The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 219: Extinguishing Sword

Lu Shui followed the wind of autumn leaves all the way to the big square of Qiujing Palace.

This is where Dabi is.

"I'll arrange a seat for Young Master Lu, so that Young Master Lu can watch it conveniently." Qiu Yefeng said.

As a person who has already stepped into the seventh level, it's not because Lu Shui is strong that he is so polite to Lu Shui.

But the Lu family is too strong.

He knew that the sun god came to Lu's house in person.

He also knew that the Sun God had really gone to the Lu family. Although he didn't know the details, the Lu family was not affected in any way, and he knew it.

Where is the Temple of the Sun?

It was a place where Qiujing Palace could be crushed casually.

And the Lu family is fearless, even the Sun Temple can't do anything to the Lu family.

It doesn't take much to think about it, the Lu family cannot be provoked by their people from Qiujing Palace.

Especially Lu Shui is still the only child of the Lu family.

Dongfang Patriarch is really immoral, unexpectedly he only told him at this time.

If he had known earlier, would he have asked the young master of the Lu family to wait below?

He was so scared that he went directly to the door to pick him up.

Afraid of any unnecessary friction.

That might be the end of it.

"Senior, do you know where Dongfang Chacha is?" Lu Shui asked.

He was originally here to watch Dongfang's scum get beaten up.

At this time, Mu Xue also opened his mouth and said:

"I heard from her that she is helping Fairy Qianyin in the challenge."

Hearing what Lu Shui said to Mu Xue, Qiu Yefeng was taken aback.

Qianyin's challenge?

Of course he knew this, but Dongfang Chacha was involved?

And ushered in the attention of the young master of the Lu family?

This, this matter was not simple in the first place, but now it is directly more complicated.

Damn it, they shouldn't have listened to Elder Jin in the first place. If it got serious, it would be their Qiujing Palace who would suffer.

"Is it Dongfang Yeming's daughter? I didn't expect that little girl to be interested in helping others in the competition, but the old man has heard about Qianyin's challenge, and the location should be not far away.

follow me. "Qiu Yefeng said with a smile.

He had many ideas, but none dared to mention them.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, but followed the other party to the Dongfang Zha Zha competition venue.

He didn't know what the leader thought, and he didn't intend to know.

The same is true for Mu Xue.

Neither of them intend to make trouble, after all, they both need to keep a low profile.

The main concern is that Dongfang Chacha will cause trouble.

Soon they arrived at the venue, there were quite a few people here, and the personnel hadn't played yet, so they probably hadn't started yet.

"It's fine for senior to bring you here. If you want to come, senior has something to do." Knowing the area, Lu Shui didn't intend to let the dignified head lead the way.

Mainly it's attention-grabbing.

"Then Young Master Lu, please bring this token, so that Young Master Lu will not be blocked wherever he wants to go." As he spoke, Qiu Yefeng gave Lu Shui a token.

It is a wooden token with water flowing inside it, which looks very extraordinary.

This is a token that can only be possessed by chief disciples.

In Qiujing Palace, it has the vast majority of authority.

Lu Shui didn't refuse, he didn't want to call his uncle again.

How old is he, and he always needs to call to solve it when he goes to a place, which is too embarrassing for him, Young Master Lu.

After that, Qiu Yefeng said goodbye to Lu Shui and others.

And Lu Shui naturally took Mu Xue to watch the Dongfang Zhaza game.

"Ms. Mu, do you think Dongfang scumbag has a good chance of winning?" Lu Shui asked as he walked.

Mu Xue shook her head:

"I still don't know who Chacha's opponent is, so it's hard to say how big the chance of winning is.

If they are at the same level, Chacha still has a great chance of winning. "

Dongfang Chacha is very talented, her fortune is ridiculously thick, and she is basically invincible at the same level.

However, she has a fatal weakness.

The combat talent is weak to scum.

Therefore, the odds of winning at the same level have changed from 100% to very large.

Both Lu Shui and Mu Xue understand this kind of thing, after all, they are scumbags and cannot be too demanding.

Soon Lu Shui and Mu Xue found a pretty good spot, but because they arrived late, they couldn't get the best spot.

