After Lu Shui sent the message, he put away the phone.

Mu Xue watched him post.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and smiled politely.

After notifying Zhenwu, he doesn't have to worry about anything, Zhenwu Zhenling will rush over soon.

Mu Xue stood behind Lu Shui. If Lu Shui wanted to protect her, she would naturally protect Lu Shui.

But now it's pretending to protect Lu Shui, and then take action if there is a problem.

From now on, Lu Shui will really protect her.

"Tell me, where is your money?" the man said to the little fat girl.

"Storage, in the storage bracelet." The little fat girl said lying on the ground.

Then the man snatched the little fat girl's bracelet.

He looked at the bracelet and said:

"Such an ordinary storage magic weapon, there are ninth-grade spirit stones?"

"Yes, yes." The little fat girl said.

At this time, the man brought up the little fat girl again, and then slapped the little fat girl to the ground again.

"Why, why do you still hit me?" The little fat girl cried.

The man hesitated and said:

"It feels better in the hand, quite addictive."


Then he tried to check the storage magic weapon.

Then he was stunned:

"Tsk tsk, there are really so many spirit stones. It's not unreasonable for you to be so fat."

"I didn't lie to you, did I? That's all my savings from selling my property." The little fat girl cried.

Overnight she had nothing.

The man kicked the little fat girl aside, then turned to look at Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

"What do you have?" the man asked.

Lu Shui thought for a while, what is his magic weapon for storage?

Broken Octagonal Formation, Seven-Scaled Dragon Chanting Sword, Immortal Sword, Blue Night Kingdom Hall of Valor, Red Crow Divine Bow, Invitation List, Defensive Jade with good defensive power, and some miscellaneous things that are basically useless but feel more convenient treasure.

It doesn't look like it's worth much.

"There are two second-grade spirit stones, plus some useless magic weapons." Lu Shui replied quite honestly.

Mu Xue didn't say a word in the back, the useless magic weapons that Lu Shuikou probably included included those with magic weapons.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't like to bring such a useless magic weapon with him.

What he brought was mostly useless magic weapons like the Seven-Scale Dragon Chanting Sword.

It is even rarer than those with spirits.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, the man looked blank:

"Dude, I feel like you're insulting me.

Two second-grade spirit stones?

What kind of girls are you dating without money? "

Lu Shui: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Mu Xue secretly looked at Lu Shui, um, she didn't have any expression.

"No mood swings? That's right, I delivered it to the door. He doesn't need to soak it, just eat it dry." Mu Xue felt wronged in her heart.

In the last life, Lu Shui obviously flattered her.

Well, it's okay to change in this life.

Lu Shui looked at each other and remained calm.

Mood fluctuates too much, if you don't get laughed at by Mu Xue now, you will get laughed at in the future.

hold on.

"I have followers, the spirit stone is with them, I can call them to send it." Lu Shui said.

"Do you think I don't understand the equipment of this era? Use your mobile phone to call, what if you are located by them?" The man took out the mobile phone in his magic weapon and said:

"Use my phone."

Lu Shui: "..."

How does this person's IQ do this job, and he is still alive and kicking after working for so long?

Then Lu Shui called Zhenwu and said very ordinary words.

"I was kidnapped, bring money to redeem me." After speaking, Lu Shui looked at the man and said:

"How much?"

Hearing this sentence, the man gave a guaranteed price, and he stretched out five fingers to express that he needed a fifth-grade spirit stone.

This is definitely a sky-high price for this person in front of him.

Lu Shui took a look and said:

"Five ninth-grade spirit stones."

Hearing Lu Shui's words, the man was stunned on the spot.

He wanted to explain.

Then I heard Lu Shui's voice again:

"By the way, two people, a total of ten ninth-grade spirit stones."

That man: "..."

What the fuck, how could such a rich person have no valuables on him?

Sure enough, he heard normal voices.

"No?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Then he looked at the man and said:

"They said that although they brought extra change this time, they only have nine ninth-grade spirit stones. Can you accommodate me?"

"..." The man didn't speak for a while.

small change!

small change! ! !

You will die if you don't brag?

