The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 216 As long as I am not embarrassed, Lu Shui will be embarrassed

Hearing what Dongfang Chacha said, Shi Ming frowned.

He naturally knew who Qianyin was.

This time I went out to help his senior sister Qianyin get the medicine. The prescription was useful, but the recovery was very slow.

It may be a few years.

So he had to live outside his senior sister's residence for a few years.

A few years is not a long time for them. After all, decades come and go, and a few years are very short.

Shi Ming watched the days decrease day by day.

Then he will have to move out.

"Fairy Dongfang knows Senior Sister Qianyin?" Shi Ming looked at Dongfang Chacha and asked.

He felt that Dongfang Chacha didn't look very smart no matter what, so he shouldn't be lying.

"You also know Fairy Qianyin? Can you take me there?" Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

She doesn't know anyone here, and she doesn't know what to do next.

So finding someone you know is very intimacy.

Of course, she can also let the people in Qiujing Palace arrange it.

But, I still want to see Fairy Qianyin.

By the way, let's see who has blocked Fairy Qianyin for so many years.

If she can fight well, she can help.

If you can't beat it, let's talk about it.

Xiangyu said that being brave is to cause trouble for herself and others, and Xiangyu is right.

"What do you want Senior Sister Qianyin to do?" Shi Ming asked.

Although Dongfang Chacha doesn't seem to be in any danger, his senior sister has no friends at all.

The entire sect has alienated her, how could anyone go to her senior sister.

Are you looking for trouble?

If it is, he doesn't mind making the other party unlucky.

Hearing Shi Ming's question, Dongfang Chacha frowned, and then said:

"It seems nothing important."


Finally, Shi Ming said helplessly:

"Come with me."

This person's answer exceeded his expectations, and there should be no problem, but he will ask Senior Sister Qianyin when the time comes.

Make sure it's not looking for trouble.

"You guys better not get too close to me." Shi Ming added another sentence.

"Oh." Dongfang Chacha nodded.

Shi Ming: ""

Doesn't this person ask why?

The stranger Dongfang Chacha wouldn't ask too many questions, especially if she wasn't strong enough.

As long as she is strong enough, she can do whatever she wants.

You won't be so obedient.

When the time comes, the first thing to do is to refute what Xiangtao said.

Xiangyu watched from behind without saying a word.

She grew up watching Miss Chacha, so she roughly understands Miss Chacha's thoughts.

But she never worried about anything.

To her, Chacha is the best young lady in the world.

"That's weird." Above Dongfang Chacha, the little girl with colorful hair looked at the person beside her curiously.

She followed Dongfang Chacha all the way, but Dongfang Chacha couldn't see her.

She naturally knew it was because her eyes were sealed.

In order not to cause trouble, she could only follow, and when the time came, she would let this human being know that she had already seen through everything about her.

Enough to let her know the might of her true god.

As for why you don't cause trouble, it's mainly because you can't go out if you cause trouble.

They all agreed.

If she doesn't keep it, the person behind the mountain won't keep his promise either.

As the only true god, she gambled on the reputation of the true god.

But this person around her really made her feel very strange.

In her eyes, there seemed to be something spreading in the air from the person beside her, trying to influence the aura of Dongfang Chacha and the others.

But she kept them out.

Out of curiosity, the little girl with colored hair tried to stuff the spreading thing back.


The moment the little girl with colorful hair stuffed the thing back, Shi Ming fell to the ground.

His face hit the steps directly.

Not to mention that Dongfang Chacha and the others were startled, even the little girl with colorful hair hid behind Dongfang Chacha in shock.

She just touched it lightly.

Of course, Shi Ming was the most surprised.

He fell, and there were others around him, and it was he who fell in the end.

How familiar this feeling is.

The first thing he thought of was Dongfang Haoyue, this incomprehensible boss.

"Dongfang Haoyue? Dongfang Chacha?"

Shi Ming was startled when he thought of this.

Then he looked at Dongfang Chacha with some horror.

They can't be relatives, can they?

Seeing Shi Ming look over, Dongfang Chacha was a little at a loss:

"No, not me."