It's okay to use a token to snatch it, but for Lu Shui, it's not necessary at all.

It's better to find a suitable place with Mu Xue, and watch it together comfortably.

It was quiet and no one was watching.

Soon Lu Shui and the others saw Dongfang Chacha, she was with a woman, and a rather mournful man stood not far from them.

Shi Ming.

Lu Shui recognized Shi Ming immediately, so the one next to Dongfang Zhazha was his senior sister Qianyin?

"It seems that the injury has not recovered much, but in fact it has almost recovered. Is she pretending to be sick?" Lu Shui immediately guessed.

This kind of trivial matter, he can naturally see it.

But how to tell that the three of them are in the same group?

Of course it was because there were only three people there.

Besides his senior sister Qianyin, who else could be in Shi Ming's place?

However, Lu Shui noticed something unusual.

There was a special power in that Qianyin.

"This power can protect her from Shi Ming's influence, presumably Mu Xue gave her help."

At this time, Mu Xue was also a little surprised that Qianyin's injury had almost recovered.

Qianyin's injury was not a superficial injury, and one could tell the extent of the opponent's injury by looking at her strength aura.

Of course, she could tell what Qianyin chose in the end.

Therefore, Qianyin's injury should have another chance.

"Is she pretending to be sick? For her junior brother?"

Naturally, Shi Ming Muxue also saw that he did have a special physique.

As for whether these two people are suitable, how would she know?

After all, from the very beginning, no one thought she was suitable for Lu Shui.

At this time a young fairy came to the high platform.

This fairy doesn't look big, but she has a third-level cultivation base, and she has an arrogant look on her face.

"Qiujing Palace disciple Shiyi, come to ask Senior Sister Qianyin for advice, I hope Senior Sister can abide by the rules." Shiyi respectfully said to Qianyin.

The rule is two wins out of three, one for the third rank and two for the fourth rank.

Now that she is playing at the third level, Qianyin can only play at the third level.

Can't go up to the fourth step.

"What does Young Master Lu think of this fairy?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

"It's average in length." Lu Shui replied.

""I'm asking you if she looks good?

But she took a look and found that Fairy Shiyi was quite pretty.

Much more interesting than chacha.

But still not as good as hers.

Then Mu Xue froze for a moment, and was almost turned by Lu Shui.

"I'm asking Young Master Lu, how is her cultivation?" Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and said calmly.

After a pause, Mu Xue added another sentence:

"Sometimes young master Lu thinks that women who are not good-looking may be very scheming. I hope young master Lu will pay more attention when he goes out in the future."

After hearing what Mu Xue said, Lu Shui turned to look at Mu Xue.

Mu Xue felt that Lu Shui was going to use her as an example again.

However, Lu Shui just nodded calmly:


Mu Xue: ""

Lu Shui originally wanted to use Mu Xue as an example, but he felt that Mu Xue had already guessed it, so it would be boring to talk about it.

It's better to do the opposite, so that she can't guess the ending.

Destroy you.

Mu Xue was actually quite happy.

At this time, Lu Shui asked the true spirit behind:

"How is this person cultivated?"

Look at women, let the real spirit come naturally.

It is said that men understand men best, and women naturally understand women best.

Hearing Lu Shui's question, Zhenling immediately said:

"The cultivation base of 3.1 is about the same as that of Miss Chacha.

However, judging from the other party's expression and the support of the onlookers, the other party's identity should be unusual, so there is a high probability that there are many treasures on him.

But the arrogance is not restrained, and the mind is generally immature, but I just don't know whether the practice is hard.

That's all I can see for now. "True Spirit said.

In fact, there is also a possibility, that is, deliberately pretending to be immature.

Just like their young master, but the probability is too low.

So didn't say it.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue nodded.

But in the end it's hard to say who will win.

It's half a catty.

At this moment, Lu Shui and Mu Xue saw Dongfang Chacha stepping onto the stage.

Dongfang Chacha looked at the person on the stage, but she was actually a little nervous.

Although she has become more swollen recently, she still prefers to fight with second-tier people.

She is not very familiar with the third order.

But she has a secret weapon, and she can admit defeat if she can't.

