The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 205 The Mu family was razed to the ground

Mu Yuan and the others looked at the sky with expressions of disbelief.

At this moment, a boundless black scene appeared in the sky. This black scene came from the sky, as if it wanted to swallow the entire Mu family directly.

Patio nook.

The Mu family was enveloped by this patio corner.

All the light is being absorbed by the patio, and everything seems to be swallowed by the patio.

Mu Yuan didn't hesitate at all, and directly chose to make a move:

"You protect the family, I'm going to try to fight against the courtyard."

Mu Ze and Mu Jiang didn't hesitate either, and immediately chose to activate the big formation.

Although Mu Yuan tried to resist the patio.

But he was not reckless, but chose to test with magic weapons.

However, when he flew to the sky and just sacrificed the magic weapon, he was directly sucked into it by the courtyard.

There wasn't even time for him to react.

Mu Ze and Mu Jiang also had an accident.

"Can't drive, what's the situation with you, third child?" Mu Jiang was shocked.

Mu Ze was also surprised and said:

"If you can't drive it, the power will be absorbed directly.

And the big brother is gone. "

Mu Jiang was shocked, is this to kill their Mu family?

"I'll contact the elders below the ancestral land." Mu Jiang said immediately.

It's just that she just planned to contact the sleeping elders of their Mu family, but she was shocked to find that it didn't work at all.

Everything is cut off, or nothing works.

"How could this be?" Mu Jiang couldn't believe it.

Why did the courtyard happen to affect their Mu family?

Mu Ze looked at all this and was also very panicked.

Everything he did just now was not fake, the formation couldn't be opened, and everything was malfunctioning.

"Is this Master Lu's handwriting? It's a little frightening." Mu Ze looked at the courtyard that was about to swallow everything, feeling terrified.

As if in front of the world, how small you are.

They simply could not resist the patio coming.

Will the Mu family really have no losses?

The courtyard is too scary, so scary that Mu Ze is really worried that the Mu family will perish.


Lu Shui sat down and continued to eat his meal.

At this time, the darkness has fallen, and the light is being deprived.

In just an instant, everyone on the street was in panic.


It's not because they haven't seen the world, but the shady scene is inherently fearful, and those who watch the courtyard will also be watched by the courtyard.

If you can't understand Tianjing and your cultivation base is not strong enough, you will feel fear.

When the patio descends, it can devour all creatures and creatures.

The more emotions gather, the easier it is to attract the patio's attention.

But these are all corners of the courtyard, which belong to random natural disasters.

It will bring all the devoured people into the real natural disaster area.

The birthplace of Inverse Star.

After Lu Shui finished eating the rice in the bowl, he said to Zhenwu Zhenling:

"I'm going to cross Tianling later, don't panic if you can't find me."

Zhenwu Zhenling was also in a state of panic, they were protecting Lu Shui, they couldn't understand what Lu Shui said.

But as long as it should be enough.

In other areas of the Mu family, a man holding a sword sighed inwardly.

"After all, it is affected, is this the patio?

I actually have a feeling that I can't escape.

Covered by the patio, is it impossible to escape from the patio?

Just how scary would a patio be? "

The man tried to communicate, but he found that all communication failed.

The plan failed and he wanted to inform others, but unfortunately he was stuck here.

"I can only take my things first and try to escape.

Make plans after a while. "

When the Demon Sword Slayer was about to try to leave, there was a sudden thunder and flicker in the darkness, and then something seemed to start to condense in the darkness.

Demon Sword Slayer frowned, he always felt that something crucial was about to appear.

"Let's try to leave first."

Demon Sword Slayer was very curious about what happened to the courtyard, and also wanted to know what would happen next.

But he has a big mission, and stuff with him.

There is no room for any mistakes.


Regrettably, the Demon Sword Slayer tried to break through the space with the sword.

His sword has no power, but as he swings the sword, the space begins to shake.

Under this force, there was a cracking sound from the black screen, as if a crack had been split open.


A crisp sound came out, and the crack broke open, turning into a passage.

The moment the passage appeared, Demon Sword Slasher immediately went towards the passage.