She was a little worried that this person came to touch porcelain.

Xiangyu often said that people outside have a lot of bad intentions, and what Xiangyu said was right.

Xiangyu was also surprised, the other party was at the fourth level of cultivation, she could tell that.

But how could a Tier 4 fall down inexplicably?

For the sake of safety, she silently came to Chacha's side to prevent accidents from happening.

Shi Ming stood up at this time, and he tried to ask:

"Does Fairy Dongfang know someone who is particularly powerful?"

Dongfang Chacha was a little puzzled when she heard this question, but she still felt that she had to answer other people's questions when she was away from home.

If it's not an important question.

After thinking about it, Chacha finally thought of a very powerful person.


Cousin is super powerful. (Elders are not considered powerful.)

"Yes." Dongfang Chacha nodded.

Because her cousin didn't let her tell others, she didn't dare to say who it was.

After hearing Dongfang Chacha's confirmation, Shi Ming asked again:

"Is he a relative of Fairy?"

"That's right, that's good for me." Dongfang Chacha nodded.

The cousin is very kind to her.

Shi Ming really looked like this, Dongfang Haoyue belonged to the Dongfang Chacha family.

No wonder he was the unlucky one.

Especially Dongfang Fairy also said that Dongfang Haoyue was very kind to him.

"That Oriental Fairy, can you stay away from me?" Shi Ming said.

In this regard, Oriental Tea has no opinion.

The little girl with colorful hair felt that this Oriental Chacha was so useless, she could do whatever others said, but fortunately she gave this human being a book on the path to becoming a god.

This is one of her future seven main gods.

Well, when I go back, I want this useless human to truly experience my divine power, and then guide her well.

Tell her that it is actually very interesting to be under the river, there are many toys in it.

There are also many fish.

God's Domain is not as unbearable as this human being thinks.

And as Dongfang Chacha kept going up, the little girl with colorful hair became more and more confused.

She stared at the stone steps below, always feeling that there was something below.

"There seems to be something strange, go down and have a look, don't cause trouble." Thinking like this, the little girl with colorful hair disappeared under the stone steps.

If you dare not cause trouble, you will be thrown back if you cause trouble.

Some people can hold small hands while watching, but no one just grabs and throws it away.


They all love to lose me and are not qualified to be one of my main gods.


When Lu Shui woke up, the genius was slightly bright.

He has no habit of waiting for the sun to come out before getting up.

Unless Mu Xue is around, they can still find something to do, but most of them will still get up.

In the previous life, I would get up early to read books and try to practice.

Later, after he understood the pattern of heaven and earth, he never practiced again.

only read books.

When I get up now, I naturally still read books, instead of looking at the pattern of heaven and earth, I read books about physical arts.

But just pretending to read this kind of book, in fact, I still outline the pattern of heaven and earth in my mind.

Because it is a temporary residence, there is no yard on his side, so he can only sit under a tree not far away.

There is a table and chairs here.

When Lu Shui sat down to read a book, Zhenwu brought a plate of fruit and put it on the table.

This should be the work of the maid, but Lu Shui is not in the Lu family, so this matter has to be done by Zhenwu Zhenling.

It's not that the Mu family doesn't have a maid, but Zhenwu Zhenling thinks it's safer to check in personally.

Lu Shui didn't pay attention to these, he looked at the book in his hand.

after a long time.


The book in his hand turned to the last page.

At this time, Lu Shui realized that he had finished reading the book.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the sun had naturally risen.

The weather wasn't too good.

Then Lu Shui looked at the fruit on the table, and he found that it was still blueberry.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

He picked the biggest one by hand, intending to try whether it was sweet or not.

Just when he put it on his lips, he thought of Mu Xue.

Then he looked at the time, it was getting late, Mu Xue should have woken up.

Thinking of landing like this, Lu Shui got up and went towards Mu Xue.

He still had the biggest and best blueberry in his hand.

Mu Xue naturally also woke up.

Because Lu Shui was injured, she couldn't beat Lu Shui these two days.

But yesterday she felt it specially, it's not serious.

Wait until you are done.