"Yes, yes." Finally the man said.

He didn't believe that the other party was really so rich.

A ninth-grade spirit stone is enough for a person of his level to earn for many years.

After that, he was waiting for the other party to send the money.

Naturally, Lu Shui and Mu Xue were also waiting.

"I have a question." The little chubby girl on the side suddenly asked curiously:

"Why does the senior slap me when he says a word, and stop doing it when he talks to them?"

The man walked up to the little fat girl and raised his hand directly.


"Are you teaching me how to do things?"


The little chubby girl hid in a corner and wept.

Mu Xue felt that the other party was quite pitiful, but if this man dared to slap Lu Shui, she would wipe him out.

Not long after, Zhenwu Zhenling came to the entrance of the cave.

"Finally here?" The man heard the movement and looked over.

But when he just looked over, he froze.

Two, two fourth-order?

Why does a second order carry two fourth orders?

After Zhenwu Zhenling confirmed that Lu Shui and Mu Xue were safe and sound, he took out a magic treasure and said:

"The spirit stone you want."

"Hahaha." The man looked at Zhenwu and smiled, then came to Lu Shui and untied the rope himself:

"I'm joking with you, just kidding."

Saying that, the man obediently stepped aside.

He could feel that the other party was very strong. If he dared to do anything threatening, he might be instantly killed by these two people in the first moment.

The opponent must have second his strength.

This time it fell.

Zhenwu Zhenling immediately came to Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

"Here are five ninth-grade spirit stones, which should be regarded as an apology.

Or, forget it? "The man threw the storage bracelet to Lu Shui and said cautiously.

Zhenwu caught the magic weapon of storage with his hands, and after confirming that there was no problem, he handed the magic weapon to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui took the magic weapon, threw it back to the man without even looking at it, and said:

"Put it away, we won't snatch your things."

Hearing what Lu Shui said, the man's face was very ugly. Of course, he was wearing a mask, so others couldn't see it.

Then the man squatted on the ground with his head in his hands and said:

"Can you not kill people? It's unlucky."

If you don't want the five Ninth Rank, then don't want it, either to kill people and steal money, or to look down on such a small amount of money.

But no matter what it was, it was a narrow escape for him.

If you go the wrong way, your life will be lost.

Lu Shui didn't care much about the other party, but some things should go through the process:

"Take him out and torture him."

There is no need for him to personally torture such a small person.

If you have that free time, why not go up with Mu Xue to see the Tianchi Lake.

Dongfang Chacha and the others also came in at this time, and upon hearing the torture, they immediately recommended themselves:

"I'll come, I'll come."

Mu Xue was a little puzzled, when would Chacha torture her again?

Of course, no one stopped it.

After all, the other party is an ordinary fourth-order, so he can't make any troubles.

After that, the fourth level was imprisoned, and then brought out of the cave to be tortured outside.

Dongfang Chacha and the others came with Zhenwu Zhenling, but in order not to delay the opportunity, they just waited outside.

After making sure it was all right, they ran in.

Naturally, Ding Liang immediately stood beside Mu Xue, fearing that her young lady would be in danger again.

After Dongfang Chacha and the others went out, Lu Shui and Mu Xue turned to look at the little fat girl.

The little chubby girl looked at Lu Shui and the others, supported her body with her hands, and moved back a few steps.

"I, I have no money." The little fat girl said.

"Are you really Bingshui Ji's maid?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

How could a maid be so rich?

Not to mention a maid, even the so-called Bingshui Ji couldn't carry so many spirit stones with her.

Not everyone is like Lu Shui.

In the entire comprehension world, there is hardly any young master or lady who can go out richer than Lu Shui.

The Lu family really has no restrictions on Lu Shui's change.

Who made the head of the Lu family trust his son?

Of course, from Lu Shui's point of view, the spirit stone is actually not very useful.

He basically doesn't buy anything, and he can't buy what he wants.

For example, some delicious fruits, or the hairpin on Mu Xue's head.

This is all about chance.

Therefore, Lingshi is not omnipotent.

As for the rest, sorry, he has no shortage.