It's just that when he entered the passage, his eyes were suddenly covered by a light.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Demon Sword Slayer swung his sword out, intending to cut off the light covering his eyes.

However, the moment he slashed out with a sword, he felt that the world suddenly lost its light. Not only that, he couldn't even see his own hands and feet and his own strength.

Like a blind man.

Immediately afterwards he felt the darkness engulfing him, no matter how much power he used, it just had no effect.

It's like a person who can't swim and falls into the water and is about to drown.


At this moment, Demon Sword Slayer felt a little bit of panic.

He directly chose to take a step back.

And when he took a step back, everything returned to normal, and he returned to the Mu family area.

Demon Sword Slayer watched all this with lingering fear.

The courtyard was even scarier than he expected.

Boom! !

At this time, the Demon Sword Slayer heard a loud noise from the sky.

He immediately turned his head to look, but this look made him incomprehensible.

Because in the middle of the pitch-black curtain, a brilliant light appeared.

This light directly illuminated the entire Mu family area.

Then the light came down from the sky.

The speed exceeded the limit of the naked eye.


With a loud noise, the light fell on the small town of Mu's family.

The Demon Sword Slayer immediately turned his head to look, not only the Demon Sword Slayer, but also Mu Ze and Mu Jiang.

Others also looked over.

The light in the dark, everyone wants to see it.

Soon they saw a ball of light, which fell on the street.

The moment they saw it, everyone felt like seeing a treasure.

It seems to be luring people to get him.

And the closest to the light sphere is Lu Shui.


Whether it was the Demon Sword Slayer, Mu Jiang and the others, they immediately knew that something was going to happen.

This thing seems to be a treasure, but it is definitely not a good thing.

Because of that temptation, it gave them a weird feeling.

And once Lu Shui meets him, something will happen.

Who is Lu Shui?

Young master of the Lu family, if something happens to Lu Shui in the Mu family, what will happen to the Lu family?

Facing the Lu family, what will happen to the Mu family?

Mu Jiang was anxious, she wanted to try to stop Lu Shui.

But when she wanted to take a step, she found that she could no longer move.

Demon Sword Slayer also couldn't witness what happened to Lu Shui.

If something happened to Lu Shui, the second son of the Lu family would definitely be born soon.

At that time, whether Emperor Zun can wake up smoothly will be a problem.

Whether Xianting can exist is also a question.

"No, we need to save Lu Shui."

Thinking of the Demon Sword Slayer like this, he wanted to rush over and force Lu Shui away.

However, the darkness haunted him.

Demon Sword Slayer felt it, as long as he was sober, he would lose his ability to move.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Demon Sword Slayer was very anxious, but facing the courtyard, he found that he had nothing to do.

Do you use all your strength?

But the things left by Xingsi Xianjun are easily affected by the patio.

And once exposed, it would be fatal to Xianting.

Demon Sword Slayer only hesitated for a while, then stopped moving.

Wait, until the last moment, he will not choose to do it, and he is not sure whether he can break through the prison of the courtyard with all his strength.

Lu Shui saw the ball of light at this time, and had already come to the ball of light. Many people were coming here, and they were all attracted.

None of them had a clear mind.

Everyone wants to get this ball of light.

But no one is as fast as Lu Shui.

In just a few breaths, Lu Shui's hand successfully rested on the ball of light.

When Lu Shui's hand was placed on the light ball, the light of the light ball instantly exploded.

Endless brilliance enveloped the Mu family area.

It was at this moment that power began to emerge from the light sphere, as if the power was transmitted from the courtyard through the medium of land and water.

At first everyone felt very little power.

The small one is like a breeze blowing on the face.

But in the blink of an eye, the power immediately began to increase dramatically.

It was as if it soared to 10,000 in an instant.


At this moment, a storm of power swept across the entire Mu Family.


Everyone was blown to the ground and couldn't move, and the building began to collapse and break under the force storm.

It was as if a terrible force had attacked the Mu family.

Moreover, this power is still increasing, constantly sweeping all directions, berserk like a runaway beast.