Mu Xue looked outside the door and found that Ding Liang was not there.

No one was there, so Mu Xue was a little eager to try.

Today she is wearing clothes and pants, boots and socks.

Although you can't play land and water for two days, it will be a matter of time, and you can practice now.

Mu Xue jumped lightly, then punched with her left hand, and the wind howled.

"Left punch."

Then the left hand was retracted, and the right hand punched, and the sound of breaking through the air followed.

"Right punch."

At this time, Lu Shui walked to Mu Xue's residence. He looked around and found that Mu Xue was not outside, nor did he see Mu Xue's maid.

But the door was open, he planned to see if Mu Xue was inside.

Just when he walked to the door, he saw Mu Xue punching.

It's all broken, is this the fist of an ordinary person?

"Left punch, right punch."

"And then come back with an uppercut."

Saying that, Mu Xue turned around to throw an uppercut.

Just when she turned around, she saw Lu Shui.

The four eyes are facing each other.

The air instantly became quiet.

Mu Xue put down her hand slowly, her face turned red a little bit.

Very red.

She walked to the door dully, then closed the door gently, without looking at Lu Shui at all.

Yes, Lu Shui is not there.

After closing the door, she swished into bed.

"It's over, it's over, I don't have the face to see anyone."

"I'm dreaming. I must have been dreaming just now. I'm still sleeping and I haven't woken up."

"It must be sleepwalking when I wake up, yes, the nightmare of being caught by the demon cultivator, it was all fake just now."

"Lu Shui must understand that everything just now has nothing to do with me."

Then Mu Xue hid under the blanket and refused to come out.

As for Lu Shui coming to her door without even knocking, Mu Xue naturally didn't care.

Even if the door is closed, Lu Shui can open it.

She is used to it.

Lu Shui was standing at the door at this time, but his back was already wet with sweat.

For a moment, he thought that Mu Xue would rush over to kill and silence her.

If this fights with Mu Xue, how can he win?

so far so good.

"But Mu Xue's appearance was really cute just now, it's a pity that I didn't use magic to take pictures."

Afterwards, Lu Shui didn't think much about it anymore. Anyway, in his eyes, Mu Xue was all kinds of good-looking.

Cute, sexy, stunning.

Not greasy.

Even the powder kegs are interesting.


Lu Shui knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened.

The one who opened the door was naturally Mu Xue, but at this time, Mu Xue had already changed her clothes, she was wearing clothes and pants before, but now she changed into a fairy skirt.

If there was a knee skirt, maybe she would use her legs to attract Lu Shui's attention.

If you have a low-cut skirt, you will probably use it too.

Too bad she has nothing.

But as long as she is not embarrassed, then Lu Shui is the one who is embarrassed.

At this moment, Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and said nothing.

Looking at Mu Xue, Lu Shui always felt that Mu Xue was saying: Look, that person just now is not me, the clothes are different, and I'm still so calm, shouldn't you be embarrassed?

Then Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue in the same way, and Mu Xue became a little anxious.

"Stinky Lu Shui, why aren't you embarrassed?"

Seeing Mu Xue like this, Lu Shui wanted to laugh.

However, he did not continue to remain silent, but handed out the blueberry in his hand and said:

"Miss Mu, would you like to try it?"

I didn't know what excuse to use, but I didn't expect Mu Xue to send it.

This appears to be changing the subject.

It's not because I like Mu Xue that I specially sent the blueberries I want to eat.

Not to mention picking up blueberries and suddenly missing Mu Xue.

Mu Xue looked at the blueberry in Lu Shui's hand, and then reached out to take the blueberry, which was a relatively large blueberry.

Without thinking too much, Mu Xue put the blueberry into her mouth.

She bites lightly.

"Is it sweet?" Lu Shui asked.

"Hmm~" Mu Xue seemed to be thinking.

After a while, Mu Xue opened his mouth and said:


It's not that the mouth is sweet, but the heart is sweet.

Lu Shui must have thought of her after eating blueberries.

But this blueberry is not as sweet as before, but it is still sweet to her.

This was sent by Lu Shui early in the morning.