That's what Fairy Qianyin told her.

Seeing Dongfang Chacha coming up, Shiyi frowned, the other party was only 2.3, which didn't comply with the rules.

"Little fairy, are you the one to fight?" Shiyi looked at Dongfang Chacha and asked.

Dongfang Chacha nodded, and said quite imposingly:

"That's right, your opponent is me."

If you lose, you don't lose.


"But my opponent must be at the third level." Shiyi said.

In fact, it didn't say that it couldn't be Tier 2, but no one would use Tier 2 to fight Tier 3, right?

"Oh, wait a minute." At this time, Dongfang Chacha came to her senses, and then untied the hidden cultivation base on her body.

The next moment, Dongfang Chacha's cultivation increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.




Finally broke through the third level, reaching the point of 3.1.

Shi Yi frowned as she watched, she could feel that the other party was not very old, definitely much younger than her.

But his cultivation was no worse than hers.

Tier 3 at such a young age?

How come she has never heard of a genius like Zongmen?

The others below are also confused.

"Who is this person? Does our sect have such a genius?"

"That's right, Junior Sister Shiyi can be said to be the strongest rookie, how can there be someone younger than Junior Sister Shiyi?"

"You're going to die, right? So, Junior Sister Shiyi."

"No, the question now is, who is this Tier 3? She has shown a cultivation level of 3.1. Could it be that she just needs 3.1 instead of just being 3.1?"

Many people were shocked when they heard what this person said.

That's right, at first they didn't see that this person was hiding his cultivation.

Moreover, the cultivation base is gradually improved, and it stops when it reaches 3.1, which has to be associated with people.

Lu Shui bet that Dongfang Zhazha was not that smart, which would be misunderstood, but it is possible for others to ask her to do so.

"It seems that Chacha won the momentum before fighting." Mu Xue said with a smile.

She doesn't care about this kind of petty trouble, it's basically just for fun.

Lu Shui just watched, but he couldn't tell for sure.

If he only looked at strength, he would naturally be able to tell at a glance who had a greater chance of winning.

And some seniors who are paying attention here are also frowning, when did their sect have such a genius?

"Who is she?" an elder asked the people around him.

But the answer I got was I don't know.

"This person has never been seen before, and he is so talented, there is no reason why we don't know him." Someone said.

Some sect seniors frowned, so it is very likely that the other party is an outsider?

So do you want to stop it?

"It's from the Dongfang family, don't worry about it." Qiu Yefeng, the head of Qiujing Palace, came over.

Then he sat in the middle position.

"Master? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be watching the sect competition?" Elder Jin asked curiously.

The challenge here is actually very ordinary, and the leader shouldn't pay attention to it.

The headman took a look at Elder Jin. Elder Jin's sixth-level cultivation base is not young, but he is only middle-aged.

He looks very handsome.

The elders of other sects also looked at the head, and the head said that the person belonged to the Dongfang family.

When did the Dongfang family have such a gifted person?

The headmaster didn't answer Elder Jin's words, but looked at the Oriental Tea Ceremony:

"To be honest, I didn't know that this little girl actually had a third-order strength.

Dongfang Yeming is well hidden. If I remember correctly, Dongfang Chacha is only eighteen years old this year. "

"Impossible." Hearing this sentence, the elder Jin directly refuted.

Impossible, eighteen years old and third grade, this kind of thing has never happened before.

Looking at the entire cultivation world, he has never heard of anyone who can reach the third level at the age of eighteen.

Jian Yifeng's strongest generation, Jianqi, was far more than eighteen years old when he was in the third stage. Daozong Kongming Xinyu Nirvana was around eighteen years old, and he was only 2.5 at this time, and there was still a long way to go before the third stage.

How could this Oriental Chacha be able to rank three at the age of eighteen?

Elder Jin didn't want to accept it, and should this kind of talent really be kept?

"I advise you not to think too much.

The Dongfang family is not easy to mess with, of course, the most important thing is "Looking at Elder Jin and the others, the headmaster calmly said:

"Dongfang Chacha's aunt is the wife of the head of the Lu family."

Hearing this sentence, Elder Jin was taken aback.

Lu family?