Everyone has regained consciousness, and they all hold their heads against the power storm.

In the small town, there are many ordinary people.

They're scared, they're terrified, they're begging to get over it.

At this time, Lu Shui, who is the medium of power, began to scream loudly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah."

The power is exploding, constantly venting, and constantly eroding the practitioners.

"Master." Zhenwu Zhenling naturally regained his sobriety at this time.

They saw that Lu Shui's body was splitting apart and Lu Shui's blood was flowing.

They were extremely anxious, but no matter what they did, they couldn't get close to Lu Shui.

Mu Jiang and the others were swept away by the storm of power, and they didn't have the ability to do anything at all.

But she knew that Lu Shui was going to be finished.

Mu Ze couldn't understand, was this really Lu Shui's plan?

He just saw that Lu Shui's injuries were not fake at all.

He was very worried whether Lu Shui had played off.

How can the horror of the courtyard be controlled by humans?

The closer he got to the courtyard, the more Mu Ze felt his insignificance.

At the same time, the Demon Sword Slayer has been covered by the power storm, and he doesn't even know what happened elsewhere.

But as long as the strength is still there, it means that Lu Shui is still alive.

As long as Lu Shui doesn't die, that's enough.

All he has to worry about now is himself.

He felt the power contaminate him.

This is not a good thing.

Especially the things left by Xingsi must be well preserved, if they are destroyed, he will be a sinner of Immortal Court.

When the power swept across the entire Mu family and restrained everyone, Lu Shui stopped screaming, and a formation pattern appeared under his feet, and his wounds healed after the formation pattern appeared.

Then the ball of light was held in Lu Shui's hand like a toy.

It's just that he didn't let the power storm stop, but continued to destroy the already dilapidated Mu family.

However, he controlled his strength to avoid hurting ordinary people by mistake.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." A voice suddenly came from the store.

Lu Shui turned his head and looked over.

He saw the boss hiding in the corner, sitting on the ground with his new wife in his arms.

Avoid getting hurt.

Lu Shui could see clearly that the woman was shaking non-stop, holding onto the shop owner tightly.

She is scared.

Lu Shui looked at the ceiling of their storefront.

He discovered that the ceiling of their store had collapsed in half.

And half of the boss's foot was pinned down, so there was no injury, but his movement was restricted.

Then Lu Shui looked in other directions. Many people hid aside with their heads in their hands. Some were forced to calm down, and some bowed their heads and cried.

Lu Shui looked at all this and said calmly:

"In life, you will always experience suffering, won't you?"

"What you lost today, my Lu family can give more in the future."

"It's compensation and an apology."

Everything was caused by Lu Shui alone, and Lu Shui never avoided the problem itself.

If there were all cultivators here, Lu Shui would not care at all.

But there are a lot of normal people here.

He didn't bother to implicate a group of ordinary people.

So he took the risk of avoiding ordinary people from the moment he released his power, in order to prevent them from dying in this catastrophe.

Lu Shui didn't care about minor injuries, and he would choose to avoid serious injuries.

As for fear and fear, it is unavoidable for everyone.

These people also have to bear.

Soon Lu Shui looked up to the sky, and the dark scene was close at hand.

"It's time to end, let me see where you are by the way."

After the words fell, Lu Shui let go of the ball of light.

The next moment the power stopped venting, and at the same time the ball of light exploded directly, shining endless light on the entire Mu Family,

Everyone will lose their vision under this light.

And the next moment the black curtain fell.

When most people thought that they were bound to die, Tiandi suddenly lost all voices.

The light disappeared, the power subsided, and everything was gone, as if everything just now was an illusion.

The boss opened his eyes secretly, and the goal was naturally his dilapidated shop.

But the power storm disappeared, and the shadow in the sky also lost its trace.

He touched his wife in his arms, trying to push her away.

Just as soon as he started, his wife hugged him tightly.

"It's okay." The boss said softly, comforting:

"It's really all right, I'm not trying to push you away."

At this time, the woman raised her head and looked at the boss.

Then she saw that the light was gone, the power storm disappeared, and the sky returned to its normal appearance.