She forgot about the embarrassing thing just now.

After all, it is a dream, who remembers the dream clearly.

Lu Shui didn't care, but stepped aside so that Mu Xue could come out.

After all, they were not married yet, and they just entered Mu Xue's room like this, looking a bit uncomfortable.

Lonely and widowed.

Cultivators tend to stick to the rules.

To put it bluntly, some ideas are more conservative.

But just keep a small part, free love or something, there is no problem at all.

Seeing Lu Shui get out of the way, Mu Xue walked out.

"When will Young Master Lu decide to go to Qiujing Palace?" Mu Xue asked.

Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"This afternoon, it should be there tomorrow.

Miss Mu, is it convenient? "

"It's convenient, but I need to talk to Aunt Tang and Father." Mu Xue said softly.

Now she has completely returned to normal, her eyes are calm and her tone is calm and calm.

"I'll go with Miss Mu." Lu Shui naturally needed to say something when he left Mu's house.

This is basic courtesy.

No matter how bad his relationship with the Mu family is, he still has to talk about it.

It's not just him who is ashamed.

As the young master of the Lu family, he does not lose this kind of person.

Then Lu Shui and Mu Xue came to the residence of Mu Ze and Aunt Tang.

Everyone is a temporary residence, so the houses are not much worse, and none of them have a yard.

Fortunately, no one feels that they are not used to it. After all, everyone is practicing, as long as the necessary formations are complete, it will be fine.

As for how long to live, it should take a long time.

The construction of the Mu family would take at least two or three months.

It may take four to five months to fully recover.

It's impossible to grow any longer, because Mu Xue will get married in six months.

The Lu family does not allow the Mu family to cause problems in Mu Xue's marriage due to incomplete construction.

"Are you going to leave in the afternoon?" Aunt Tang looked at Lu Shui and Mu Xue and asked.

Yalin was still rubbing her eyes at this time, she slept late last night, so she was still sleepy.

But her mother wouldn't let her sleep in.

I can only get up.

As for Mu Ze, he was already busy. The Mu family was destroyed. As one of the three principals of the Mu family, he had no free time at all.

"Well, if Aunt Tang thinks it's inconvenient to leave now, it's okay to be later." Mu Xue said softly.

Mu Xue left now, and it was inevitable that people would feel like the water was thrown by a married daughter.

Especially if you are not married yet, it is tantamount to throwing it out.

Mu Xue didn't care about these things, but if Aunt Tang cared, she would naturally stay again.

Aunt Tang treated her a lot better in this life.

Of course, even if you treat her badly and say that it is not suitable for her to leave now, she will stay for a while.

Lu Shui could understand her.

Lu Shui naturally understood that Mu Xue hadn't married him yet, and the Mu family was still Mu Xue's family, so it would be shameful not to listen to what the family said.

Unless these people deliberately bullied Mu Xue, it was impossible for Lu Shui to act recklessly.

For example, when he divorced last time, he had enough reasons to question, and he also had enough strength to make the Mu family correct the mistakes they made.

Dare to bully Mu Xue, it is equal to bullying the Lu family.

This is the privilege given to Mu Xue by the Lu family.

The prospective daughter-in-law is also the daughter-in-law.

A fiancee is also a wife.

The Lu family can't even maintain this, so what's the matter?

"No, the environment in Mu's family is not good right now, and I plan to send Yalin and Yayue to their grandfather.

It's just that Ya Yue suddenly stayed in the ancestral land, so the plan could only be postponed. "Aunt Tang said.

Tang Yi is a member of the Tang family, but a collateral line rather than a direct line.

It is a great blessing for their family to be able to marry Mu Ze.

After all, Mu Ze has real power in the Mu family.

And the cultivation base is still high.

The only downside is that Mu Ze has a daughter.

But that wasn't a problem for her at all.

So Tang Yi got married.

For her, these years have been very good, and she is very satisfied.

For the sake of her two daughters, she is also a little cautious, she does not deny it.

But when she woke up, it was all because of Mu Xue's actions. With Mu Xue, she always felt that her carefulness was so ridiculous and stupid.

