too fast.

"My son is not only still in the rebellious stage, but also in love." Dongfang Liyin laughed.

Lu Gu was thinking.

Dongfang Liyin asked curiously:

"what are you thinking about?"

Lu Gu finished thinking, and then said:

"I'm going down the mountain."

"Where are you going?" Dongfang Liyin asked.

"I'll buy you a bunch of flowers." Lu Gu replied, and then disappeared without a trace.

Dongfang Liyin smiled softly.

Then she put away the comb and hairpin, and hid Zilongmu by the way.

This thing is only precious if it is unique.

So with hair combs and hairpins, don't have the same ones again.

Otherwise, if it is known that his son gave this to many people, the effect will be greatly reduced.

After tidying up, Dongfang Liyin said:


Qi Xi immediately came in from the outside:


"Has Mu Xue gone out?" Dongfang Liyin asked.

Qi Xi immediately shook her head:

"No such news has been received."

Dongfang Liyin nodded, then walked towards Mu Xue's residence.

Qi Xi naturally followed behind.


Mu Xue was sitting in her room. Lu Shui had been back for two days, but she hadn't met him yet.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

But I have seen that little girl Chacha.

Chacha already knows how to call her cousin, tsk tsk, she's so cute.

But what surprised her was that Chacha was trapped by Lu Shuikeng.

Sure enough, Lu Shui always felt that his cousin's name was insulted.

After all, he was suddenly called a cousin.

However, she found that Lu Shui in this life seemed to be different after participating in the divorce.

Shake smart shake smart.

Being stimulated by her, will this accelerate growth?

"But even if he starts to grow, he must be hiding it.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how I grow up, I will not be my opponent, at least within three years. "


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