It's really all right.

A lot of people are picking it up, and they feel like everything is back to normal, except for the shattered town.

But man lives.

Everyone felt lucky.

It doesn't matter who is alive in the house.

The young proprietress hugged the young proprietress tightly again, the store will be gone if it is gone, and if it loses, it will lose.

It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive.

The boss was also hugging his wife.

It's good to be alive.

At this time Mu Jiang also recovered, she checked her surroundings for the first time, and she found that all the power had disappeared.

When she wanted to look at Mu Ze beside her, she suddenly froze.

Muze disappeared.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Then she opened her spiritual sense and began to check, and soon she found that there was no trace of Mu Ze at all, not only that, most of the members of the Mu family had disappeared.

She stepped out to the sky above Mu's house, and soon the whole Mu's house fell into her eyes.

What she saw was not the Mu family she remembered.

As far as the eye can see, the houses collapsed and the buildings were damaged, like a ruin.

The entire Mu family was destroyed overnight.

"How, how could this be?"

Mu Jiang fell to the ground, a little powerless and a little desperate.

Especially since she is the only direct descendant left in the entire Mu family.

All those with higher cultivation bases disappeared.

That's where the patio hurts.


In the mountains and rivers not far from the Moxiu Land, there is a large lake surrounded by mountains.

The lake here is like a mirror, surrounded by fairy spirit.

The scenery of the mountains is endless, and the mountains in the lake stand tall, like gods watching the earth.

And in such a big lake, there are many islands.

There are elegant small courtyards on each island.

Mu Xue and others were in one of the small courtyards.

Yes, this is Danyue Lake where Mu Xuelai relaxes.

The fish and shrimp in the lake are grown under the influence of aura, and the meat is delicious, which is the best food.

Many cultivators are eyeing the fish and shrimp in the lake.

Unfortunately, Danyue Lake does not allow fishing trips.

Otherwise, Danyue Lake managers will attack.


A power explosion sounded from Danyue Lake.

"Someone must have secretly caught fish again." Mu Xue said while looking ahead.

She was still thinking about how to grab two of them and give them back to Lu Shui without anyone noticing.

"Why doesn't Danyue Lake sell it directly?" Ya Yue who was beside Mu Xue asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because the demand is too great." Mu Xue said softly.

Yayue nodded, she really wanted to buy a bunch of them back.

And there are quite a few cultivators here, and even more who can afford it.

No amount of more would be enough to sell.

"Oh, oh, stop hitting, stop hitting.

I still have little monsters in my stomach. "A sudden voice came into Mu Xue's ears for you Yayue.

It was Arlene who was playing in the formation.

She was still running around in the formation at this time.

A small formation can make Yalin run around.

It seems very vast.

Yayue looked at Yalin and hesitated for a long time, then said:

"Sister Mu Xue, is Yalin practicing the Heavenly Girl Manual?"

Mu Xue nodded:

"Well, so fast."

Yayue touched her fingers, moved her feet, lowered her head and said:

"I, can I practice?"

She could see Arlene's progress.

At first she thought that Arlene was really just playing around, but once she found that Arlene could point out the mistakes of her luck.

This surprised Yayue.

Asking Yalin, the answer she got was that there are little monsters here.

She can't understand.

But the little monster will only appear in Yalin's mouth when she is playing with the array given by Sister Mu Xue.

Only then did she know that after Yalin was taught by Sister Mu Xue, she was no longer ordinary.

She also wanted to be less ordinary.

Especially since her mother was trying her best to train Ya Lin, and ignored her.

Although she was very happy for Yalin, she also wanted to be like Yalin.

So she asked.

Hearing Yayue's words, Mu Xue turned to look at Yayue.

Because Yayue is not young anymore, Mu Xue will habitually ignore her, but now she suddenly feels that Yayue is actually only sixteen years old.

Smaller than Chacha.

Seeing that Mu Xue didn't speak, Ya Yue immediately said:

"No, it's okay."

Mu Xue still looked at Ya Yue, but didn't speak.

Being looked at by Mu Xue made Ya Yue feel even more embarrassed, she didn't dare to raise her head.