Then she burned her dirty little machine.

"Are you going directly to Lu's house?" Aunt Tang asked again.

"I plan to go to Qiujing Palace first." Mu Xue replied.

"Autumn View Palace? Is Young Master Lu going too?" Aunt Tang turned her head and asked Lu Shui.

Lu Shui naturally nodded:

"Yes, don't worry, Aunt Tang, there will be no problem.

Mu Xue will be well protected. "

Aunt Tang naturally believed this kind of thing.

Lu Shui's entourage is not weak at all, she always feels that those two are very strong, maybe both of them can hit the fifth level.

This is very rare in the cultivation world.

Those who are strong at the fifth level will be valued everywhere.

There are not many fifth-level Mu family, and she herself has no fifth-level.

"Sister is leaving again?" Ya Lin understood at this moment, she looked reluctant.

My sister just came back.

Mu Xue touched Yalin's head, and said with a slight smile:

"Then sister stayed here to teach Yalin how to write?"

"I'm waiting for my sister to come back at home." Yalin suddenly became sober.


Seeing Yalin like this, Mu Xue couldn't help laughing.

Aunt Tang was also quite helpless, her little daughter was good at everything, but she didn't like reading.

Then Mu Xue said to Aunt Tang:

"Where is father? I, go and talk to him."

Aunt Tang shook her head:

"Before he went out he said you don't need to tell him, but it's okay, that's how he is.

no problem. "

Mu Xue nodded and said nothing.

Lu Shui naturally didn't care.


Mu Ze is walking in the ancestral land at this time. Although the day of worship has passed, there are still six people on it. These six people have a certain chance to gain enlightenment from the Origin Stone. This enlightenment can be various exercises, It can also be various techniques.

Mu Ze didn't know what was going on before, but after hearing what Lu Shui said, he had some guesses.

The ancestor worship is done every five years, probably because the origin stone can only communicate with the outside world every five years.

And those who appear to shine have certain qualifications and communication conditions.

But the real conditions may be too harsh, so no one has heard the sound inside the Origin Stone.

In the end, they just obtained unimportant skills or spells in the endless ocean.

"What is the purpose of establishing communication with the Origin Stone?"

"Is it because the ancestors were trapped, or do you want to tell future generations?"

Mu Ze had no way of knowing.

Of course, he did not rule out that the voice was malicious.

He needs to be on his guard.

"I can tell the truth when Lu Shui is exposed."

"According to Lu Shui, it seems that you can do it after marriage. What does that mean?"

Mu Ze also didn't understand Lu Shui's actions.

At this time, some words appeared on one of the six people.

is a young man.

It seems to have realized something.

Soon another text appeared beside him, this time the text was a little different, as if it was engraved on a person's arm.

Mu Ze immediately looked at that person, and he couldn't help being taken aback by this look.

It was actually his daughter Yayue.

At this time, Yayue's face was very pale, as if she was in pain.

Mu Ze could sense that these words wanted to be engraved on Ya Yue's arm.

So Yayue is the most suitable communication partner among these people?

Or it could be said that people from the Mu family are the most suitable communication partners?

Mu Ze was a little concerned, he kept staring at Ya Yue, if there was any danger, he would immediately interrupt Ya Yue's comprehension.

At this time, those words seemed to be struggling all the time, but they couldn't be engraved.

But Yayue's performance became more and more painful, and even her breath began to become chaotic.

Mu Ze planned to intervene, but just when he was about to do it, the words gave up engraving, and finally these words turned into a mark, which landed lightly on the back of Yayue's hand, and finally disappeared.

At this moment, Yayue's face was no longer in pain, as if she was comprehending something.

Mu Ze frowned, he never thought that the imprint would not cause other problems.

But now he doesn't understand anything, he can only take one step at a time.

He memorized the appearance of the imprint, and he will try to investigate the origin of the imprint later.

Mu Ze sighed inwardly.

Nineteen years of nightmares linger, and now there are new troubles.

I just hope it won't be too troublesome, otherwise he might have to ask Lu Shui for help.

Lu Shui might have a solution.

But unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to have any contact with Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

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