The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 111 Do You Dare To Reject Mu Xue?

Dongfang Liyin was a little concerned, she could tell that Lu Shui's body was almost at its limit, and he would faint to death at any moment.

It will hurt if it goes on like this.

She was a little worried.

Then she came to Lu Gu's side:

"Did your son offend the Third Elder again?"

The one who can be punished like this must be the third elder.

Lu Gu looked at Dongfang Liyin, shook his head and said:

"You may not believe it, my son is training his body.

It was I who drew a thousand runes for him and let him run here. "

Dongfang Liyin frowned, what do you mean?

Lu Gu looked at Lu Shui who was still walking slowly, and said with emotion:

"At first I thought it would be good if my son could run two laps, but after two laps, I found that this brat was still running.

Three laps, I thought three laps should be the limit.

Then he ran to the fourth lap.

I always thought the next lap was his limit.

But it's been 130 laps, and his body has already reached the limit, but he is still running and never stops.

I just kept watching, waiting, waiting for him to fall.

But to my surprise, this brat never fell down.

The weight of his body cannot weigh him down. "

Dongfang Liyin was a little surprised and couldn't believe it.

This is her son?

When did her son have such perseverance?

She is worried:

"Do you think something happened to your son?

How else could this be?

This is not normal. "

Lu Gu also felt abnormal, but it was not a bad thing.

With such great perseverance, no matter how poor his son's talent is, he will still achieve something in body training.

But soon, Dongfang Liyin thought of something and said:

"Could it be Mu Xue?"

Mu Xue's appearance had already affected their son.

Retiring the engagement directly turned into being the other party's boss without saying anything, and when he went out and picked up something good, Mu Xue was the only thing he thought of for a moment.

Now that Mu Xue is weak, is it possible to arouse his desire to protect?

Lu Gu was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it was really possible.

Then their son worked so hard because of Mu Xue?

At this moment, Lu Shui stopped suddenly.

Then slowly fell to the ground.

He finally ran all the thousand runes.

Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin were shocked and ran over immediately.

"Son?" Coming to Lu Shui's side, Dongfang Liyin immediately cast a healing spell.

Lu Shui's body was still hurt.

Feeling the healing technique, Lu Shui felt much more comfortable.

Then he saw his mother, and as soon as he saw his mother, Lu Shui said:

"Mother, my father is too ruthless, I have just learned body training, and he made me run for so long.

There are thousands of runes all over the body. "

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Gu.

Lu Gu opened his mouth with a feeling that he couldn't refute.

But not like this.


the next day.

Lu Shui opened his eyes.

He clenched his fist, feeling that his physical body was indeed much stronger.

Yesterday was not in vain.

Of course, after running away, his father also taught him the method of cultivation, the most basic method of cultivation.

But it was very useful and helped his physical body a lot, so he changed it a little.

Now his body is like sand being compacted, and it has a bit of foundation.

Give him some more time, and he should have a chance to catch up to his cultivation.

Just need to use the power of heaven and earth.

This is not a problem.

The use of the power of heaven and earth in body training is just a different form of power, and it is not considered a waste.

When the time comes, he will stand still at the third level, and no one at the same level can hurt him in the slightest.

When others think that he is the strongest in body training and want to use all means to break through his physical defenses, he will let others know that in fact his strongest is in spells.

Body training is just his hobby (he doesn't want to do it after he retired from marriage).


Mu Xue was sitting by the pavilion on the cliff, watching the sunrise alone, she felt a little bored by herself.

Because of the help of the Second Elder, and because of her enlightenment, Chacha has now retreated, and she should be able to stand directly at the peak of the second order when she comes out.

The opportunity was great, if not too good.

Chacha is in seclusion, so naturally no one wants to play with her.

Count on Lu Shui?

She's fine when she's not angry, and she almost couldn't help beating Lu Shui every time.

At this time, Ding Liang came from a distance, she stood beside Mu Xue, and said softly:

"Miss, I found out. I heard that Young Master Lu was practicing yesterday. He seems to be training his body."

Mu Xue nodded.

She was indeed a little surprised. After being threatened by her, Lu Shui would not bear it silently.

"According to his personality, he must still want to cultivate to a great success and get back his place.

Are you going to divorce me?

Or will you win me and marry me again? "Mu Xue had some doubts in her heart.

Naturally, she would not stop Lu Shui from training her body, even if she did.

It feels good to beat up after getting married.



Lu Shui saw Mu Xue again.

This time Mu Xue simply nodded, and Lu Shui just nodded when he saw it.

Basic courtesy is still required.

For the previous things, just play it once or twice, and you can't pull the hatred if you play too much.

But the reason why they didn't speak this time was mainly because they wanted to go to the spirit beast garden with his parents.

It is said that it is a meeting gift for Mu Xue, and it is time to give it.

Lu Shui asked curiously:

"Mom, why should I go?"

With this time, he can see the pattern of heaven and earth.

Dongfang Liyin glanced at Lu Shui and said with a smile:

"Because my mother is happy."

Then Dongfang Liyin pushed Lu Shui to Mu Xue's side.

Lu Shui wanted to speak at first, but was stared back by his father.

"Forget it, I don't want to argue with these people." Lu Shui said to himself.

Both of these two are over half a hundred years old, so let him be obedient.

Then they came to the spirit beast garden.

Without wasting time, they went directly to the ice field.

Not long after, Lu Shui saw an egg.

The egg was placed in the ice field, as if it could hatch at any time.

"Bingfeng? Is this the meeting gift mother gave Mu Xue?" Lu Shui said silently to himself.

He wasn't very surprised, the last life seemed to be sent by his mother.

Mu Xue naturally saw it too, she wasn't surprised, but the ice phoenix seemed to have hatched ahead of time, and she didn't know what happened.

"Is it because my mother specially increased the chill here in order to see me off?" Mu Xue was a little puzzled.

In fact, if the ice phoenix wants to hatch, it is best to put it in the extreme cold, which can speed up the hatching.

"This is the ice phoenix egg, because the ice phoenix has some spiritual intelligence when it is about to hatch, so there is no way for it to voluntarily recognize the master.

It needs to take a look at the master who recognizes the master before it will voluntarily recognize the master. "Dongfang Liyin said, and handed Mu Xue a small transparent pill:

"This is the Bingling Pill, which contains the prohibition of identifying the master, and also contains Bingfeng's favorite ingredients.

Just feed it later.

If you eat it, you will recognize the Lord. "

Mu Xue naturally took the pill.


Then they began to wait, and the surrounding air suddenly became icy cold.

It seems to be calling the little guy inside to get up.

Sure enough, there was a reaction inside the ice phoenix egg, the sound of pecking the shell.


Soon the eggshell cracked, and the ice phoenix inside was trying to crack the shell.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue were all watching, breaking the shell was a very crucial step, and if you failed to break the shell, it would mean that Bingfeng was useless.

At this moment, there was a clicking sound, and a hole was broken in the eggshell.

After a while, the little head came out of the egg. It looked around, then moved its wings and began to squeeze its body out.

Soon Bingfeng emerged completely from the egg.

It's not big, but its eyes are moving, which shows that its mind is not low.

"Mu Xue, feed it." Dongfang Liyin whispered.

It seems to worry about scaring Bingfeng.

Mu Xue nodded immediately, and handed the Bingling Pill to Bingfeng.

Bingfeng looked at Mu Xue, then at Bingling Pill, and finally took two steps back.

It, refused.

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