After a while, Mu Xue shook her head and said:

"Ya Yue can't practice the Heavenly Girl Manual."

After listening to Mu Xue's words, Ya Yue froze for a moment, feeling a little lost in her eyes.

But she didn't say anything, she just wanted to ask.

Just when she was lost, Yayue heard Mu Xue's voice again:

"If Yayue is willing, I can guide you in cultivation."

Yayue was overjoyed and nodded immediately:

"Willing willing."

Cultivation is inherently difficult, and Sister Mu Xue was also very good in the past, and she can always teach her.

Of course, the main reason is that Ya Lin has a good relationship with Mu Xue, and it is difficult for her to get close.

So being taught by Sister Mu Xue will definitely make their relationship better.

The former Mu Xue sister can't even see her.

After that, Mu Xue asked Yayue to try to cultivate, and she watched from the side.

Mu Xue looked at Yayue and recalled Yayue in her previous life for a moment, and Yayue married within a few years after her.

It's not a bad marriage, she has learned about it specially, and she is very happy.

I heard that she was in love.

So when Yayue proposed to practice Tiannvzhenjing, Mu Xue chose to refuse.

She wasn't sure if Yayue would marry so soon in this life, if so, Nuzhenjing would easily hurt her that day.

The Tiannv Zhenjing is not a particularly good exercise, and there is no need to practice it.

But Arlene is different.

She has enough time to practice Tiannuzhenjing.

"Sister Mu Xue?" Yayue's voice suddenly sounded.

Only then did Mu Xue come back to her senses, and then looked at Yalin's puzzled eyes and said softly:

"I'm watching."

Then she clicked a few positions on Yayue's body and said:

"When luck reaches these positions, don't stop, and these positions don't need to be run.

And here it is, one more turn.

Just try it first. "

Yayue doesn't feel right, is it really okay to make random changes like this?

After hesitating for a moment, she felt that she would try first before speaking, try carefully.

Soon Yayue began to operate her exercises, and when she reached the position where she should have stopped, she continued to operate without stopping.

Hmm no discomfort.

Then it reached the position where it was supposed to be running, and Sister Mu Xue asked her to skip it directly.

Well, she directly chose not to take this corner.

Then for some reason, she felt that she was running much faster.

And without the slightest rush or instability.

Then the next position, still obey Mu Xuejie.

Fast again, and still no discomfort.

Running some exercises too fast can cause physical discomfort.

The next moment Yayue felt the spiritual energy being absorbed by herself.

As she continued to operate, and continued to listen to what Sister Mu Xue said, she found that her kung fu was operating faster and faster, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was getting faster and faster.

At this moment, she thought that what she was learning was not a middle-level exercise, but a top-level exercise.

This, how did this work?

Sister Mu Xue obviously just gave some random pointers.

Feeling the speed of absorption, Ya Yue wanted to continue to practice and break through to the peak of the first order.

Yes, she doesn't have a second level yet, so her talent is limited.

But this speed of cultivation gave her a feeling that she might be able to keep up with the big brothers and sisters in the clan.

Maybe she can also enter the second stage before the age of twenty.

However, she still interrupted her cultivation and opened her eyes to look at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue looked at Ya Yue and said calmly:

"there is a problem?"

Yayue shook her head immediately, then said curiously:

"Sister Mu Xue, how did you do it?"

"It's just that I have read too many books. This is the most suitable way of operation for you. After you give me the formula, I will help you change it." Mu Xue said.

Yayue nodded immediately without any doubt.

When Mu Xue wanted to continue to say something, a dark scene suddenly appeared in the space.

This surprised Mu Xue a little.

Patio corner touched?


Recommend a book.

"I am the Monument of the Great Desolation and Heaven"

Today's Chinese Valentine's Day, other authors are taking time off to accompany their girlfriends.

Only I update ahead of time.

Love you guys, give me the whole ticket.

{"text":"Found a great book!!!","voiceFid":"","CWVID":"0","bookRecommds":{"cbids":[17709565207327304],"reason":"Recommended A good book!!!!!!"}}

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