"No, I don't even know who Bingshui Ji is." The chubby girl immediately shook her head and explained.

Then continued:

"My name is Lin Huanhuan. I just wanted to go to the mountain to meet my companions, and then go to Qiaoyunzong to seek medical treatment. Who knew that I was arrested by that person for no reason."

"Qiao Yunzong still sees a doctor?" Lu Shui was quite curious.

Qiao Yunzong specializes in making clothes.

Go to Lark Valley for medical treatment.

Lin Huanhuan nodded and didn't say much.

As for the disease, Lu Shui and Mu Xue could more or less guess it.

That's a matter of size.

People in the realm of comprehension usually don't get fat, but this little chubby girl is so fat, it's definitely not normal.

It's not because of talent, but because of some serious diseases.

"By the way, which company are you from? Do you need us to contact you?" Mu Xue asked kindly.

They're all women, so by the way, she doesn't mind.

Man, she has long ignored him.

The little fat girl lowered her head, hesitated and said:

"My home is in the Demon Cultivation Realm."

magic repair?

This made Mu Xue a little surprised, this little chubby girl is actually a magic cultivator.

What are you repairing?


But Mu Xue didn't ask any more questions, but said:

"Do you want to contact me?"

The little fat girl glanced at Mu Xue, and said:

"Daoxiu, don't you all look down on Moxiu?"

And as a demon cultivator, she was quite ashamed of the demon cultivator.

She can't beat others in fights, and she can't be vicious than others. It is said that the female devil is a coquettish, but she is a steamed bun.

She also wants to be coquettish.

Mu Xue looked at the little chubby girl, and then said:

"Actually, you are quite cute, with a blushing face."

"It was beaten." Lu Shui added on the side.

In an instant, the little fat girl closed herself.

Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, she felt that Lu Shui couldn't speak at all.

However, to them, magic cultivators are no different from Taoist cultivators.

It's just that the way of cultivation is different.

A Taoist cultivator is not necessarily a good person, and a demonic cultivator is not necessarily a bad person.

It's just a matter of probability.

After that, Lu Shui and Mu Xue didn't stay any longer. Since the other party didn't ask for help, they didn't need to pay too much attention.

It's time to go out and see how the torture of Dongfang Scum is going.

It's been so long.

Soon Mu Xue and Lu Shui walked out, but just after they went out, they felt a hot breath.

Lu Shui frowned, what is Dongfang Zha doing?

Set fire to snow mountain?

Mu Xue was also a little curious.

Then they found out that Dongfang Chacha set up the man and roasted him.

At this time, the man's mask had been taken off. He was a young man with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, forcing the other party to keep silent.

"Chacha, what are you doing?" Mu Xue asked.

"Baking question, it's baking." Dongfang Chacha said.

"Then what?" Lu Shui asked.

You don't let the other party talk, what's the use of baking?

Dongfang Chacha looked at it and felt that it was almost done, and then took away the sermon from the other party:

"Come on, we're all so familiar."

Lu Shui: ""

Mu Xue: ""

Listening to this sentence, why does it feel a little wrong.

The man looked desperate, he wanted to say it a long time ago, and he didn't give him a chance.

"My name is Ah Chou, I am a fourth-level cultivation base. I used to be a disciple of Tianya Peak. After the sect closed down, I became a casual cultivator. By chance, I joined a wealth sharing group.

In the group, there are often news about wealthy young masters and young ladies of the sect.

The original intention of sharing news is to get close to these people.

But there are always some people with crooked heads in the group who put forward a suggestion why not just rob.

Damn me, I'm a no-brainer too, and I rooted for him.

I've done it a few times, but it's not a big problem, this time I heard that Bingshui Ji came here alone, so "

Ah Chou didn't continue talking.

Lu Shui and the others already knew what happened next.

"Is there anything else I need to say? Just ask." Ah Chou added.

"Who is Bing Shui Ji?" Lu Shui asked.

"The ninth daughter of the Lord of the Ice Field and Snow Region in the Demon Cultivation Realm, Bingshui Ji is her dao name, and her real name is Lin Huanhuan." A Chou said immediately.

Hearing what A Chou said, Mu Xue and Lu Shui were a little surprised.