Offending the Lu family and offending the Dongfang family are completely different concepts.

Offending the Dongfang family, they may have a big battle, and the end may be miserable, but they can still struggle.

But offending the Lu family will usher in direct destruction without any possibility of struggle.

Qiu Yefeng looked at these people and said nothing, he was just worried that these people had other ideas.

After all, Dongfang Chacha is too talented.

Stronger than he expected.

At first, he was just a little worried that these people would do some tricks. When he saw Dongfang Chacha's cultivation, he had to suppress Elder Jin.

If you don't suppress it, the other party will definitely investigate Dongfang Chacha when they learn the other party's name, and they will definitely know that the other party is only eighteen years old.

In case the brain gets hot, something will happen.

Qiujing Palace is gone.

"Remember, no matter what the result is, don't use petty tricks.

I have reminded you that if you do not do so, you will do so at your own peril. "Qiu Yefeng said again.

Elder Jin has something to say.

But before he could speak, the headmaster spoke again:

"The Lu family is watching the battle."

Hearing this sentence, Elder Jin didn't dare to say anything else, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

The Lu family, he never thought that the Lu family would be involved in such a trivial matter.

He had prepared so much, but in the end he never thought that a Lu family would suddenly appear.

Then he set his sights on Shi Ming.

"Even counting him, will it be bad luck?"

This bad luck seems to be nothing, but it does have a certain chance of bringing destruction to Qiujing Palace.

Simply appalling.

For the first time, Elder Jin regretted that he had karma with Shi Ming.

"My name is Dongfang Chacha, and I'm not from your sect, but I'm also qualified for the Grand Competition." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

"Dongfang Chacha?" Shiyi frowned, then looked in the direction of the elders of the sect.

Many people also looked over, as if waiting for an answer.

"Dongfang Chacha is qualified to participate in any competition." Elder Jin said while looking at the sect disciples.

Now he must be fair and just.

After getting the confirmation, Dongfang Chacha immediately said:

"I didn't lie, did I?"

Shiyi frowned and looked at Dongfang Chacha, and said:

"In that case, Fairy Dongfang be careful."

After confirming the start, Shiyi set off directly to attack Dongfang Chacha.

She was very fast, and planned to approach Dongfang Chacha for close combat.

Within a few breaths, Shiyi came behind Dongfang Chacha, before the sword arrived.

Dongfang Chacha immediately rolled around on the ground and successfully dodged Shiyi's attack.

This is what she realized and used to avoid the sneak attack of Dongfang brother.

Oh, it's cousin Lu Shui.

She always remembered that Lu Shui's cousin attacked her secretly, causing her to be beaten so helplessly.

I didn't expect to use her big move so quickly.

Seeing Dongfang Chacha rolling down on the ground, many people were subconsciously stunned.

Even Shi Yi couldn't understand it.

But she had to concentrate.

Because Dongfang Chacha started to fight back, and it was very fast.

It's a fist.

At this time, Shiyi saw that Dongfang Chacha's fist was approaching her eyes.

As a last resort, Shiyi could only retreat.

However, Dongfang Chacha's fists carried a strong fist style.


This punch collided with Shiyi's sword.

Shiyi was forced to retreat some distance, but the fist wind had already been cut off by her.

It's just that when she just stood firm, a sword fell directly from her head.

Shiyi was shocked, and instantly mobilized her third-level power, and a golden light appeared from her body.

This golden light condensed into a golden figure with lightning speed, and as soon as this figure came out, it faced Dongfang Chacha's sword directly.

boom! ! !

The huge power spread instantly, and Dongfang Chacha flew upside down.

The golden figure didn't retreat in the slightest.

However, there was no pursuit of victory.

"Ah, ah, ah." Dongfang Chacha fell to the ground and rolled three times before stopping.

But Dongfang Chacha jumped up quickly, and looked in Shiyi's direction with a vigilant face.

In combat, any hesitation could be fatal.

This is what Xiangyu taught her, and she must keep her eyes on the enemy.

In this way, if the opponent wants to sneak attack, he should also consider it.

It will be much safer.

Seeing Dongfang Chacha flying out, Xiangtao was startled and almost rushed up, but luckily it was fine.