Isn't Lin Huanhuan the little chubby girl in it?

They were cheated?

Lu Shui turned his head to look at the cave, and then said:

"Zhenwu, go in and check."

Zhenwu was also inside just now, so he naturally understood why he went in to check.

When he heard Ah Chou's words, he felt a chill behind his back.

If the other party was really Bing Shui Ji, then she was deliberately deceiving them.

That danger has always existed, and no one knows what the other party will do.

Zhenwu maintained enough vigilance and started to go to the cave.

He didn't lower his vigilance because the opponent's cultivation was weak, but became more vigilant.

The young master is also a second-ranker, if you dare to underestimate him, he will be gone without a face-to-face meeting.

Although it is impossible for the other party to be as exaggerated as their young master, if they hide their cultivation, it will be very dangerous.

Surprise, usually has a good effect.

How many people killed themselves because they underestimated the enemy, the bloody lesson is that few people will keep it in mind.

Soon Zhenwu entered the cave, he took a comprehensive look around, and then came to where Lin Huanhuan was.

Just seeing it, Zhenwu frowned.

The place where Lin Huanhuan stayed before was long gone.

There are no other places in the cave either.

As for the outside of the cave, I have never seen her figure.

"Disappeared?" Zhenwu was a little surprised.

Then backed out.

There was silence in the cave. After a while, Zhenwu rushed into the cave, but he still didn't see anyone.

At this point, he decided to return to Lu Shui.

Outside, Lu Shui watched Zhenwu go in and come out, and then go in again.

Needless to say, Zhenwu also knows the general idea.

This time Zhenwu came out again, and the result submitted by Zhenwu was exactly the result of Lu Shui's guess.

Lin Huanhuan disappeared.

As for what method he used to leave, Zhenwu didn't know.

Lu Shui didn't plan to go in and check.

Mu Xue is here, he is not suitable to use the power of heaven and earth.

But one thing is certain, that Lin Huanhuan has no clear malice towards them.

If there is, it is impossible for him and Mu Xue not to notice it.

As for the cultivation base, it should be true.

The appearance is also true.

Lu Shui looked at Ah Chou and said:

"How did you determine that the other party is not Bing Shui Ji?"

A Chou looked at Lu Shui with a surprised face and said:

"The ninth daughter of the lord of the Ice Field and Snow Region, Demon Cultivator Bingshui Ji, just by this title, just by this title, one can tell that she is a beautiful woman of ice and snow.

It's impossible to look like a little fat girl, right?

That little chubby girl is just like a monster. "

Lu Shui nodded, it was really difficult to refute this sentence.

"So you don't know what Bingshui Ji looks like?" Mu Xue asked.

A Chou nodded.

Neither Lu Shui nor Mu Xue spoke.

This guy is really unprofessional.

"Shut up in the cave and let him fend for himself." Lu Shui said.

As for who Lin Huanhuan was lying to him, Lu Shui didn't care.

It doesn't matter if these two are lying, after all, it has nothing to do with him.

To waste a lot of time on this person, it is better to accompany Mu Xue to see the snow.

After locking Ah Chou into the cave, Zhenwu came to Lu Shui and said:

"Young master, the patriarch asked someone to call, saying that the young master and the young mistress should go to the Qiaoyun sect in the next few days.

Recently, Qiao Yunzong has a sea of ​​stars. "

Hearing Zhenwu's words, Lu Shui and Mu Xue were a little surprised.

So early?

"It seems that the Ten Temples of Netherland fought and affected the normal waters." Lu Shui had some guesses.

"Is there something wrong with the sea area? Is it related to that bad guy? Something abnormal happened at the end of the sea?" Mu Xue also had some guesses.

But these are not important.

The important thing is that you can see waves and starfish rushing so soon.

That was a real spectacle.

Lu Shui raised his hand to show that he knew.

Of course he will go, but now he can go up the mountain.

Then Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue, but when he looked at Mu Xue, he suddenly found that Mu Xue, who was an ordinary person, had been struggling for a long time.

Now the mountain is not a small burden for her.

Unless Mu Xue uses Hunyuan Qi.

But she doesn't seem to want to use it at all.

"It's getting dark, Miss Mu, do you want to rest for a night before going up the mountain?" Lu Shui asked.

Mu Xue nodded:


Mu Xue naturally listened to Lu Shui's words.

And she was about to go to Haixingyong with Lu Shui again, so she was naturally in a very good mood.

The spectacle is really beautiful, but without Lu Shui by his side, it will look boring.

After that, Lu Shui and the others returned to Winter Island Town.

It's not big here, but the environment is okay, and it has the beauty of winter in winter.

They found a yard, a yard covered by formations, and the vegetation grew in the yard, which was not affected by the heavy snow.

After entering, Lu Shui felt much warmer.

"Is Miss Mu still cold?" Lu Shui asked.

Mu Xue shook her head and said softly:


Seeing the tables and chairs in the yard, Lu Shui walked over, sat down by the way and said to Mu Xue:

"Miss Mu likes to grow flowers?"

Mu Xue came to the opposite side of Lu Shui, and sat there dignifiedly:

"Well, raised at home."

"Zhenwu." Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu in the distance and called out.

Zhenwu immediately understood and handed over the meat flower.

At this time, Chacha also sat down. It's not a date, so she can accompany her cousin.

"This is a flower I picked up in the Misty Islands. Ms. Mu, would you like to try growing it?" Lu Shui took the meat-eating flower from Zhenwu, and put the flower on the table.

At this time, Roushihua kept drooling at Mu Xue. (Lu Shui deliberately turned towards Mu Xue)

Mu Xue was a little surprised that Lu Shui brought back a carnivorous flower, which was not a flower, but a pet for her.

But this carnivorous flower is small, surprisingly small.

Nothing like normal carnivorous flowers.

"Why does it keep drooling?" Dongfang Chacha asked curiously.

In fact, Mu Xue also found it strange that the normal carnivorous flower should have bitten it directly, instead of staring at her hand and drooling.

Yes, Mu Xue's hand was on the meat lace at this time.

Doesn't bite?

"It's vegetarian." Lu Shui explained:

"This is a different carnivorous flower. Although it drools at meat, it doesn't eat meat."

"Chacha, give me a fruit." Mu Xue said.

Then Dongfang Chacha gave Mu Xue a fruit.

Mu Xue naturally put the fruit in her hand, and handed it to the meat flower.


As soon as he handed it over, the meat-eating flower directly took a bite of the fruit, and then ate the fruit while drooling at Mu Xue's hand.

Mu Xue smiled.

This is really an interesting flower.

"Do you really not eat meat?" Dongfang Chacha was curious.

Then put his hand away.

She pulled up her sleeves and brought her arms to the mouth of the meat-eating flower.

Carnivorous Flower looked at Dongfang Chacha's white arm, then opened her mouth and bit down.


Hearing this voice, Dongfang Chacha was startled when he saw the action of the meat-eating flower:

"Oh, it bit me, uh, it doesn't hurt."

Lu Shui was actually a little surprised that the carnivorous flower could bite people, but he was even more surprised when he found that it was just lightly biting the Oriental Chacha, as if it was not for eating.

Mu Xue was also a little surprised.

"When I met this flower, a master said that this flower has Buddha nature." Lu Shui thought for a while and said.

"Is it because of merit?" Mu Xue understood a little bit, Chacha has merit, and this merit seems to be able to attract this succulent flower.

Mu Xue took the meaty flower away from Dongfang Chacha's arm, and then the meaty flower kept staring at Dongfang Chacha and drooling.

"Then will it eat me when it grows up?" Dongfang Chacha felt that it was necessary to worry.

Why is my cousin's pet more dangerous than the other?

Neither Lu Shui nor Mu Xue answered this question, and it's hard to say what the meat-eating flower will become when it grows up.

"We'll talk about it when we grow up." Mu Xue continued:

"But it can't be raised as a normal flower. It should be regarded as a pet. Do you want to give it a name?"

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui looked at the fleshy flower, and had no idea of ​​naming it:

"What do you think is a good name, Ms. Mu?"

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