Actually, Qian Yin and Shi Ming were even more afraid.

I was afraid that something might happen to Dongfang Chacha.

They found that it was okay not to have a place to stay, they were just worried that something might happen to Dongfang Chacha.

At that time, some terrible existences were angered.

"The Golden Body of the Faxiang? It should be a simplified version that has been modified. I don't know what it's called." Lu Shui looked at that Shiyi and said.

"It seems to be called, Tongzhi Daoying, you can only practice supernatural spells at the third level. This fairy is quite powerful, and this spell is not easy to practice." Mu Xue said.

They are all cultivators, so it is normal to know these things.

Those who don't involve cultivation, they are not worried about what the other party will be seen.

As for the knowledge of Daoying, this has something to do with supernatural powers, which means that not everyone can practice it.

Some people are destined to be unsuitable for cultivation.

Can't talk about good or bad.

After all, knowing Daoying is just a transition.

What is really powerful is the golden body of Dharma Xiang.

"Dongfang's slag is not bad, and he can actually beat the opponent with a set of tricks." Lu Shui said objectively.

Especially when he rolled, how did he feel that Dongfang Zhaza was very proud.

"Well, Chacha's fighting talent is not strong, but Fairy Shiyi is also very average." Mu Xue said.

Of course, in general, Oriental tea has strong advantages.

"Miss Mu, how much do you think Dongfang scumbags will win?"

"What do you think, Young Master Lu?"

"Under normal circumstances, Dongfang Scumbag should lose."

"Then what if Chacha wins?"

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui with a faint smile.

When she looked at Lu Shui for a long time, she would smile a little.

It's too difficult to restrain, so I haven't restrained much recently.

Especially since she will get married at the beginning of next year, she will be even happier.

Although married more than two years earlier, but this is not a bad thing.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue, and could naturally sense Mu Xue's smile. With their current distance, Lu Shui could smell the faint fragrance of Mu Xue's body.

It was often smelled in the previous life.

I am very used to it.

"If Zha Zha wins, then I will give Miss Mu a gift.

What about Miss Mu? " Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and asked.

Mu Xue thought for a while and said:

"Master Lu can make a request to me."

For example, wearing shorter clothes for you to see, such as giving you a light kiss, such as letting you hug me.

These are all available.

Mu Xue felt that Lu Shui had no chance, and she was creating opportunities for Lu Shui.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said seriously:

"A request? For example, I want to buy a bus ticket during peak hours. Can Ms. Mu help me line up overnight to buy it?"

Mu Xue's smile froze instantly: ""

Kill it, what is the use of such a husband?

boom! ! !

The sudden explosion forced Lu Shui and Mu Xue to pay attention to Dongfang Chacha on the stage.

At this time, Shiyi is constantly attacking Dongfang Chacha.

Her speed is very fast, and her attack strength is very sharp, almost crushing Dongfang Chacha.

As they fought, their forces continued to collide, and their figures kept changing positions.

If it weren't for the formation guarding the arena, the power would have already spread to the surrounding area.

Dongfang Chacha stared at the opponent's attack, and she realized that she could only be beaten passively.

It's so miserable, I really want Xiangyu to help.

But she naturally knew that she could only carry it by herself.

Then Shi Yi's attack struck again.

What Dongfang Chacha can do is to keep defending. I don't know if he has become a lot stronger. Dongfang Chacha feels that he can block the opponent's attack.

boom! !

This time, Shiyi stepped up her attack and directly forced Dongfang Chacha back a little.

And Shiyi didn't attack again. At this time, she took out a bead, which was held by Tongzhi Daoying.

Immediately, the knowledgeable friends began to grow bigger.

And the sword in Shiyi's hand suddenly grew larger.

It was like a huge sword, and this sword was cutting towards Dongfang Chacha.

"This is my top magic weapon, Zhan Mie Zhu, it can strengthen my powerful attack.

Dongfang Chacha, you are doomed. "

At this moment, the sword intent shot out, and the terrifying giant sword fell towards Dongfang Chacha at an extremely fast speed.

"Slaying Sword."

The sword fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

boom! ! !

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